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Архіви Форумів Майдану

GlobalVote2004 Ukraine - First Round Results!

11/05/2004 | olympic

According to the final results, the winner of Round 1 is Mr Jushchenko with 990 confirmed votes in favour (91,6%), followed by Mr Moroz with 31 (2,8%) confirmed votes.

The rest of candidates all got less than 20 confirmed votes each with 15 candidates not getting any vote at all.

Total number of votes cast - 1535
Total number of confirmed votes - 1081

Candidates results:
Viktor Jushchenko 91.6%
Oleksandr Moroz 2.8%
Andrij Chornovil 0.9%
Dmytro Korchynskyj 0.9%
Vladyslav Kryvobokov 0.9%
Volodymyr Nechyporuk 0.9%
Oleksandr Omelchenko 0.9%
Vasyl Volha 0.9%
rest (less than 1%) 0.1%

Voters distribution:
United States 31.5%
Canada 20.0%
Netherlands 11.6%
Belgium 4.2%
Australia 3.2%
France 3.2%
Poland 3.2%
Slovakia 3.2%
Austria 2.1%
Germany 2.1%
United Kingdom 2.1%
*other* 4.2%
rest (less than 1%) 9.6%

GlobalVote2004 Ukraine will organise a Second Round of online voting as well. Please come and vote (http://kuchmizm.info/GlobalVote2004/) online after 7 November 2004.

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