English Opinions

В Україні триває повномасштабна війна. Українська нація воює із Росією за своє право на існування та можливість мати власну державу. Ставки максимально високі і переможець буде тільки один – це власне Україна і український народ. […]

Demand Russia’s Unconditional Withdrawal from Ukraine
By Marcin Żmudzki We must demand Russia’s UNCONDITIONAL WITHDRAWAL from Ukraine. If someone stabbed you, would you demand only partial withdrawal of the knife from your body? No. If someone raped you, would you negotiate […]

Stand by Ukraine in Pivotal Moment in World History
By Dr. Marko Pinterić, University of Maribor During the Croatian war of independence, I was studying Physics in Zagreb. I even managed to pass Analytical Mathematics 2 in a bomb shelter, under a constant threat […]

Роман Сербин. Голодомор: геноцид українців
Першим вченим, який висунув концепцію геноциду для аналізу тoго явища, що ми тепер називаємо “Голодомором,” був Рафаель Лемкін. […]

Statement of the Ukrainian People’s council of Donetsk and Luhansk regions
Statements and official communications PO UPCDL Statement of the Ukrainian People’s council of Donetsk and Luhansk regions Aggression of Russia against Ukraine continuing fourth year. Minsk agreements do not work, shelling in the Eastern Ukraine […]

Syria is a show of western weakness
Every time the west decides not to push back against Russian aggression and provocation, Russia learns the lesson that aggression and brinkmanship do pay off. With economic sanctions over Ukraine and some muscular reassurance/deterrence efforts […]