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Архіви Форумів Майдану

Стріча Софії Кочман із о. др. Іваном Дацьком... (англ.)

01/05/2012 | hrushka
Sofia KOCHMAR interview of Father Dr. Ivan DATSKO


As for the historical responsibility… Twenty years passed but the communists do not feel guilty of crimes against the church or even of ruining the lives of so many people. Does the Christian principle of forgiveness work this way or is it the justice?

“I remember that Patriarch Yosyp often asked: ‘What will the history tell about you? Will your deeds be good or bad when you are with God?’ It was important for him to leave good heritage for future generations. He belonged to the priests who took the so-called conscience test. He analyzed not only his own deeds but thought over what his nation needed and what he could do for it. If Patriarch Yosyp had lived today he would have clearly told some people in power that we cannot live like this any longer. In Ukraine prophets are killed and liked after their death. The prophets say the truth and it especially hurts those whose uneasy conscience betrays itself. Now the politicians and some priests lack this responsibility. Patriarch Yosyp criticized Ukraine though he loved it a lot saying that in our country every second is genius but spineless and dishonest."

".... кожний другий з нас є геній однак без хребта та нечесний."


  • 2012.01.05 | killer-thinker

    Мудре інтервю... Але отець Дацко ще не той..., щоб бути на рівні Сліпого Й.

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