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Позиція ам. демократів про війну! (англ)

03/19/2003 | Костя Порох
Включив місцеве ам. радіо, і був вражений, наскільки гарячою є дискусія про Ірак у США. Демократи НЕ "наскочили" на ідею війни з Іраком, а навпаки активно критикують республіканців! Називається, "про що не говорять укр. мідія"...

Source: http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20030318/ap_on_re_mi_ea/iraq_daschle_5

Democrats' leader in the House of Reps Daschle:

...he was "saddened that this president failed so miserably at diplomacy that we're now forced to war."

Лідер Деморкатів Дашель:

"я вражений що цей президент програв так сильно в дипломатії, що тепер ми маємо об"являти війну".

Other Democrats also have criticized Bush's handling of the situation.

Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts:

the administration "could not possibly have been more inept or self-defeating. President Bush has clumsily and arrogantly squandered the post 9/11 support and goodwill of the entire civilized world."

Rep. David Obey of Wisconsin:

the war's "long-term aftermath will leave us more isolated than we have been in the last two centuries by abandoning our long-standing position against striking first unless we are immediately and directly threatened."


"I don't know that anyone in this country could view what we have seen so far as a diplomatic success," said Daschle, who voted for the congressional resolution last year authorizing war if necessary.

"I think to do anything less is unpatriotic."

House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi of California:

"In expressing his views, Tom Daschle is being patriotic, she said. "The Republican leaders are being partisan."


House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill.: Daschle's comments "may not give comfort to our adversaries, but they come mighty close."

Senate Armed Services Chairman John Warner, R-Va., said "I was stunned into disbelief."


  • 2003.03.20 | Чучхе

    Є такий сайт - http://antiwar.com/

    так от тут є навіть якийсь сенатор-республіканець, який проти війни в Іраку
  • 2003.03.20 | 123

    І що тут дивного? Опозиція завжди критикує владу (-)

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