МАЙДАН - За вільну людину у вільній країні

Архіви Форумів Майдану


10/31/2004 | Сергiй Kabud
перекладаю це
Шахрайство виборче. Янучарське.


  • 2004.10.31 | Сергiй Kabud

    Ставте сюди шо берете і переклади!!!!(-)

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    • 2004.10.31 | Nataliya

      beru digest na 18.00, she ne perekladeno? (-)

    • 2004.10.31 | Nataliya

      menshe nizh pivgodyny

      Less then half an hour left.

      “Now, 7.30 PM and the Government is in a panic”,-said Mr Oleksander Zinchenko at the press-conference in the press-centre of Yushchenko”,- the number of votes, cast for Mr Viktor Yushchenko, attained 60% from the total votes in Ukraine.

      The present journalists applauded to the statement. In a moment, there are about 80 journalists on the press-conference and 15 cameramen.
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      • 2004.10.31 | Сергiй Kabud

        це давно є дивіться уважніше пліз(-)

  • 2004.10.31 | lesia

    Hotline News from Civic Organization “I Know!”

    Hotline News from Civic Organization “I Know!”

    Voting polls have closed in Austalia.

    The press-service of the Embassy of Ukraine in Australia reported the following results:
    V.A. Yuschenko – 78.6% (242 votes), V.F. Yanukovych – 13.3% (41 votes).

    In Japan voting has also ended.

    The civic organization “I Know!” obtained a copy of the results of voting in Japan: Yuschenko 67 votes (70%), Yanukovych 12 votes (12%).

    New problems as of 19:30

    At 19:07 at the polling station №35 in Pechersk a bus arrived filled with suspicious looking men

    2004-10-31 19:26:58
    Almost 30% of the population of Korostysh were not included in the voter lists.

    2004-10-31 19:25:08
    In Kyiv city in polling station №2 (TBO 223) monitors were thrown out

    2004-10-31 19:24:16
    In the city of Khodoriv in Lviv oblast, many people from Donetsk arrived to vote

    2004-10-31 19:23:13
    In Kyiv city in polling station №51, 222 voters were not given after signing their names controlling receipts from the ballots.

    2004-10-31 17:45:41
    In Kyiv in the area around Chornobyl street (ТВО №221), 40 ballots were stolen.

    2004-10-31 17:38:00
    Station №100 received orders to collect 90% votes for Yanukovych.

    2004-10-31 17:25:21
    Head election commission stresses that people should not turn to the courts for help

    2004-10-31 17:03:25
    More information can be found at the web site www.znayu.org.ua

    Press Service “I Know!”
  • 2004.10.31 | lesia

    ТВК дозволила голосувати виборцям, занесеним у списки з невелики

    am translating right now
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    • 2004.10.31 | lesia

      Head Election Commission Allowed Voters With Errors In Registrat

      Head Election Commission Allowed Voters With Errors In Registration Lists To Vote

      Territorial Election Commission for district №160 (Sumy city) allowed its commission divisions to distribute ballots to voters who had small errors in the voter list – incomplete names, incorrect patronymics, date of birth. However, all other information was correct.

      As of 17:00 the Commission received complaints from 1100 voters. Of these 510 – incorrectly spelled surname, name, and patronymic, 510 – were missing from the voter list, other – deceased, for whom relatives came complain that the name was included.
      People at the Territorial Election Commission had to endure three-hour long waiting lines. There was even an old woman born in 1919, who had to fight to have her name added to the voter registration list. It is known that a lot former residents of Sumy were registered to vote who have not lived in Sumy for many years. For example, an invitation to vote was sent to a woman born in 1978, though she has not been in Sumy for ten years and is now a citizen of Russia.

      Reference. This morning hundreds of people, who either couldn’t find their names in the voter lists, or their given information was incorrect, went to the territorial election commission, demanding to be added to the lists. Earlier the head of the election commission for district №160 Valentyna CPUDKO, leading a press conference, affirmed that “Sumy is 100% ready for the election.” At that time she did not conceal there were “some unforeseen mistakes in the voter lists,” which in several areas, according to her words, affect almost half of all voters. In Valentyna SPUDKO’s opinion, this is because the voter lists were compiled by housing organizations with no appropriate qualifications. October 20 a representative of Viktor Yuschenko at election district №160 Evhen SYDENKO appealed to the public prosecutor of Sumy oblast to open a criminal investigation against municipal head of Sumy City Volodymyr OMELCHENKO because of untrustworthy voter lists for Sumy.
  • 2004.10.31 | lesia


    can someone tell me what that stands for?
  • 2004.10.31 | Хвізик

    O.Zinchenko – We are proud with our people

    O.Zinchenko – We are proud with our people

    Kuchma, Yanukovych, Medvedchuk, just a couple of days ago were trying to persuade themselves that there are keeping the power in their hands, but they just lost the feeling of the country they live in- said Zinchenko to journalists

    According to him, they give too much trust to Russian polittechnologyst Gleb Pavlovski and his fund “Obshestvennoie mnenie”- “public opinion”. If you’d like to know the scenario of possible provocations and falcifications of the elections, go to their web cite. From 11 am, they discuss provocations that later started to happen on the polling stations between 4 and 6 pm. By the way, Pavlovski is the only one, whose exit poll results give preference to Yanukovych, everyone else says opposite – said Zinchenko

    By Zinchenko words, the current authorities are losing exclusively due to their narrow-mindedness and stupidity. After the elections, they will have to carry responsibility for falsifications and their other sins. To the previously mentioned names, Zinchenko added name of the Minister of Internal Affairs M.Bilokon.

    This is a signal that the people have changed. Now, the situation with elections in Ukraine may seriously influence further development of democracy in Russia and in Belarus, and on whole Post-Soviet space. We are proud with our people

  • 2004.10.31 | Хвізик

    beru-Зосередження сил в ЦВК

  • 2004.10.31 | Tizia

    Чомусь не поставили дайджест 16-00 :(


    Вже певно пізно, бо є наступний дайджест.
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    • 2004.10.31 | Сергiй Kabud

      de pereklad? stavte sudy please Slava Ukraini!(-)

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      • 2004.10.31 | Tizia

        Re: de pereklad? stavte sudy please Slava Ukraini!(-)

        Був у старій гілці, перепощую сюди:

        Digest by 16:00, October 31: We Are Ahead, Provocations Still Pending

        The Central Electoral Committee reports that, as of 14.00, twenty three per cent of voters entitled to vote have voted. As reported by the Maidan activists present now at electoral commissions, this figure in fact reaches already 50 per cent.

        By the activity of voters (again, as reported by Kivalov’s office), Zhytomyr, Kirovohrad and Luhansk regions are leading.

        As reported by a Russian radio station “Echo of Moscow”, the first results of exit polls are available. According to Ivan Starikov, international affairs analyst, Viktor Yushchenko is leading with a considerable break away, “Yanukovych is considerably behind, the third place in the race belongs to Moroz, the fourth place is Symonenko’s”.

        After that the authorities raised their activity – whole bundles of illegal ballot papers are inserted into the boxes, opposition observers are not allowed to exercise monitoring, international observers are beaten and driven out of the polling stations, electricity and running water are being cut off.

        Donetsk and Kharkiv regions report the greatest number of violations. It should be noted that the regional headquarters of Nasha Ukraina bloc are working efficiently enough making official records of violations or having these violations registered on video tapes. In many cases they simply block the violations.

        Because of a huge number of errors in the voting lists, spontaneous rallies are going on.

        In Kiev some preparations for provocations are being observed – the number of policemen has increased, special units and military equipment cars, trucks without registration numbers loaded with loose materials are being concentrated near the CEC. That means that our showmen from special police units, uniformed and not, are going to please the audience of the pro-government TV channels with new horror shows.

        In spite of these threats, Kyiv is overwhelmed with something very close to euphoria. People are serene and sure of their victory. Political news is optimistic, too – Yulia Tymoshenko has just conducted successful talks on the formation of new parliamentary majority, whereas in Boryspil the representatives of pro-government parties are hurriedly preparing to leave.

        The interest of ordinary Ukrainians in the progress of voting is terrifying – the “Razom” site has crashed because of overload.

        Gangsters do not leave objective mass media without their attention – the opposition media are being continuously assaulted by crooks, the pressmen are being thrown out of the polling stations.

        A lot of persons with absentee voter cards are voting in Kyiv, while many Kyiv inhabitants did not find their names in the lists. At the same time people with absentee cards from West and Center of Ukraine are not allowed to vote in Donetsk.

        According to current information, Yushchenko is leading even in case of mass falsifications. But it is too early to rejoice – more and more special police units and groups of provokers are being drawn up to Kyiv.
  • 2004.10.31 | Хвізик

    Concentration of forces at CEC

    Concentration of forces at CEC

    There is a mass moving of police, military, and just strong men towards CEC. Besides, an inner patio was entered by 23 buses which loaded/unloaded there. At least two of the buses were empty.

    Several minutes ago, the building was entered by several dozens of soldiers (apparently those on conscripive service)
    Minimum 9 Bogdanes with Bars and Military Academy students. The windows of the last Bogdan are covered with sheets. Minumum 13 tracks with soldiers.
  • 2004.10.31 | lesia

    Updated Statistics from CEC on voter turnout

    Updated Statistics from CEC on voter turnout

    General turnout – 71,91%

    in Lviv oblast - 75,5%
    in Vynnitska oblast - 71,25%
    in Cherkassy oblast - 77,33%,
    in Mykolaiv oblast - 57,87%,
    in Kyiv oblast - 80,39%
  • 2004.10.31 | lesia

    СІЗО Dnipropetrovsk oblast: violations

    If someone can translate the word СІЗО, because I don't know how to translate it. The rest is ready. Djakoju!

    СІЗО Dnipropetrovsk oblast: violations

    According to monitoring results of districts that are located in СІЗО, the following violations took place (in Dnipropetrovsk oblast):

    1. Territorial Election Commission is obligated by law to inform that imprisoned citizens were excluded from voter lists – this was not done, and they continue to be included in the lists.

    2. There are problems accessing the voter lists by people who were in solitary confinement – they did not have the opportunity to review their information.

    3. Premises for voting did not conform to the law. СІЗО №3 in the city of Dnipropetrovsk – this was not the only place, since voting took place in nine other small rooms in each of the bodies of СІЗО. There were problems with privacy – voting took place in half-open booths. Monitors could not adequately do their job, since they needed to be present in nine places at the same time.

    Informing voters: members of the election commission did not have access to meet with the voters – there was a special announcement (in the words of the heads), that on the day of the elections no representatives of the presidential candidates cannot visit imprisoned voters.
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    • 2004.10.31 | Tizia

      Re: СІЗО Dnipropetrovsk oblast: violations

      lesia пише:
      > If someone can translate the word СІЗО, because I don't know how to translate it. The rest is ready. Djakoju!

      СІЗО - слідчий ізолятор - pretrial detention center
  • 2004.10.31 | Хвізик

    Do authorities want to cower CEC and “des-infocenter” with sand?

    Do authorities want to cower CEC and “des-infocenter” with sand?

    For more then two hours, our volunteer correspondents report on concentration of military and police vehicles and sand-loaded trucks without license plates (!) near CEC and “des-infocenter” (TV-center)

    They also bring there special police troops (spetsnaz) with field kitchens. There are 5 buses filled by men with criminal faces, their plates end with letters XO

    Next to the famous from October 23 “headquarters” restaurant “Marokana” there is a concentration of cool foreign cars, inside there is a gang of mafia bosses who are waiting for something.

    There is also a serious concentration of forces near the TV center, which many people call “a brehlo-center” (which we can try to translate as “a des-infocenter”. There are military vehicles, trucks with sand and a lot of police jeeps.

    An enormous amount of sand and crushed stones suggests that Internal Affair Minister Bilokon’ is planning to make an island on the Dneeper for himself and build there a new palace, after everything is over.
  • 2004.10.31 | Tizia

    До ЦВК в'їхало 12 вантажівок з бійцями "Барсу" - переклад

    Twelve Trucks with “Bars” Commandos Entered the Territory of the CEC
    Twelve trucks with “Bars” special unit commandos entered the territory of the CEC. For that moment behind the fence there was already a great number of unidentified civil-dressed individuals. Many of them have on their heads knitted caps. BECAUSE…?

    The “1+1” TV channel has just informed that 150 policemen have entered the CEC building, while the Maidan-Inform correspondent saw 12 trucks with his own eyes. Is it possible that Ukrainian policemen are in such a deplorable physical condition (suffering from obesity) that each truck can bring only 10-12 of them?
  • 2004.10.31 | Хвізик

    beru - SOS! Затримання активіста в Полтаві!

  • 2004.10.31 | Хвізик

    SOS! An activist arrested in Poltava!

    SOS! An activist arrested in Poltava!

    We have received information that near the polling station #1 (territory district 148), Poltava-city, an activist of the Student Wave organization, correspondent of Poltavska Dumka newspaper D.Danyleiko. The arrest was done with participation of Zhovtnevy district police department V.Shylo. The arrested student has been transported to this department.

    Phone of the police dept. 8-05322-7-21-08
    Call them and help to free the activist
  • 2004.10.31 | Mykyta

    Беру Міліція в дії(-)

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    • 2004.10.31 | Mykyta


      Policement in action

      At the election district 90 of election area 223 in Kyyiv policement push off people, who gathered on the street to observe as the votes are polling. Policemen say that it is unlawfull to gather near DVK.

      translated by Mykyta
  • 2004.10.31 | lesia

    After polls closed, stacks of ballots were thrown into ballot bo

    After polls closed, stacks of ballots were thrown into ballot boxes

    SUMY. After voting had ended, stacks of ballots were being thrown into the ballot boxes.

    The regional office of Viktor Yuschenko reported that in the polling station at School №7 in Sumy, after voting was closed, individual members of the commission began throwing ballots into the boxes.
    A similar violation took place in the city of Bilopillya. Also the local site “Dankor Online” obtained information that people near School №18 in Sumy watched through the window, as the stacks of ballots were being thrown in.
  • 2004.10.31 | lesia

    After polls closed, stacks of ballots were thrown into ballot bo

    After polls closed, stacks of ballots were thrown into ballot boxes

    SUMY. After voting had ended, stacks of ballots were being thrown into the ballot boxes.

    The regional office of Viktor Yuschenko reported that in the polling station at School №7 in Sumy, after voting was closed, individual members of the commission began throwing ballots into the boxes.
    A similar violation took place in the city of Bilopillya. Also the local site “Dankor Online” obtained information that people near School №18 in Sumy watched through the window, as the stacks of ballots were being thrown in.
  • 2004.10.31 | fahid

    беру "Після закриття дільниць в скриньки почали кидати "(-)

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    • 2004.10.31 | Сергiй Kabud

      vje stoit - berit inshe(-)

  • 2004.10.31 | Хвізик

    Attention! A provocation is possible

    A car with police has crashed in the pole on the Lesya Ukrainka blvd.

    Please, don't gather a crowd there. There was information that Jeep crased into a group of people - this is not true
  • 2004.10.31 | Mykyta

    беру На сьому ранку штаб Ющенка матиме точні результати вибор(-)

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    • 2004.10.31 | Mykyta


      At 7.00 Yushchenko's headquarters will have exact results.

      Results will be based on protocols of voting district cometee with stamps.

      This was announced just now by representatives of Yushchenko headquaters.

      translated by Mykyta
  • 2004.10.31 | Хвізик

    Lutsk. Strange events on polling station #1 and demonstration

    At the polling station #1 territory district #22, Lutsk-city, there is a delay with announcement of the voting results. There are saying from behind the closed door to come after the midnight, because they lost something and cannot find it.

    At 8 pm, a piecful manifestation of youth have started.

    According to UNIAN, manifestants are polite, don't argue with police and sey that there are waiting for the report of the results. The only things they have in hands are flags and slogans. Several more similar piceful manifestations are expected throuout the whole Volyn
  • 2004.10.31 | Tizia

    Беру Результати закордонних екзит-полів (-)

  • 2004.10.31 | fahid

    Беру Бахчисарай(-)

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    • 2004.10.31 | fahid


      Bakhchisaray: Crimean Tatars and youth are denied the vote.

      The main problem of voting in Bakhchisaray (Crimea) was a typical issue of absence of voters in the lists. Observers note that the absence was biased towards Crimean Tatars (an ethnic group comprising about 20% of local population) and people under 35. Both groups are mostly Yushchenko voters. Official observers representing Yushchenko estimate number of voters who was denied the vote as hundreds at some stations.

      By 4 p.m. 70 persons who was denied during their first visit to the station had managed to get ballot-papers.

      Another important issue was the self-styled "guards" standing near the entrance to many stations. They were members of a paramilitary formation, so called "Cossacks". Allegedly their "mission" was approved by police. In some stations the "guards" tried to stand inside, which is a crude violation of low.
  • 2004.10.31 | Tizia

    Беру Результати закордонних екзит-полів (-)

  • 2004.10.31 | Mykyta

    Беру Альтернативний підрахунок голосів: оброблено біля 11% (-)

  • 2004.10.31 | Mykyta

    Беру До виборчих дільниць маленькими групками під'їжджають(-)

  • 2004.10.31 | Хвізик

    Kostenko: there is a legal proof of victory in the 1st round

    Kostenko: there is a legal proof of victory in the 1st round
    Peoples Deputy Yu. Kostenko confident that the reason for the force concentration is due to an attempt of authorities to announce Yanukovych victory, which is no true

    Kostenko said that Yushenko staff has plans of action for any possible case, including the case of force application. People will act accordingly to the situation, like in any other country of the world, they protest - he said

    He emphasised that Yuschenko staff has legal proof of victory
  • 2004.10.31 | Tizia

    The Results of Exit Polls Abroad and Major Ussues as of 22:15

    The Results of Exit Polls Abroad and Major Ussues as of 22:15

    News from the hotline of the civic initiative “Znayu!” [I know!]

    Information on the results of exit polls in the polling stations abroad

    The results of the exit poll in the polling station №65 in Munich, Germany:
    Еxit poll conducted by the activists of the Union of Ukrainian Students in Germany: V. Yushchenko 156 (85 per cent), V. Yanukovych 17 (9,2 per cent)

    Preliminary results of the exit poll carried out in the polling station N. 13 in London:
    According to the exit poll by the Ukrainian Center of Great Britain: V. Yushchenko 349 (95% per cent), V. Yanukovych 3 (0,8 per cent)

    Exit poll results in the polling station N. 14 in the city of Edinburgh , Scotland:
    According to the exit poll by the Ukrainian Center – Yushchenko 514 (93%), Yanukovych 24 (4.3%)

    Major Issues as of 22:15

    In the Cherkasy region the polling boxes will be accompanied not by policemen, but by members of civic organizations

    2004-10-31 22:06:54

    The patients of a Dnipropetrovsk hospital (polling station №87) were forced to vote for a certain candidate

    2004-10-31 21:17:43

    Voters were not informed about the additional lists

    2004-10-31 21:02:50

    In Yevpatoria a polling box together with a member of electoral commission goes for a ride around the city.

    2004-10-31 20:55:05

    A journalist working for the “Closed zone” program of the “5th channel” has been beaten up in Donetsk.

    2004-10-31 20:49:42

    A military column is set off towards Kyiv.

    2004-10-31 20:22:17

    Sixty gangster-like youths tried to intimidate the voters of the polling station №104 in Pushcha Vodytsia, near Kyiv.

    2004-10-31 20:20:32

    For more detailed information see www.znayu.org.ua
  • 2004.10.31 | Хвізик

    Tymoshenko on the parallel counting results

    Tymoshenko onthe parallel counting results
    At the press-conference Tymoshenko announced the preliminary results of the parallel counting (~10% is processed)

    According to the counting, Yushenko has got 53.07% ov votes; Yanukovych - 26.47%

    She emplasised that despite only 10% of materials is processed, such a trend will be preserved
  • 2004.10.31 | Mykyta

    УВАГА! Анонсуйте, будь-ласка, яка новина перекладається (-)

  • 2004.10.31 | Хвізик

    Moroz is ready for negotiations

    Moroz is considering possibility of negotiations with V.Yushenko after the first round of Presidential Elections
    He declared it in Kyiv in the live program of the 5th channel, UP reports

    According to the exit polls results, Moroz is going to have ~5% of votes.
    He believes that the current regime is considering various plans, including cancellation of the election results. It is possible, there are thinking on this subject right now - he said
  • 2004.10.31 | Mykyta

    Беру Хмельницький. Орієнтовні результати (-)

    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.11.01 | Хвізик

      Пробач. Погано інет працює (-)

  • 2004.10.31 | Хвізик

    Khmelnytsky. Preliminary results

    Received by phone
    Yushenko - 60%
    Yanukovych - 20%
    Results are unofficial and approximate
    Maidan Forum
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    • 2004.11.01 | Mykyta

      Анонсуйте! Агов! В мене те саме є! (-)

  • 2004.11.01 | Хвізик

    CEC - midnight - provocators in orange are crashing bottles(-)

  • 2004.11.01 | Mykyta

    Беру Збірник порушень. Будапешт. Вброс.(-)

    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.11.01 | Mykyta


      Collection of violations. Budapest.

      At the voting district No.101 in Budapest about 225 people took part in the voting as official observers correspond. But there turned out to be 343 bullets in ballot boxes. Where additional 120 bullets appeared is unknown. As exit-poll showed, Yushchenko had considerable advantage. But the results fixed advantage of Yanukovych for 50 votes.

      The head of voting comeete answered "You have mistaken!" to the remarks of official observers.

      translated by Mykyta
  • 2004.11.01 | Хвізик

    beru pro Krym - yt vse vtishno

  • 2004.11.01 | lesia

    беру Збірник порушень. Будапешт. Вброс.

    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.11.01 | lesia

      Re: беру Збірник порушень. Будапешт. Вброс.

      zabut, bachu khtos inshiy bere statyu
  • 2004.11.01 | lesia

    беру Збірник порушень. Київ. езультати під загрозою зриву.

    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.11.01 | lesia

      Chronicle of Violations. Kyiv. Results are in threatening disord

      Chronicle of Violations. Kyiv. Results are in threatening disorder.

      At the territorial election district №77 in Kyiv there was a major violation of election law: the head of the Territorial Election Commission №77 did not put stamps on the ballots, and now there may be 2230 unacknowledged votes from people who voted there.

      Reported by a member of ТВД №77

      The polling station is ascertaining the situation.
  • 2004.11.01 | Хвізик

    In Krimea things are not so good

    In Krimea things are not so good

    Bakhchysarai, station #95, district #10:
    Yushenko 286, Yanukovysh 384, Approximately 300 young people could not vote, their names were not on the list. After the Electional Committee meeting, 27 of them were allowed to vote.

    Bakhchysarai station #90, district #10, Yushenko 214, Yanukovych 386

    Simferopil, station #2, district #1 for every one for Yushenko, 10 for Yanukovych, 16 bulletins were not signed by committee members

    Simferopil, station #5, district #1: Yushenko 38, Yanukovych – 322, Moroz-7, 10 – not allowed, 17 - invalid

    According to the local stuff of Nasha Ukraina, Yanukovych is leading by 30-40%

    Southern shore, 7th district: according to “Party of Solidarity”, Yanukovych is leading by 70%
  • 2004.11.01 | Mykyta


    Collection of violations. Kyyiv. Results could be broken up.

    At the voting district No.77 in Kyyiv considerable violation is noticed. The haed of DVK No.77 has not stamped ballots and now 2230 votes could be not recognized.

    Information due to a member of the voting commetee.

    translated by Mykyta
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    • 2004.11.01 | Mykyta

      Re: Collection of violations. Kyyiv. Results could be broken (-)

  • 2004.11.01 | Хвізик

    Criminals are getting crazy

    There was an incidend near CEC
    A female journalist of "Golos Ukrainy" (Voice of Ukraine) newspaper with yellow scarf was approached by two males in leather. They threatened her with punishment after Yanukovych victory. Other journalists came to help her and attackers run away.
  • 2004.11.01 | Хвізик

    Attention! A provocative flyer inviting to CEC

    There is a distribution of provocative flyers inviting to CEC on 9 am tomorrow
    PORA informs: these flyers is a provocation of authorities. There are trying to set up a fighting tomorrow, since they could not do it today

    Remonder: The source of true PORA information is

  • 2004.11.01 | Mykyta

    Беру Таємні технології прихильників Януковича.(-)

  • 2004.11.01 | lesia

    Беру Арештовано журналіста, що намагався зафіксувати фальсифікац

    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.11.01 | lesia

      Journalist arrested for trying to record falsification

      Journalist arrested for trying to record falsification

      Yuschenko’s headquarters report the arrest of a journalist who tried to videotape how ballots were being taken not to the territorial election commission, but to the regional government administration in Kam’yanets-Podilsky (Khmelnytsky oblast)

      Currently the journalist is in a militia station, while a lawyer and representative of the local Yuschenko office is trying to free him.
  • 2004.11.01 | Mykyta

    HELP! Як перекласти "відкріпне посвідчення"? (-)

    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.11.01 | Хвізик

      absentee ballet

      Зійшлися на цьому.
      згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
      • 2004.11.01 | Mykyta

        Дякую (-)

    • 2004.11.01 | Хвізик

      Volunteers at CEC to “defend” order

      Volunteers at CEC to “defend” order
      There are several groups of “volunteers” came to CEC. They wear black-colored arm-bands “Order Defense”. Part of them are under the influence.
      Maidan-inform: Perhaps they needed some alcohol for bravity
  • 2004.11.01 | Хвізик

    Parallel counting - midnight

    M.Tomenko announced parallel counting results 21.92% of data processed

    Yushenko 51.04%
    YAnukovych 27.72%
    In his opinion, the only question is if we are able to defend our victory in the first round, or Yushenko will have to repeat it in the second round
    If we are able to defend reports, we can defend results - said Tomenko
  • 2004.11.01 | Хвізик

    Tigipko was lying on TV 1+1

    He siad, the Yanukovych staff is doing a parallel counting. Which is not true. Taras Chornovil said that Yanukovych staff analyses data that are coming from regions, however, not doing parallel counting. At the same time, whole day from different sources one can gere contradictionary information apaprently initiated by Yanukovych assistants.
    What does all this mess mean? Even in the very important moment yanuchars are not able to agree on the line of behavior in front of media
  • 2004.11.01 | Mykyta

    Аууу! Ще хтось перекладає? (-)

    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
  • 2004.11.01 | lesia

    Serious violation in polling station №63, district 211

    Serious violation in polling station №63, district 211

    A serious violation occurred in station №63, district 211 that is located at Vasylkivksiy street, 12a. Several members of the commission are refusing to sign the protocol for vote count.
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.11.01 | nataliya

      The head of the commission was caught red handed.

      The head of the commission was caught red handed.
      The head of the commission tried to insert the additional bulletins. All of them bared the special signs against the name of Mr Yanukovich. The observers from Mr. Yushchenko and KVU fixed this violation fact officially and recorded it to the video.
  • 2004.11.01 | lesia

    Official results from Central Election Commission

    Official results from Central Election Commission

    The CEC is being somewhat let a bit go. Yanukovych – 29%. Yuschenko – 31.7%. Officially completed tally so far is 15%.
  • 2004.11.01 | lesia

    Kyiv. Polling station №66. The vote count began five hours after

    Kyiv. Polling station №66. The vote count began five hours after voting ended.

    In Kyiv in polling station №66, district 214 (Zhylianska street), the vote count began only forty minutes ago, almost five hours after voting had ended.
  • 2004.11.01 | Хвізик

    If they announce victory of Yanukovych - opposition will defend

    On the press conference in Yuscheko staff, M.Tomenko said that opposition is ready to defend its rights in case of falsifications in Yanuckovych favor. According to Tomenko, opposition will act according to legislation. Fortunately, legislation does not prohibit meetings, strickes and manifestations.
  • 2004.11.01 | lesia

    Беру Новини про порушення від "Знаю!"

  • 2004.11.01 | Хвізик

    Yushenko speech at the press center in Mohyla Academy

    Our representative in Yuschenko press-center is quoting his words in front of jornalists. There arte approximately 600 people, they sit on the floor and on the stairs

    The event, for which whole Ukrainian democracy has been eager occured. It occured with hard work, and not just political work, of the whole nation.

    People whom I saw during my tours throughout Ukraine - are not the same as in 1994. There are citizens who are able to express their own position and defend it.

    My words is my thanks to Ukrainian voter. Without him, without you we would not have this victory

    Data from our center of parallel counting. 31% of reports has been processed. Yushenko - 50.1%, Yanukovych - 27.8%, Moroz 7.2% (owations)

    Yushenko looks tired, but confident in himself. By the way, his face looks better.
  • 2004.11.01 | Хвізик

    Kuchma fired SBU chief Smeshko

    Peoples Deputy Oleg Rybachuk informed that such an order Kuchma has signed 2 days ago.
    It could have been caused by two reasons:
    First, Smeshko informed Kuchma that PORA is not a terrorys organisation, but police was doing provocations against it.
    Second, Smeshko refused to apply force.
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.11.01 | nataliya

      The head of the commission was caught red handed.

      The head of the commission was caught red handed.
      The head of the commission tried to insert the additional bulletins. All of them bared the special signs against the name of Mr Yanukovich. The observers from Mr. Yushchenko and KVU fixed this violation fact officially and recorded it to the video.
  • 2004.11.01 | lesia

    News on violations from "I Know!"

    News on violations from "I Know!"

    News as of 2:00

    In Kyiv in polling station 64 (district 214) fifteen voters detained the head of the election commission, and demanded to see the official tally of votes.
    2004-11-01 02:02:56

    Until 1:30am about fifteen voters stood at polling station 64 (district 214) and detained the head of the election commission and did not let him go. Fearing election fraud, they demanded a copy of the official tally, which the head of the commission refused to show them. Two milita officers, who were supposed to take the tally record to the territorial election commission, were unable to do anything. The voters finally got their wish – they were shown the original record results and left with a copy of the protocol: 1777 people voted, 1080 for Yuschenko, and 290 for Yanukovich.

    In Ternopil in station №17 the light was shut off
    2004-11-01 01:47:08

    At 1:30am information was received that in Ternopil at polling station №17 the light was shut off. Ballots are being counted by candlight.

    In Sumy at polling stations 96 and 97 (district 160) the head of the commission refused to sign the official tally record, and is waiting for orders from the Central Election Commission.
    2004-11-01 01:18:55

    This news is affirmed by two subscribers from the Sumy working commission at polling station 96 and 97 (district 160). One of the commission heads is not signing the tally results, and waiting for instructions from the Central Election Commission. The results are: for station 96 77.5% are for Yuschenko, and for station 97 – more than 600 votes are for Yuschenko, 86 for Yanukovych.

    At this moment on Kutuzova street in Kyiv almost 200 young people are creating a human chain across the fence of the Central Election Commission
    2004-11-01 00:54:40

    At this moment on Kutuzova street in Kyiv almost 200 young people, who look like students, went to the Central Election Commission. They are creating a human chain near the fence of the Central Election Commission. These people are wearing tablets that say “Defenders of Order.”

    The main problem at station 41 (district 220) is that almost 20% of ballots were deemed invalid because they were not stamped by the head of the commission.
    2004-11-01 00:40:47

    At polling station 41 (district 220) roughly 2500 people voted. The main problem is that almost 20% of the ballots do not have the name and signature of the head of commission, and therefore are deemed to be invalid. According to our journalist, the preliminary tally shows that almost 75% of votes are for Yuschenko.

  • 2004.11.01 | Хвізик

    A polling station secretary is sabotaging elections

    A polling station #96 secretary is sabotaging elections
    This station is located in the National Academy of State Tax Service (whose rector P.Melnyk is a chief of Kyiv regional organization of the Regions Party and a godfather of the child of the former General Prosecutor of Ukraine Sviatoslav Piskin).
    The secretary did not put her signature on the cut-off parts of buletins in order to make elections invalid in her station, because, in Irpin Yushenko is 4-5 times higher then Yanukovych.
    Now, the represenattives of Presidential Candidates, Territorial Elections Committee chief, journalysts and observers came to the station, but police does not allow them to enter. The committee chief, his assistant and the secretary locked themselves in a separate room and took all the buletins with them.
    Note, the police, Committee chief, his assistant and secretary will carry the responsibility according to the Criminal Code
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.11.01 | nataliya

      Shooting!! stavty


      In Kirovograd.
      The young people, whose identities left unknown, were shooting during the votes counting by the election commission number 99. The packages of documents with the results of the votes were stolen from the election commissions number 92, 93. Yushchenko was leading in those commissions.
      In Kirovograd there are shootings and physical violations in the establishments of the election commissions, where Mr Yushchenko is leading
  • 2004.11.01 | lesia

    Беру Кров на руках виборців

  • 2004.11.01 | Хвізик

    Pogroms and shooting!

    Pogroms and shooting!

    Kirovograd. Unknown young men have opened a gunfire on the polling station #99 during counting. On the stations 92 and 93 folders with documentation have been stolen. Yuschenko is leading on all these stations.
  • 2004.11.01 | Хвізик

    Parallel vote counting

    Yuschenco staff reports
    31.8% of the data is processed

    Yuschenko: 50.34%
    Yanukovych: 27.86%
    Moroz 7.23%

  • 2004.11.01 | lesia

    Voters with bloody hands

    Voters with bloody hands

    In Vynnytsia at one of the stations as voting was coming to an end, a group of unidentified persons began to congregate in one of the hallways. The militia cannot explain who invited them and how they were organized. Opposition representatives are convinced these people were invited by the head of the local militia in order to repeat a performance of what occurred in Mukachevo.

    This signalled the end for a woman who was trying to include herself in the voter list. Of the five members of her family, only her son received an invitation to vote in the election. Of course, his name in the voter list, like many other Ukrainians in this eleciton, was spelled incorrectly. The woman states that a police officer actually slammed his hand in a door.

    In anguish:
    “When we came with a news reporter to look at the voter list and ask his name – he didn’t want to even talk, but wanted to look at his badge – he demanded his hand and then did the deed.

    At this working station in the hallway arrived many unknown people. Most of them refused to explain what they were doing at the station. Those who masked their faces were army personnel. The rest – 20 men – are from a civic youth sports organization. One of them said they were invited there to defend civil peace.

    Evhen Umayets:
    “We are national people – actually nationalistic, Ukrainians. We are out of politics but we are interested in keeping order in this place, at this time.”

    The militia could not explain who invited these young people and what organization they are from.
  • 2004.11.01 | Хвізик

    CEC data 2.26 am

    CEC 2.26 am

    21.82% of data processed
    Yanukovych 47.75% Winning in 9 regions, Krimea and Sevastopol
    Yuschenko 32.59% Winning in 15 regiona and Kyiv
    The highest support of Yanukovych - in Donetsk region 88.02%
    The highest support of Yuschenko - in Lviv region 90.64%

    The highest number of processed reports is coming from the Yanukovych-supporting areas - Donetsk 33.71%, Krimea 31.66%. At the same time, this figure in Lviv region is 21.41%, Kyiv region 14.79% and Kyiv-city is 10.03%
  • 2004.11.01 | Хвізик

    Committee memebers are afraid to sign reports

    Again and again information is coming that committee members are afraid to sign reports. There were reports about buletins taken away by unknown people in unknown direction, electricity shotdowns, etc.
  • 2004.11.01 | Хвізик

    Committee chiefs disapper with reports

    In the village of Skorokhodove, Tatalaiv region, (district #212), right after vote counting, the head of the committee has disappered along with the reports. A similar case also occured in the regional committee in Talalaivka-city.

    Both chiefs run away in an unknown direction. There are suspected to hide in the buildings of local authorities.
  • 2004.11.01 | lesia

    Беру Дані голосування, які має „Знаю!”, категорично суперечать д

  • 2004.11.01 | lesia

    Voting results obtained by “I Know!” contradict info from CEC

    Voting results obtained by “I Know!” contradict info from CEC


    Voting results in polling districts abroad, which organization “I Know!” has obtained, contradict data given by the Central Election Commission (CEC).

    Definitive voting results from 29 polling stations abroad, which civic organization “I Know!” has obtained, contradicts information given by the CEC. According to voting results, which we received at 2:45 November 1, V. Yuschenko received 61.5% of the votes, V. Yanukovich – 31.3%.

    As much as we know about results from CIS countries, where the majority of votes are expected to be for V. Yanukovych, more results are coming from countries in Western Europe and North America, and in those areas one can safely predict that the proportion of votes between the two candidates will not change.

    In reviewing the information that’s coming from the CEC, it seem incomplete. It also appears that information is coming in too slowly.
  • 2004.11.01 | Хвізик

    CEC 3.50 am

    Kivalov reports: 35,11% data processed
    Yanukovych - 47,27%

    Note that these results contradict to the parallel counting ones

    Yanukovych is winning in 9 regions, Krimea and Sevastopol
    Yushenko is winning in 15 regions and in Kyiv-city

    As before, the most of the processed buletins are from pro-Yanukovych regions: Donetsk-54.01%, Krimea-45.07%, Zaporizzhia 40.73%.
    Як і раніше, найбільше оброблено бюлетенів з Донецької області (54,01%), Криму (45,07%) та Запорізької області (40,73%), в котрих переважає Янукович.
    Yanukovych highest result in Donetsk 87.54%
    Yuschenko highest result in Ivano Frankivsk 90.09%
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.11.01 | Сергій Кабуд

      gadau що данні цвк як очевидно гебелсівські не треба перекладати

      закордон звик вірити офіційній цихрє

      а в нас вона дута
      брехня не є кайф
  • 2004.11.01 | Хвізик

    Do not surrender!

    Polling stations #6 and 7, district #215 (school #62) Committee refuse to count votes. People are staying near th eschool, asking for help>
  • 2004.11.01 | Ґастон

    Беру дайджест 1:00-3:00

    Буде до 5:20 за Києвом.

    Заступаю - тільки зараз звільнився і дістався зв"язку sorry :)

    Як вже хтось взяв - дайте знати плз ASAP.
  • 2004.11.01 | Tizia

    Zinchenko: Yushchenko is leading.

    Zinchenko: Yushchenko is leading. The gap of 20 per cent is stable.

    Recently in Yushchenko’s press center Oleksandr Zinchenko, the chief of his electoral headquarters, woke the sleeping journalists with a new figure of 49,9 per cent. According to parallel calculations, it is the number of votes received by Yushchenko.

    According to Zinchenko, Yanukovych received around 30 per cent of votes. “The number of voting records processed is changing, but the gap of 20 per cent continues to be stable”, - said the chief of Yushchenko’s electoral campaign.

    The divergence between the results of parallel counting and “official calculations” from Kivalov’s office Zinchenko explained by the fact that the CEC still is reluctant to count the votes of Western and Central regions [are they waiting for the moment when all polling station will be devastated and all ballots stolen? - M.-I.].

    Kivalov’s office persists in counting only the votes from East and from some Southern regions where Yanukovych is prevalently leading.
  • 2004.11.01 | Tizia

    International observers will promulgate their evaluation

    International observers will promulgate their evaluation of the elections at 14:00

    The mission of international observers that are following the presidential elections in Ukraine will promulgate its preliminary evaluation of the recent voting on Monday at 14.00.

    The press service of the mission informs that the press conference is due in the House of the Teacher in Kyiv at 14:00.

    The mission of international observers in Ukraine includes the representatives of OSCE, Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and European Parliament.

    Mission’s members are 45 observers that have been following elections in various regions of Ukraine since September 14, as well as 600 observers that came to Ukraine directly for the elections of October 31.
  • 2004.11.01 | Tizia

    In the second round Yanukovych will try to catch up the votes of

    In the second round Yanukovych will try to catch up the votes of the leftists

    The central headquarters of presidential candidate Viktor Yanukovych is planning to hold talks with presidential candidates Oleksandr Moroz and Petro Symonenko before the second round, Serhij Tihipko, the chief of the headquarters, reported.

    According to his words, the main issue of the talks is supposed to be the question of political reform.

    “Everybody understands that the fighting will be concentrated on the left wing votes. That’s what we are going to talk about” – S. Tihipko pointed out.

    On this poing the press center of Yanukovych’s headquarters took time-out till the 11 a.m.

    Previously Yanukovych’s headquarters claimed that, according to the results of their “parallel counting of votes”, Yanukovych is leading. Maidan-Inform has already reported that various representatives of Yanukovych’s headquarters communicated contradictory information as to the fact if the parallel counting is being conducted or not. Maybe, by 11 o’clock everybody will receive the proper instructions.
  • 2004.11.01 | Ґастон

    Беру новини "Знаю" за 5:00 (-)

  • 2004.11.01 | Tizia

    Halloween in Sumy is going on

    Halloween in Sumy is going on

    A member of electoral commission №97 (electoral district 160) reports that Sumy is overwhelmed with uncontrolled violations.The counting of votes was completed in the polling stations only at 4 a.m.

    In the meantime, the head of the commission continuously sabotaged the work of the commission.

    When the polling records were taken to the territorial electoral commission, the police prevented the observers to accompany them. Thus only the heads of commissions managed to reach the territorial commissions, whereas the content of the records were previously examined by policemen, the hotline of the Civic Initiative “Znayu!” reports.

    During the counting of votes, the polling station located in the school №10 was demolished by gangsters wearing masks.

    The people are shocked because the official information announces Yanukovych’s advantage, while in most polling station Yushchenko is clearly leading.

    The district electoral commission is encircled by OMON commandos that send away even the heads of commissions, after they have delivered the ballots.

    According to the information of http://hotline.net.ua
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.11.01 | Mary

      Додала, закриваю цю тему, продовження в новій (-)

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