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пірати з 'сомалі' атакували ще один американський пароплав(л)

04/15/2009 | Сергій Кабуд
поки що все виглядає так, що всі моряки цілі і корабель продовжує своє плавання

Але в ці дні треба чекати негараздів. Будь-де в світі.

В Грузії зокрема.


Pirates Attack U.S.-Flagged Ship Off Somali Coast in Unsuccessful New Hijacking Attempt
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Pirates attacked an American-flagged commercial vessel Tuesday in an unsuccessful new hijacking attempt off of the coast of Somalia.

At about noon EDT, the Liberty Sun reported to the Coast Guard that they were being attacked by pirates. The U.S. Navy sent the USS Bainbridge in response.

The official confirmed it was a failed piracy attempt, and by the time the warship arrived several hours later, the pirates were gone.

The Navy was unable to track the pirate ship, but may have had them on radar for a short time.

While helicopters were not dispatched, a surveillance aircraft was the first on the scene.

The Liberty Sun, of the Liberty Maritime shipping company, is now safely on route to Mombasa, Kenya.

The official said the crew would be in a position to talk about shots that the ship reports were fired by the pirates.

It was not immediately clear if the Liberty Sun was flying the flag at the time of the assault.


  • 2009.04.15 | Хвізик

    кгб щось мутить

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