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Погані новини: згорів разом з екіпажем "Шатл"

02/01/2003 | AST

7 чоловік. Серед них перший ізраїльський космонавт.

Челенджер номер 2. :-(((


  • 2003.02.01 | Роман ShaRP

    Стаття англійською:

    HOUSTON, Texas (CNN) -- The space shuttle Columbia, with seven astronauts aboard, broke up as it descended over central Texas Saturday toward a planned landing at Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

    Police in Nacogdoches, Texas, reported "numerous pieces of debris" both inside the city limits and in Nacogdoches County.

    "Information is really sketchy," Det. Greg Sowell said. "We want people to stay away, because some of it could be toxic."

    Sowell said officers and city and county employees were being dispatched to stand by the debris until the arrival of FBI and NASA representatives.

    Residents as far east as Shreveport, Louisiana, reported seeing and feeling an apparent explosion.

    Search-and-rescue teams from the Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas, area were alerted and residents were urged to stay away from any possible debris from the shuttle, which may be hazardous, said NASA public affairs officer James Hartfield.

    Shuttle commander Rick D. Husband, pilot William C. McCool, payload commander Michael P. Anderson, mission specialists David M. Brown, Kalpana Chawla and Laurel Clark and Israel's first astronaut, Ilan Ramon, were on board.

    President Bush was briefed at Camp David, Maryland, and cut short his stay at the retreat to return to the White House.

    The administration was preparing to convene a "domestic event" conference among all domestic and military agencies that may be involved in the next step.

    An administration official said the shuttle's altitude -- over 200,000 feet -- made it "highly unlikely" that the shuttle fell victim to a terrorist act.

    [The crew members of STS-107 walked out January 16 for launch aboard Columbia]
    The crew members of STS-107 walked out January 16 for launch aboard Columbia's last mission.

    "We have no information at this time that indicates that this was a terrorism incident," said Gordon Johndroe, press secretary for the Department of Homeland Security. "Obviously, the investigation is just beginning, but that is what we know now."

    Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge went to the White House shortly after hearing the report.

    NASA officials at the Johnson Space Center in Houston said they last had contact with the shuttle about 9 a.m. EST, and it had been expected to touch down at about 9:16 a.m. EST.

    Video of the shuttle tracking over Dallas showed multiple vapor trails, but NASA spokesman Kyle Herring said it was too early to determine the source.

    Steve Petrovich, a police officer in Palestine, Texas, said he heard "a rumble and boom" at about 8 a.m. CDT (9 a.m. EST).

    Jim Hubbs of New Boston, Texas, said he heard police discussing over a police scanner "a smoking object going southeast" that disappeared in the Bowie County area near the Arkansas state line.

    [Mission control officials in Houston lost contact with the shuttle Saturday morning.]
    Mission control officials in Houston lost contact with the shuttle Saturday morning.

    Amy Townsend, of Carthage, said she heard a loud boom that shook her house. She said there were two or three loud noises that lasted about a minute and that she saw a cloud of smoke outside her house.

    Don Farmer of Lufkin, outside of Dallas, said he heard loud noises that lasted for 10 to 15 seconds. The noise sounded like dynamite exploding, and he thought it was an aircraft breaking the sound barrier.

    Dozens of people, including several officers, reported seeing "a ball of fire," Bowie County Sheriff's office dispatcher Jodine Langford said. "They saw it go out and then break into pieces," she said.

    Officials said no tracking data were available.

    The Israeli Embassy in Washington has dispatched a small team to Florida to be with Col. Ilan Ramon's wife, four children and his parents, a spokesman for the Israeli embassy told CNN.

    Ramon's family members had traveled from Israel to watch the planned return of the shuttle to the Kennedy Space Center Saturday morning.

    Ramon's father was at a television station watching the unfolding coverage. Ramon, 48, took part in the 1981 bombing of the nuclear reactor in Iraq.

    Columbia is the oldest of NASA's shuttle fleet, first launched in 1981. It was on its 28th mission. The shuttle underwent an extensive, 17-month overhaul that began in September, 1999.

    It rejoined the shuttle fleet in February, 2001 and flew its first mission after the upgrades in March, 2002.
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2003.02.01 | Роман ShaRP

      Дуже короткий огляд українською.

      Вибачаюся, моя поганенька англійська дозволяє зробити лише такий ..

      Шаттл "Колумбія" потерпів аварію при зниженні, (приземлення мало відбутися у 9:16 за їх часом, останній раз контактували з ним у 9:00 за їх часом).
      На борту було 7 астронавтів. Про їх долю нічого не пишуть, напевне, усі вони загинули.
      "На цей час ми не маємо інформації про те, що це був терористичний акт" -- сказав Gordon Johndroe, прес-секретар департаменту безпеки (Department of Homeland Security)[на мою думку це свідчить про те, що така можливість розглядається]. Крім цього у статті численні свідоцтва людей, що чули вибухи (або кілька вибухів), бачили у небі сліди чи вогненну кулю.
      На місці катастрофи дуже багато уламків, уряд попереджає, аби громадяни не наближалися до них, тому що вони можуть бути небезпечні (токсичні, або інше).
      "Колумбія" була найстаршим шаттлом Америки, його перший запуск відбувся у 1981му році. У 1999му вона перебувала на капітальному огляді та ремонті, встигла здійснити після нього один вдалий політ.
      Повідомляється також, що амбасада Ізраілю вислала у Флориду невелику місію до родини ізраільского космонавта (вони хотіли спостерігати за приземленням шаттла).
      згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
      • 2003.02.01 | Роман ShaRP

        + коментар1.

        1) дивним видається оце: Officials said no tracking data were available. Себто, офіційні кажуть, що дані стеження недоступні. Навіть не знаю, як то розуміти, але думаю, у тому немає нічого хорошого.
        2) Ізраільський космонавт був не простий, а такий, що встиг побомбити Ірак.

        І хоча адміністрація каже, що висота шатлу -- 200000 футів (більш як 60 кілометрів) робить подію дуже несхожою на терористичний акт, якби воно виявилося саме так, це було би другим "11 вересня".
  • 2003.02.01 | Правник

    Не толерую Штати, але щирі співчуття, кого це стосується (-)

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