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Ö³íà íà ãàç: ÑØÀ â³ä$129 ªâðîïà â³ä $195(êîíòðàêò íà 3êâàðòàë(ë)

01/20/2009 | Ñåðã³é Êàáóä



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Established markets: UK NBP, Dutch TTF, Belgian Zeebrugge

Emerging gas hubs: German E.ON and BEB, French PEG Nord, Italian PSV

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The northwest European trading hub at Bunde-Oude, on the Dutch-German border, received a boost on 1 October. Eurohub, which operates one of two rival hubs on the Dutch side of the border, expanded its services by linking up with storage facilities. Its rival, HubCo, has a hub on the German side of the border.

There are six existing "transfer points" at Eurohub, where gas from one network can..

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Security of Gas Supply in Open Markets

By International Energy Agency, Agence internationale de l'énergie, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

This book analyses the most recent developments in security of gas supply and reliability in all IEA regions. It looks at how governments and other stakeholders in IEA countries respond to the need to create a framework that enables the players to deliver secure and reliable gas supply at the border and all the way down to the final customer.

More details
Security of Gas Supply in Open Markets: LNG and Power at a Turning Point
Co-operation and Development
Edition: illustrated

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