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Independent judicial power is one of the main goals of the Sept

09/02/2002 | franko
jak zavzhdy, budu vdjachnyj za stylistychni pravky.


Independent judicial power - this is one of the main goals of the 16 september
mass protest.

Preterm Presidental elections, changes to the Constitution, removal the
discredited power leaders from ruling the country, forming independent
juridical power.

Leaders of the opposition signed a political agreement on conducting mass
protest demonstrations on the 21th of July, 2002.

On the opposiition's meeting with the community, the contents of the agreement
was announced by Symonenko (leader of ukrainian communists).

According to the agreement, the highest priority task of the civil protests,
planned for 16 of Sept., is the change of the system of power and Kuchma's

The protest actions will be coordinated by the coordination board, which
includes the leaders of the political forces that are involved in the

The opposition leaders "take the responsibility for unconditional observing of
the constitutional rights during the protests", the agreement says.

This paper os also open for "all the political forces who share the announced
political intensions". The organizers of the protests encourage all the
oppositional democratic forces to participate in preparation and conducting
of the protest actions.

According to the agreement, the political forces which are organizing the
protests are also responsible for not conducting any separate negotiations
with the representatives of power and defend their partners from the possible
(political) repressions of the regime.

The agreement notifies that the oppositional democratic forces who signed the
agreement, establish a fact of drastic deterioration of the situation in
Ukraine, particularly the poverty of the citizens and the raise of
unemployment, which are the consequences of "total corruption of power and
state administration, and their inability to supply the crying needs" of
ukrainian society. The opposition's leaders believe that Ukraine "risks losing
economical and political independence, facing a social catastrophy".

"We suggest an alternative democratic way of Ukraine' development, that will
mean the country's revival, cardinal improvement of the population's life
level, cleansing the power system from corruption, tyranny and banditism", -
states the agreement.

The agreement's authors believe that there are no ways to resolve the complex
problems of the society until the pre-term presidentary elections are
conducted, the Constitution is changed, the discredited power leaders are
removed from ruling the country, and independent juridical power is formed.
The opposition leaders emphasize on the nessesity of paying off the salaries
and other social payments, lowering the utilities tariffs, rents, transport
fares, raising the minimal salary and pension to the living wage level, full
repay of the people's lost savings, restoration of the privileges of veterans,
pensioners, disabled people, young families, the liquidation of unemployment,
providing the constitutional rights for education and medical service, "return
of national treasures, stolen during unlawful privatization, back to the



  • 2002.09.02 | Andrij

    Re: Питання та правки (+)

    Пане franko, а де сказано в документах четвірки, що головне питання протестів -- незалежна судова система? Звучить дуже добре, але я не певний, що це відповідає дійсності.

    franko писав(ла):
    > jak zavzhdy, budu vdjachnyj za stylistychni pravky.
    > ---------------------------------
    > Independent judicial power - this is one of the main goals of the 16 september
    > mass protest.
    > Preterm Presidental elections, changes to the Constitution, removal the
    > discredited power leaders

    "power" можна викинути

    >from ruling the country, forming independent
    > juridical power.

    Тут не завадило сказати, про що йде мова, як то, на початку речення,

    The main goals of the September 16 protest(s) include ...

    > Leaders of the opposition signed a political agreement on conducting mass
    > protest demonstrations on the 21th of July, 2002.
    > On the opposiition's meeting with the community, the contents of the agreement
    > was announced by Symonenko (leader of ukrainian communists).

    What community? Why not to say "At the following press-conference (briefing) ...". Ukrainian Commies (upper case ;)).

    > According to the agreement, the highest priority task of the civil protests,
    > planned for 16 of Sept., is the change of the system of power and Kuchma's
    > resignment.


    > The protest actions will be coordinated by the coordination board, which
    > includes the leaders of the political forces that are involved in the
    > agreement.
    > The opposition leaders "take the responsibility for unconditional observing of
    > the constitutional rights during the protests", the agreement says.

    Тут трохи не зрозуміло, чиїх конституційних прав, Кучми?

    > This paper os also open for "all the political forces who share the announced
    > political intensions".

    intentions [goals].

    >The organizers of the protests encourage all the
    > oppositional democratic forces to participate in preparation and conducting
    > of the protest actions.
    > According to the agreement, the political forces which are

    which are можна не писати

    >organizing the
    > protests are also responsible for not conducting any separate negotiations
    > with the representatives of power and defend their partners from the possible
    > (political) repressions of the regime.

    Це дійсно так було сказано? Перший раз чую, але дуже приємна новина. Пані Тимошенко нема чого боятись? До речі, не завадило би трохи змінити речення, а то думаєш, що йдеться про parters of the "rep. of power".

    > The agreement notifies that the oppositional democratic forces who signed the
    > agreement, establish a fact

    the facts

    > of drastic deterioration of the situation in
    > Ukraine, particularly the poverty of the citizens and the raise of


    > unemployment, which are the consequences of "total corruption of power and
    > state administration, and their inability to supply the crying needs" of
    > ukrainian society.

    the Ukrainian soc.

    >The opposition's leaders believe that Ukraine "risks losing
    > economical and political independence, facing a social catastrophy".
    > "We suggest an alternative democratic way of Ukraine' development, that will
    > mean the country's revival, cardinal improvement of the population's life
    > level, cleansing the power system from corruption, tyranny and banditism", -
    > states the agreement.
    > The agreement's authors believe that there are no ways to resolve the complex
    > problems of the society until the pre-term presidentary elections are
    > conducted, the Constitution is changed, the discredited power leaders are
    > removed from ruling the country, and independent juridical power is formed.
    > The opposition leaders emphasize on the nessesity of paying off the salaries
    > and other social payments, lowering the utilities tariffs, rents, transport
    > fares, raising the minimal salary and pension to the living wage level, full
    > repay of the people's lost savings, restoration of the privileges of veterans,
    > pensioners, disabled people, young families, the liquidation of unemployment,
    > providing the constitutional rights for education and medical service, "return
    > of national treasures, stolen during unlawful privatization, back to the
    > nation".

    Останній абзац не завадить скоротити, або вилучити, на мою думку. Забагато реторики.

    > UNIAN
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2002.09.02 | franko

      - створення незалежно? судово? влади, виборност? судд?в; (+)


      Duzhe djakuju za vypravlennja. Perekladaju majzhe doslivno bo ne maju chasu dovgo dumaty. Tomu duzhe potrebuju spivpraci.

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