МАЙДАН - За вільну людину у вільній країні

Архіви Форумів Майдану

зарахування перемоги Путіну істотно послабило політичний режим у РФ.

03/05/2012 | Kgasoil
Як вже обговорювалося приватно, а тепер навіть КАРАСЬОВ це каже відкрито:

Україні вигідний Путін, бо в України на Путіна кримінальний компромат, який ВЖЕ оголошений, правда лише частково:

це кримінальна угода тимошенко-путін.

Побачимо як це зіграє.


  • 2012.03.05 | Хвізик

    про вигідність путіна для України тута вже багато хто говорив. Зокрема, той же Лєрмонтов, чи як

    який там в нього нік був того дня, не пам"ятаю вже
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    • 2012.03.05 | Kgasoil

      Є і така ідея шо кращого за пу на випадок війни нема

      пу могли залишити через те, шо буде війна на Близькому Сході та ще й ризик ядерного теракту збільшився

      Війна чи атака залякає росіян і тому захочуть силну руку

      ми думаємо шо москва дізналася шо ізраіл насправді збирається цього року атакувати іран.

      тому рішеня було прийняте залишити Путінга

      це лобіював прімаков. Власне він це написав у своїй програмі у Клубі Меркурій.

      цікаве от шо:

      якшо ізраіль не атакує Іран

      росія серьозно постраждае через наявність путіна
      але тоді буде активований сценарій його відсторонення

      отже є цікавий росклад))
      згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
      • 2012.03.05 | Хвізик

        можливо Пу і дійсно найкращий у якості керівника еліт, бо його всі стють, бо пам"ятають, як заги

        загинула купа народу від Старовойтової з Рохліним і Лебедем аж до Політковської і Качинського

        але народом Пу все більше сприймається як клоун, а не як сильний лідер
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        • 2012.03.05 | Kgasoil

          ага. плюс не факт шо кремлядів не развели стосовно війскових планів ізраілю)) ач 'перемога' ))

          імхо і це імхо я мав і до виборів:

          для нас і для США і для Російського народу краще шоб залишився цей, бо це осляблює режим лєнінців.

          Чи вдасться їм компенсувати невдоволення в країні можливими війнами і залякуванням?

          а якшо .....не вдасться.. а війна почнется)), вона може не довго протривати і закінчитися ..у москві))
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          • 2012.03.05 | Хвізик

            нмсд, для кремлядів тепер, як не повернися все зле. Вони тепер реально намагаються вибрати найме

            найменше злий сценарій для себе, але то тим складніше, бо вони втратили ініціативу в грі
            згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
            • 2012.03.05 | Kgasoil

              точно. сьогодні от: ЧУЧХЕЛЕНД проводе ядерні випробовувавня для ІРАНУ

              Отак кремляді генеруют ІНІЦІАТИВИ)))

              подивимося скільки їм ще зїсти треба буде гімна)

              North Korea tested Iranian warhead or “dirty bomb” in 2010 for $55m
              DEBKAfile Exclusive Report March 5, 2012,

              German and Japanese intelligence sources Monday, March 5, confirmed – and qualified - to debkafile reports in the German Der Spiegel and Welt am Sonntag that Western intelligence had known for 11 months that at least one of North Korea’s covert nuclear tests in 2010 was carried out on an Iranian radioactive bomb or nuclear warhead.
              Those sources report five facts are known for sure:
              1. North Korea carried out two covert underground nuclear explosions in mid-April and around May 11 of 2010 equivalent to 50- 200 tonnes of TNT.
              2. Two highly lethal heavy hydrogen isotopes, deuterium and tritium, typical of a nuclear fission explosion and producing long-term contamination of the atmosphere, were detected and analyzed by Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBOTO) monitoring stations in South Korea, Japan and Russia.
              3. The presence of tritium in one of the tests led several intelligence agencies watching North Korea’s nuclear program and its longstanding links with Iran and Syria to examine the possibility that Pyongyang had tested the internal mechanism of a nuclear warhead on Iran’s behalf. This strongly indicated to German and Japanese intelligence that Iran had already developed the nuclear warhead’s outer shell and attained its weaponization.
              4. Another possibility examined was that North Korea had tested an Iranian “dirty bomb” – i.e. a conventionally detonated device containing nuclear substances. Tritium would boost its range, force and lethality.
              This was one of the conclusions of atmospheric scientist Larsk-Erik De Geer of the Swedish Defense Research Agency in Stockholm, who spent a year studying the data collected by various CTBOTO stations tracking the North Korean explosions.
              On February 3, De Greer published some of his findings and conclusions in Nature Magazine. His paper will appear in the April/May issue of the Science and Global Security Journal.
              5. The Japanese and German sources found confirmation of their suspicions that North Korea had abetted Iran’s nuclear aspirations in three events:
              a) Shortly after the April explosion, a large group of Iranian nuclear scientists and technicians arrived in Pyongyang. They apparently came to take part in setting up the second test in May.
              b) In late April, Tehran shipped to Pyongyang a large quantity of uranium enriched to 20+ percent – apparently for use in the May test.
              c) Straight after the May test, the Central Bank of Iran transferred $55 million to the account of the North Korean Atomic Energy Commission. The size of the sum suggests that it covered the fee to North Korea not just of one but the two tests – the first a pilot and the second, a full-stage test.
              It is not by chance that this incriminating disclosure about Iran’s nuclear achievements sees the light Monday, just hours before US Barack Obama receives Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in the White house for an argument over an expeditious military action to stop Iran going all the way to a nuclear weapon.
              The disclosure invalidates the main point the US President made in his speech Sunday to the pro-Israeli lobby AIPAC convention in Washington that there was still time for diplomatic pressure and sanctions to bring Iran’s leaders to a decision to halt their nuclear momentum before military action was called for, whether by the US or Israel.
              It now appears that Western intelligence has known about the North Korean tests for Iran for eleven months. Therefore, it is too late for him to try and persuade the Israeli prime minister that there is still time to spare for cutting short a nuclear Iran.
              It was announced in Washington Monday that no joint American-Israeli communiqué would be issued at the end of their talks, meaning they will have agreed to disagree: Obama, to stand by his opposition to military action against Iran; Netanyahu, to decide what Israel must do in the interests of its security.
              There is no doubt he would have preferred an American initiative for - or partnership in - an operation for curtailing the Iranian nuclear threat. But that is not part of Obama’s policy.



              а от з літа новина


              North Korea Tests 'Super-EMP' Nuke

              Thursday, 16 Jun 2011

              Gary Samore, a top Obama administration national security official, warned of new sanctions if North Korea conducted a third round of nuclear tests on Monday, as reports surfaced that North Korea has miniaturized its nuclear warheads so they can be delivered by ballistic missile.

              North Korea’s last round of tests, conducted in May 2009, appear to have included a “super-EMP” weapon, capable of emitting enough gamma rays to disable the electric power grid across most of the lower 48 states, says Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, a former CIA nuclear weapons analyst and president of EMPact America, a citizens lobbying group.

              Samore, who handles arms control and non-proliferation issues, warned that “additional strong sanctions will be imposed on the North with the support of Russia and China."

              North Korea’s nuclear tests have been dismissed as failures by some analysts because of their low explosive yield. But Dr. Pry believes they bore the “signature” of the Russian-designed “super-EMP” weapon, capable of emitting more gamma radiation than a 25-megaton nuclear weapon.

              Pry believes the U.S. intelligence community was expecting North Korea to test a first generation implosion device with an explosive yield of 10 to 20 kilotons, similar to the bomb the U.S. exploded over Nagasaki in 1945. He said, “So when they saw one that put off just three kilotons, they said it failed. That is so implausible."

              The technology for producing a first generation implosion weapon has been around since 1945, and is thoroughly described in open source literature.

              South Korean defense minister, Kim Kwan-jin, told his country’s parliament on Monday that North Korea had succeeded in miniaturizing its nuclear weapons design, allowing them to place a nuclear warhead on a ballistic missile.

              His analysis coincided with Congressional testimony in March by Lt. Gen. Ronald L. Burgess, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, who stated that North Korea “may now have several plutonium-based warheads that it can deliver by ballistic missiles.”

              The Soviet Union conducted an atmospheric test of an EMP weapon in 1962 over Kazakhstan whose pulse wave set on fire a power station 300 kilometers away and destroyed it within 10 seconds.

              Such a weapon — equal to a massive solar flare such as the “solar maxima” predicted by NASA to occur in 2012 — poses “substantial risk to equipment and operation of the nation’s power grid and under extreme conditions could result in major long term electrical outages,” said Joseph McClelland of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in Senate testimony last month.

              Pry said that a group of Russian nuclear weapons scientists approached him in 2004 when he served as staff director of the Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack, to warn the United States that the technology to make that weapon “had leaked” to North Korea, and possibly to Iran.

              “They told us that Russian scientists had gone to North Korea to work on building the super-EMP weapon,” Pry told Newsmax. “The North Koreans appear to have tested it in 2006 and again in 2009.”

              North Korea’s main partner in its nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs is Iran. Dr. William Graham, chairman of the Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack, warned Congress three years ago that Iran had conducted missile launches in an EMP mode, detonating them high in the atmosphere.

              Read more on Newsmax.com: "U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S."

              Rep. Trent Franks, R-Ariz., has introduced legislation known as the SHIELD Act that would require U.S. utilities to harden large transformers and other key elements of the nation’s power grid to protect them from a devastating EMP attack or a geomagnetic storm.

              The House last year passed a similar measure by unanimous consent, but the bill died in the Senate, where Sen. Jeff Bingaman, D, N.M., and Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, the chair and ranking member of the Senate Energy Committee, insisted that the threat from cyberattack was more dangerous than the possibility of an EMP strike or a solar flare.

              John Kappenman, the chief science adviser to the EMP commission, believes it would require just $1 billion to harden an estimated 5,000 power transformers around the country to shield them from the impact of an EMP-like event.

              “We built this infrastructure without any awareness of this threat,” he told Newsmax. “We have no design code that takes this threat into account. We’ve been doing everything to design the grid to make it greatly more coupled, and therefore more vulnerable, to this threat.”

              He compared the national power grid to a series of giant skyscrapers, “and only now we’ve discovered that it’s located on a big fault line.”

              President Obama’s science adviser, John Holdren, warned in a March 10, 2011 Op-Ed co-authored with his British counterpart of the potentially catastrophic impact of a solar maxima event in the next 12 to 18 months.

              “Space weather can affect human safety and economies anywhere on our vast wired planet, and blasts of electrically-charged gas traveling from the Sun at up to 5 million miles an hour can strike with little warning,” Holdren wrote. “Their impact could be big — on the order of $2 trillion during the first year in the United States alone, with a recovery period of 4 to 10 years.”

              Rep. Trent Franks, who authored the SHIELD Act, warned of “catastrophic consequences” should Congress fail to act.

              “The U.S. society and economy are so critically dependent upon the availability of electricity that a significant collapse of the grid, precipitated by a major natural or man-made EMP event, could result in catastrophic civilian casualties,” he said. “This vulnerability, if left unaddressed, could have grave, societal altering consequences.”

              © Newsmax.
          • 2012.03.06 | Антоха

            Угу.. закінчиться у Москві як не раз в історії. Скиданням ворожіх штандартів біля Вічного вогню.

        • 2012.03.06 | Антоха

          Ц: але народом Пу все більше сприймається як клоун, а не як сильний лідер

          Докази будь ласка, що Путіна російський нарід сприймає в якост клоуна. Або Ви - балабол.
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          • 2012.03.06 | Хвізик

            Доказів нада? Їх у мене є. Великий Пу 23 фівраля наказав своїм прихильникам померти під Москвою

            Бодай одна людина виконала цей наказ???
            За моїми даними - ні.
            Моє пояснення таке: навіть прихильники Пу сприйняли його промову не інакше, як клоунаду
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      • 2012.03.05 | stryjko_bojko

        надвоє бабка ворожила...

        Kgasoil пише:
        > цікаве от шо:
        > якшо ізраіль не атакує Іран
        > росія серьозно постраждае через наявність путіна
        > але тоді буде активований сценарій його відсторонення
        > отже є цікавий росклад))
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        • 2012.03.05 | Kgasoil

          якщо не на трє чи четверо(складна гра..) надвоє бабка ворожила...

      • 2012.03.06 | Хвізик

        російські військові Пу не поважають. Не знаю, про яку війну може йтися

        Хоча і Брежнєва не поважали, але в Афган влізли.
        Але ж Брежнєв мав більше ресурсу, інтернету не було, і прпаганда вся працювала виключно на нього

        Ні хріна в Пу не вийде
      • 2012.03.06 | Антоха

        Сумрачний брєд

  • 2012.03.06 | Sviatoslav D

    президенство Путіна - істотна перемога проукраїнських сил!

    Ми здобули!
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    • 2012.03.06 | Антоха

      Да-да... зовсім скоро -укр. мова стане другою офіційною у Мордорі. І газ буде по "пісят"

  • 2012.03.06 | Антоха

    А хто такий КАРАСЬОВ, шо ви його пишете капслоком?! Тля. Путін навіть не здогадується

    о його існуванні. А по поводу компромата на ВВП - дякую, посміявся.

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