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Архіви Форумів Майдану

Андрій Курков у "Нью Йорк Таймс"

11/05/2011 | Hadjibei
During the presidential elections last year, I was fond of saying that choosing between Ms. Tymoshenko and Mr. Yanukovich was like choosing between a car with no brakes and the brakes with no car. Ukrainians are conservative folk; they did not opt for the car with no brakes. Ms. Tymoshenko has since been thrown in prison, for one reason: if she was not in prison, she would win the next parliamentary elections, and after that the presidential elections as well, and then she could turn around and arrest the politicians who arrested her.



  • 2011.11.05 | Олекса

    Re: Андрій Курков у "Нью Йорк Таймс"

    Але він там же некорректно висловився щодо української нації як типовий москид... Ганьба!
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2011.11.06 | Лермонтов


  • 2011.11.05 | Коалa

    шо за підарас цей курков?Re: Андрій Курков у "Нью Йорк Таймс"

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