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Україна заперечує свідчення очевидців?

05/11/2003 | Englishman
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KINSHASA, Congo - The defense ministry of Ukraine, which owns the cargo plane whose doors opened at 33,000 feet, denied Saturday that anyone was hurt in the mishap and said no cargo was lost.

AP Photo

129 Feared Dead As Door Opens Mid-Flight
(AP Video)

AP Graphic

Confusion over the death toll persisted as Congolese authorities investigated how many people died after dozens of men, women and children were sucked out of the plane. The flight crew managed to fly the plane back to the capital.

Two officials at the international airport told The Associated Press that 129 people were feared dead. Later, a third official estimated the casualties were about half that, saying the exact figure may be difficult to determine because of an incomplete passenger list. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity.

Seven people were confirmed dead and military helicopters searched the region for bodies, said government spokesman Kikaya Bin Karubi. He did not provide details but confirmed that those who died were "ejected from the plane."

The cargo doors of the plane, a Russian-built Ilyushin 76, opened about 45 minutes after takeoff Thursday night from Kinshasa.

"The door opened and the plane depressurized. Many were sucked out," said Kabamba Mbwebwe, a doctor who treated victims.

Nine survivors were treated for minor injuries and psychological trauma at Kinshasa General Hospital.

One passenger, police Lt. Ilunga Mambaza, estimated that 350 passengers were on the plane when it took off but only 100 returned, meaning about 250 people died.

"Lots of my colleagues were sucked out by the wind. I don't know how many, because I fainted," Mambaza said.

Survivors said passengers clutched military vehicles and ladders trying to remain inside the plane after the doors opened. People in Africa often travel on modified cargo planes that have few seats, leaving most passengers to cram in among their belongings in the rear of the aircraft.

Police Sgt. Kabmba Kashala, who also was on board, said the aircraft took off with the door improperly fastened. Three attempts to shut it correctly during the flight failed and then it sprang open, he said.

"I was just next to the door and I had the chance to grab onto a ladder just before the ... door let loose," he said.

He put the number of missing at about 100.

Disputing the witness accounts, Ukrainian Defense Ministry spokesman Kostiantyn Khyvrenko said that about 40 seconds after takeoff from Kinshasa, the aircraft captain noted that the cabin was depressurizing, requested a landing and successfully returned the aircraft to the airport. He cited officials of the state-owned company that operates the aircraft, Ukrainian Cargo Airways.

"Neither the people, nor the cargo, nor the plane itself were hurt or damaged," Khyvrenko told The Associated Press in Kiev, Ukraine.

The plane apparently had been chartered to transport Congolese soldiers and their families from Kinshasa to the southeastern city of Lubumbashi, a diamond center. Soldiers regularly provide security in Congo cities, often traveling as a group between assignments.

The weather was clear and there were no suggestions of sabotage.

The Ilyushin 76 is a medium- to long-range transport jet. The model was first flown in 1971. It is widely used as a civilian carrier, particularly in Africa, the Middle East and Asia.

The plane has a checkered safety record, including 47 accidents that resulted in 668 deaths, according to the Aviation Safety Network Web site, an air safety data base.

On Feb. 19, an Ilyushin 76 crashed in bad weather in Iran, killing 275 people, including more that 200 elite Iranian soldiers. A month earlier, another jet crashed while landing in thick fog in East Timor (news - web sites), killing all six people on board.

As many as 1,000 people were killed in Kinshasa on Jan. 6, 1996, when a Russian-built Antonov crashed into a crowded market at the end of a runway near a Kinshasa airport.

Congo is in the fifth year of a civil war that has led to more than 2.5 million deaths, aid groups estimate, mostly from strife-related hunger or illness. Despite a series of peace deals, fighting persists in the northeast.


  • 2003.05.11 | Englishman


    не помітив, що цю тему вже розмістив Serhiy Hrysch. Мій допис можна стерти.
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2003.05.11 | Serhiy Hrysch

      Можете написати Новину для Майдана по темі? (-)

      згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
      • 2003.05.11 | Englishman

        Re: Можете написати Новину для Майдана по темі? (-)

        Тобто стисло перекласти на українську? Можу, але не раніше пізнього вечора.
        згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
        • 2003.05.11 | Serhiy Hrysch

          Так, переказ фактів у майданівському стилі... Дяк! (-)

          згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
          • 2003.05.11 | Englishman

            Стислий переклад

            За повідомленням агенства Associated Press, Міністерство Оборони України заперечує наявність людських жертв під час інциденту, який стався 8-го травня з транспортним літаком у Конго. Нагадаємо, що літак Іл –76, який належить Міністерству, було розгерметизовано під час внутрішнього рейсу в африканській країні.

            В той же час, інформація, яка проступає від уряду Конго, суперечить запевненням української сторони. Так, не зважаючи на те, що екіпажу літака вдалося приземлити літак, офіційні особи, які представляють міжнародний аеропорті Кіншаси повідомили агенство
            Associated Press про можливість загибелі 129-и осіб. Пізніше, інша офіційна особа назвала в двічі меньшу кількість, наголошуючи при цьому що назвати точну цифру важко через відсутність повного списку пасажирів. В той же час, речник уряду країни офіційно підтвердив факт загибелі сімох осіб внаслідок розгерметизації літака, але пошук жертв за допомогою військових гелікоптерів триває.

            Один з пасажирів підрахував щонайменьше 350 пасажирів, які зайшли у літак, при цьому, за його словами, лише 100 повернулися. Інший пасажир поскаржився, що двері літака не було закрито належним чином, через що і стався нещасний випадок. За його підрахунками, загинуло приблизно 100 чоловік.

            Заперечуючи повідомлення свідків, речник Міністерства Оборони України Констянтин Хивренко заявив що командир екіпажу літака помітив проблеми з герметизацією приблизно через 40 секунд (sic) після зльоту, і зміг приземлитися без будь-яких наслідків у аеропорту Кіншаси. Джерелом його інформації були офіційні особи з державної компанії Ukrainian Cargo Airways, під наглядом яких літак працював у Конго. За його словами, «ніхто з людей не постраждав; ні вантажу, ні літаку не було завдано шкоди».

            ІЛ-76, транспортний літак, який працює на середніх да далеких дистанціях, широко використовується в Африці, Ближньому Сході та в Азії. Безпека літака, який будуть в Росії, залишає бажати кращого: за свою історію, 668 чоловік загинуло у 47-ми катастрофах.
            згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
            • 2003.05.11 | Englishman

              Невеликий коментар

              Схоже на те, що аварія сталася в першу чергу через недбалість служб аеропорта, які обслуговували літак перед рейсом. В той же час, викликає подив наполегливість міноборони України, яке заперечує сам факт загибелі пасажирів, не зважаючи на свідчення як пасажирів, так і уряду країни. Особисто мені незрозуміло, як можна так незграбно відстоювати свою правоту?
  • 2003.05.11 | Олександр

    Re: Україна заперечує свідчення очевидців?

    Скай Ньюс чомусь про Україну навіть не згадують, а пишуть про росіян:http://www.sky.com/skynews/article/0,,30200-1090179,00.html
    Хто ж бреше і кому вірити?SCORES KILLED IN DISASTER

    Scores of people have been sucked out of a cargo plane to their deaths over the Democratic Republic of Congo after the aircraft's back ramp dropped open.

    One of the survivors told Reuters: "There were about 200 people on board, soldiers and their families, women and children."

    Prudent Mukalayi, a soldier, added: "I was asleep and then I heard people screaming.

    "When I woke up the pilot told everyone to get to the front of the plane and there were about 40 of us, but people kept dying...there were only about 20 survivors."

    Congo's information minister has only confirmed that seven people were sucked out of the plane during the flight.

    The Russian built cargo plane was travelling at 7,000 when the incident happened.

    "The doors opened including the ramp as the pressure system broke down," an official in the capital Kinshasa said.

    Crew make emergency landing

    The crew managed to control the plane and turn it around to land at Kinshasa airport following the accident, which happened 45 minutes into the flight.

    A Russian aviation official in Kinshasa, who declined to be named, said he believed that 129 of the 200 people on board had died.

    He said the plane was an Ilyushin 76 and had been chartered by the Congolese army to fly from Kinshasa to Lubumbashi.

    Congo's Minister for Peace Vital Kamerhe confirmed that a cargo door had opened mid-flight and that there was some damage.

    He said he believed the passengers were a mixture of military officials and civilians.

    Last Updated: 05:38 UK, Saturday May 10, 2003

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