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Архіви Форумів Майдану

Ще один вірус - тепер "політичного" змісту

09/25/2001 | Technar
Я знаю, це змова проти Майкрософту! Ще пару місяців таких вірусів і навіть моя сусідка віком 73 років перейде на лінукс. Це я жартую. А тепер інфо.

Security experts warn that an e-mail urging a vote against war actually contains a nasty new file-deleting virus.

Security experts on Monday warned of a new file-deleting virus masquerading as a program that allows people to vote on whether the United States should go to war.

The "Vote Virus" is spreading via e-mail to users of Microsoft's Outlook e-mail program, said Simon Perry, vice president of security solutions at Computer Associates International.

The virus appears with the subject line: "Peace between America and Islam!" and the body of the e-mail reads: "Hi. Is it a war against America or Islam!? Let's vote to live in peace!" Perry said.

When the attachment entitled "WTC.exe" is opened, the virus deletes all the files on the computer's hard drive and sends copies of the original e-mail message to every address listed in the computer's address book, he said.

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