МАЙДАН - За вільну людину у вільній країні

Архіви Форумів Майдану

Координація перекладачів,-- тепер тут!

11/21/2004 | Адвокат ...
Стара гілка,-- за велика. Прошу усих, хто допомагає робити анґлійську стрічку "Майдану", дивити сь цю гілку!


  • 2004.11.21 | Адвокат ...

    Хто має змогу,-- перекладіть оце:

    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.11.21 | Englishman

      beru (-)

    • 2004.11.21 | Englishman

      beru (-)

    • 2004.11.21 | Englishman

      Re: Хто має змогу,-- перекладіть оце:

      Electoral violations in the Donetsk region

      According to the Comitte of Voters of Ukraine (CVU), international observers from the European Network of the Election Monitoring Organizations (ENEMO) have recorded double electoral lists maintained by the committee members at the 14th station of the 46 electoral district located in Artemovsk, Donetsk region. In one of the lists, the data on those who had already voted were recorded.
      The committee members refused to provide any explanations and destroyed the parallel voting list.

      The election watchers also noticed that the polling box at station 8 of the same district steamed up and ceased to be transparent
      The CVU has also informed about the international observers being denied the right to enter the polling stations. Thus, at the 57th station of the 56th district of Mariupol, the head doctor of the psychiatric ward were the station was located demanded that the observers be expelled

      The CUV is also informing that at this polling place, the ballot boxes for voting at home were taken away as early as 7.30 in the morning.
      згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
      • 2004.11.21 | Адвокат ...

        Дякую, додав. ( - )

  • 2004.11.21 | Адвокат ...

    І оце, будь ласка.

    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.11.21 | Сергій Вакуленко

      Report from Donetsk (знадобиться?)

      Two Schemes for Massive Fraud in the Donetsk Region (electoral district no. 60)
      According to the Ukrainian MP Iurii Pavlenko, two schemes for massive electoral fraud are being put in practice at the polling stations of the electoral district no. 60 in the Donetsk Region (the towns of Khartsyzk and Artemivsk).

      The first scheme uses the so-called "mobile groups". Such groups, four to five persons in a car, circulate around the district and visit every polling station. Approximately twenty such groups have been detected, making 100 the total number of persons involved, and they have already popped up at all the stations before 1.00 pm. To obtain their ballots, they produce, instead of a password, a calendar with a picture of Mr. Ianukovych to the commission members. They come in larger mobs, two or three cars at a time, and cannot be stopped, threatening physical violence. They have already had some clashes with our observers.

      The second scheme implies the “mobile” polling boxes. According to the voting regulations, each polling station has a list of elderly people, invalids and disabled that cannot come and cast in their ballots, and the members of the election commission have to visit them in their homes. In fact, the polling stations of the Donetsk Region have two lists, besides the normal one, totalling 20 to 50 hindered persons per station, there is a second – falsified – one with 300 names and more, in which dead and absent people are entered that will not possibly come in person. Until 1.00 pm the mobile boxes came back, each of them containing about 300 filled ballot papers. Is it thinkable that 300 persons should have been visited during 4 or 5 hours with only one box?

      At most stations observers representing Iushchenko’s campaign headquarters are not present, because the police and some gangsterish-looking people won’t let them in. Each action we take provokes a resistance. In answer to our complaints concerning some polling stations, the district commission says it is local abuse that should be dealt with at the respective station. The total number of voters in the Donetsk Region grew up by 300.000 with respect to the previous round of the election, while in comparison to 1999, it soared by 700 to 800 thousand.

      All these irregularities will be taken to the Supreme Court. Future developments will unavoidably lead to the use of this legal way of solving the problems. The country can get an illegally elected President and find itself in isolation. In fact, all the polling records in the Donetsk Region have been signed in advance, with the necessary attendance and votes numbers, and they will be simply legalized after the end of the ballot count. This is their main plan.
      Three weeks ago, they imitated democracy, now they do not even care about the appearances.

      According to their plans, the attendance will reach 98-99 % of the total number of voters, and Ianukovych will get 95-97 % of the votes. In reality, the population of the Donetsk Region is smaller than the number of votes their statistics presents.
  • 2004.11.21 | Tizia

    Перекладаю дайджест 16-20 (-)

  • 2004.11.21 | Адвокат ...

    Терміново! Перекладіть оце!

    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.11.21 | Tizia


  • 2004.11.21 | Хвізик



    According to the exit-polls data of the KMIS and the Razumkov Center, Yuschenko obtained 54% of votes, Yanukovych – 42%. According to the Democratic initiatives, Yuschenko got 58%, Yanukovych – 39% of votes
  • 2004.11.21 | Адвокат ...

    Хто візьме си перекласти оцей дайджест?

    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
  • 2004.11.21 | Хвізик

    Yanukovych headquarters watch oppositional 5th channel

    Yanukovych headquarters watch oppositional 5th channel

    According to Obozrevatel, Yanukovych staff in the movie theater Zoryany is watching 5th channel of TV
    The atmosphere is upsetting. After publication of the exit polls-data, their depressive feelings grew up
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.11.21 | Адвокат ...

      Дякую, поставив. ( - )

  • 2004.11.21 | Хвізик

    Police has strengthened the guarding of Presidential Administrat

    Police has strengthened the guarding of Presidential Administration

    Not far from the building of the Administration, on the parking lot next to the Horodetsky house there are two buses filled with policemen. Part of them is sitting in the buses; others are standing not far away. Another police bus is parked near the Ivan Franko theatre. There are also 2 tracks loaded with sand. Besides, a number of groups of policemen are distributed in the backyards of the neighboring buildings.

    According to the reports, police also concentrated several trucks with sand near the CEC building on the Lesya Ukrainka blvd. In particular, on the Ivan Kudri street, 500 meters away from the CEC, there are 10 KAMAZ trucks loaded with sand. Next to them, there are several police cars and 3 road emergency vehicles. Besides, in the same area police concentrated buses with police troopers. In particular, about 10 buses are parked in the backside CEC driveway. All intersections are guarded by police troopers. Police troops are enforced by the special detachments of the Internal Affairs Ministry.
    On the CEC backyard, there are about 30 buses with policemen.
    In front of the CEC, there are 2 trucks equipped by the Tornado water-throwing guns. From the sides of the CEC, there are 2 trucks with big floodlights. On the backyard, there is also a water-throwing truck and 2 armed trucks. Next to the aqua center, there are 8 trucks to transport people.
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.11.21 | Адвокат ...

      Дякую, поставив. ( - )

  • 2004.11.21 | Хвізик

    News from Sumy: numerous violations

    News from Sumy: numerous violations

    Sumy region, station #137, district #165. Yuschenko observer Serhiy Andruha and committee member Pavlo Sulyma were attacked by unknown men. Yanukovych committee members took part in this assault and helped agressors to escape before police arrival. At the same station, the head of the Trostyanets district government Mykola Berezin and Peoples Deputy Hryhory Dashutin were trying to take away a camera from a journalist.

    Sumy. In Sumy, police stopped a bus in which, in particular, were Narodne Slovo (newspaper from Lviv) correspondents. Policemen checked their ID’s, searched through the bus and did not find anything illegal. When the police has gone, the bus was attacked by teenagers, who broke the windows in it.

    Sumy. On the stations #15 and 19 (district 160), Artem Scherban, the son of the Sumy governor, accompanied by a group of 9 people was noticed. Tehre were driving Zhiguli and Mersedes cars, voting several times using the absentee ballets. At the station #15, their behavior was videotaped.

    Sumy. Pogroms on the polling stations have started. At 4 pm, a group of about 10 people has entered the station #28 (district 160) and crashed two voting boxes. - reported official observer from Yuschenko Oleksandr Pysanenko.
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.11.21 | Адвокат ...

      Дякую, поставив. ( - )

  • 2004.11.21 | Хвізик

    Two committee members from Sumy were taken by ambulance

    Two committee members from Sumy were taken by ambulance

    After someone threw a bottle of acid into the window of the station #73, located in the school #28 in Sumy. Two other committee members escaped.
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.11.21 | Mykyta

      Дякую, стоїть (-)

  • 2004.11.21 | Хвізик

    Yanukovych staff is desinforming Crimeans

    Yanukovych staff is desinforming Crimeans

    According to the chair of Yuschenko headquarters in Crimea Valeriy Probyi-Golova.

    Yuschenko supporters have nothing in common with Donetsk TV radio company Spravedlyvist, - he said. The events on the station #12 in the Simferopol-city confirmed that the opponents keep using dirty methods to cheat Crimean community
    He said, the media representatives are present on many polling stations in Crimea, among them Krymskoe Slovo, Vechernie Vesti, Pravda Ukrainy, and other honest newspapers.

    We have enough of journalists and don’t need help of non-existing TV company Spravedlyvost, - Proby-Golova said.
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.11.21 | Mykyta

      Дякую, є (-)

  • 2004.11.21 | Mary

    Микита на роздачі. (-)

  • 2004.11.21 | Хвізик

    Kyiv. Several people with absentee ballets are arrested.

    Kyiv. Several people with absentee ballets were arrested.

    They were using them to vote for several times.
    In the Holosievo district, several provocateurs were arrested by police with the help of observers and committee members, - the Deputy of Kyiv Council Lydmyla Zakrevska informs.

    On the station #70 (district 214), mister Volodymyr Romenyuk was arrested. He had two passports, Russian and Ukrainian, and was trying to vote for the fourth time. He was stopped, since he was already seen on the stations #27, 30 and 34. His absentee ballets were issued by the station #40 (district 196), city of Korsun-Shevchenkivsky. He claims that he was voting for Yanukovych.

    Three more persons from Korsun-Shevchenkivsky, have committed the same violations and were arrested on the stations #27,30,31 and 34 in Kyiv. Their absentee ballets were issued by the station #30 (district 196).

    In general, the tactics of falsifications has changed. People were arriving not only by buses, but also by trains. Then, they were taken by cars to the polling stations. A lot of such cars were noticed in Dniprovsky district. These cars were carrying Yanukovych symbolic and accompanied by police and ambulance.
    These people were brought to set up provocations and to vote with absentee ballets
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.11.21 | Mykyta

      Є, дякую (-)

  • 2004.11.21 | Хвізик

    Chair and Secretary of Committees hospitalized with heart attack

    Chair and Secretary of Committees in Lviv hospitalized with heart attack

    Lviv. Around 8 pm, Chair of the committee #27 and Secretary of the committee #12 (district 117) are taken to emergency room with heart attack, Lviv rerional voters committee chair Roman Koshovy said.

    Ukrainian News
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.11.21 | Mykyta

      Дякую додав (-)

  • 2004.11.21 | Mykyta

    Увага, питання

    наскільки гальмує Майдан і наскільки великі труднощі це створює? Можемо перебратись на Живий Журнал. Є така потреба?
  • 2004.11.21 | Хвізик

    Mass falsifications in Zaporizzhia

    Mass falsifications in Zaporizzhia

    Today, at 8 pm, representatives of Nasha Ukraina (headed by People’s Deputy Petro Sabashuk) together with socialists have discovered a secret facility to produce faked ballets. The facility was located in the backyard of the store Tavria-Luks, just 30 (!) meters away from the Major’s building. Before that the facility was visited by the vice-major Konstantyn Vaitanyk, after which, they started to take the bags of printed matters away from the building. Oppositionists have blocked the entrance. Then, opened the front door, attempting to get inside the building. At this moment, the police, headed by the chair of the district department, arrived. Sabashuk attempts to figure out what is inside the building, and why the police arrived were unsuccessful. Moreover, the policemen would enter the building and carry something out of it under their clothes.
    Unexpectedly, People’s Deputies from Regiony Ukrainy Alexander Peklushenko, Yaroslav Sukhy and Volodymyr Bronnikov have arrived. After their instructions, a truck has come. On the order of the Police Department Chair, not less then 150 policemen aggressively “cleaned up” the neighboring territory. A fight has started. Sabashuk leg was jammed by the car’s door, and one policeman was trying to break it.
    At the moment, police and private cars keep taking away the stuff. Several streets are blocked. Visitors of the neighboring cafes are taken away with an excuse that the building is mine-strewn. Videotape recording of this incident is located in the Nasha Ukraina headquarters. Phone (0612)33-2438
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.11.21 | Mykyta

      Величезне спасибі (-)

  • 2004.11.21 | Mykyta

    Потрібен переклад

    Журналістів-iнакодумцiв Інтеру не пустили на роботу

    Версія до друку // Редагувати // Стерти // URL: http://maidan.org.ua/static/news/1101068433.html

    Журналиста новостей Интера, который 'мешал' своєй обективностью врать в последние дни и приносил информацию в штаб Ющенко не допустили к работе. ОМОН охраняет канал. Журналист вынужден уйти со своей смены.

    Журналисты сопротивляются не желая подавать брехливые новости. Интересно что будет если Мустафин останется только со своими крысами.
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.11.21 | fahid


    • 2004.11.21 | fahid

      Dissident reporter are not allowed to his office at Inter TV.

      A journalist at the Inter TV channel controlled Mr. Medvedchuk and SDPU(o) is not allowed to office for his balanced approach that have irritated the bosses of Inter recently. The building of Inter is guarded by special police unit "OMON". The reporter misses his scheduled air time.

      Journalists increasingly oppose barefaced lie on the pro-government channels. What if Mr. Mustafin ( Inter news service editor-in-chief ) finds one day that the only "journalists" willing to air his "news" are rats living in his office?
  • 2004.11.21 | Хвізик

    Possibly, there is a bomb in the Yanukovych headquarters.

    Possibly, there is a bomb in the Yanukovych headquarters.

    People’s Deputy Valery Konovalyuk (Regions of Ukraine) has said about anonymous phone call about a bomb planted in the Yanukovych Central headquarters.
    We are going to continue our work, - he said on the press conference.

    Answering the journalist’s questions, he said that this information is going to be checked. However, the staff has very strong security measures and thinks that this information is an attempt to disrupt the work of the staff on the parallel counting. Therefore, the staff is going to continue its work. Evacuation from the building – is everyone’s personal business
  • 2004.11.21 | Mykyta

    Потрібен переклад

    По можливості скорочуйте

    В Запорожье избиты 3 народных депутата!

    Версія до друку // Редагувати // Стерти // URL: http://maidan.org.ua/static/news/1101069549.html

    При попытке противодействовать фальсификации выборов в городе Запорожье избиты представители Виктора Ющенко, народные депутаты Украины Сергей Соболев, Петр Сабашук и Юрий Артеменко.

    Около 18:00 21 ноября из подтвержденных источников стало известно, что в помещениях Запорожских райадминистраций, в которых расположены территориальные избирательные комиссии, а также в помещении запорожского горисполкома и смежных с ним строениях готовятся масштабные фальсификации, вплоть до замены опечатанных пакетов избирательной документации, следующих из участковых территориальных комиссий.

    При попытке прорваться в параллельный штаб по фальсификации результатов выборов, действующий на третьем этаже Ленинской районной администрации, в которой расположена 77-я территориальная избирательная комиссия, представителями криминалитета, прятавшимися в подсобных помещениях административного здания были избиты народные депутаты Сергей Соболев и Юрий Артеменко, а также их помощники консультанты. Все это происходило на глазах представителей правоохранительных органов, которые безучастно наблюдали за происходящим. Место нахождения одного из помощников С.Соболева Сергея Ивашинникова, который оказался в эпицентре беспредела, до сих пор не известно.

    При попытке разоблачить параллельный штаб, действующий по адресу пр.Ленина, 208 в 20 метрах от запорожской мэрии, и координируемый непосредственно заместителем мэра Запорожья Краташова по общим вопросам К.Вайтаником, был избит народный депутат Украины Петр Сабашук. По предварительным данным народный депутат получил закрытый перелом ноги.

    В данный момент на обнаруженных точках фальсификации наблюдается массовое скопление представителей правоохранительных органов. Деятельность работников милиции возле горисполкома координируется непосредственно главой ОблГаи Безруком. В эпицентре событий находятся народные депутаты Пеклушенко и Сухый, осуществляющие общую координацию противоправных деяний власти.

    В настоящий момент работники милиции и чиновники горисполкома и райадминистраций грузят находящуюся в теневых штабах документацию и вывозят в неизвестном направлении. В радиусе 100 метров от указанных точек полностью заблокировано перемещение автомобилей и людей, производится паспортный контроль граждан, пытающихся подойти
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.11.21 | Englishman

      beru (-)

    • 2004.11.22 | Englishman

      Re: Потрібен переклад

      Three people’s deputies reported beaten in Zaporizhzhya

      Three deputies- representatives of Victor Yuschenko’s team, namely Mr Sobolev, Mr Sabashuk and Mr Artemenko were beaten when trying to prevent falsifying the elections in Ukrainian city of Zaporizhzhya.
      At around 6 pm on the 21 November a news emerged that massive fraud was being committed within the premises of Zaporizhzhya local administrations as well as within the city’s executive office that host the election district committees. It was reported that sealed pack of election documents delivered from the local election stations might be replaced at this level before they are officially confirmed by the central election office.

      While attempting to enter the 77th election district premises where such a scam was reportedly prepared, the deputies as well as their consultants were beaten by the gangsters who were hiding inside the local administration’s building. All this took place in front of the law enforcement officials who were apparently totally indifferent about what they saw. The whereabouts of Mr Ivashinnikov, one of the consultants of Mr Sobolev who was at the epicenter of the assault, are still unknown.

      Meanwhile, when trying to expose the dealings of such a « parallel counting headquarters » located 20 meters away from the City Hall of Zaporizhzhya and coordinated directly by the Deputy Mayor of the city, Mr Vaitannik, there was an assault on Mr Sabashuk, another people’s deputy. According to preliminary investigations, he suffered closed fracture of the leg.

      Presently, it is possible to observe the massive gathering of law enforcement officials near the places where a possible fraud is being committed. The local police is being coordinated by the head of the Regional Street Patrol services, Mr Bezruk. Mr Peklushko and Mr Suhy, the deputies from pro-government factions, are reported to be in charge of coordinating the illegal activities. Moreover, the police officers and the staff of the city and regional administrations are believed to be carrying away the illegal documentation in the unknown direction. At the radius of about 100 meters around these spots, the movements of people and traffic has been totally blocked. Those who want to pass must undergo thorough passport checks.
      згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
      • 2004.11.22 | Englishman

        Навіщо я це перекладав?

        Якщо все одно поставили інший переклад.

        Якщо хтось береться за роботу, прохання попереджувати, щоб не було дублювання.
        згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
        • 2004.11.22 | Mykyta

          Прошу вибачити

          Ваш переклад кращий і ми поставимо саме його.

          Я зараз не знаю, чому сталось дублювання. Ми це обов"язково вияснимо і спробуємо уникнути надалі.

          Я знаю, що це коштує великих зусиль перекладати на англійську опівночі. Ще раз прошу вибачити.
          згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
          • 2004.11.22 | Englishman

            ок, нічого особистого

            в таких умовах дуже легко щось не помітити.
          • 2004.11.22 | Mykyta

            Вже стоїть (-)

  • 2004.11.21 | Mykyta

    Терміново. Це треба перекласти

    Злам антиянуковичівських сайтів триває

    Версія до друку // Редагувати // Стерти // URL: http://maidan.org.ua/static/news/1101071161.html

    Після зламу сайту 5-го каналу невідомі хакери взялися і за сайт ham.com.ua, який був дуже популярним джерелом інформації про Януковича за останній місяць.

    На головній сторінці сайту наразі висить повідомлення "Сайт зазнав дефейсу від команди Anti-Share. Це не злочин - це просто спосіб виживання".

    Виглядає, що один відомий нам штаб одного відомого кандидата звернувся до команди професіоналів, яка може бути дислокована де завгодно, і слідів до замовників напевне не залишиться. Однак "фірмова" заставка хакерів в даній ситуації дуже символічна - дехто остервеніло прагне "вижити", сіючи руйнування.

    Ну що ж, народ України - це не окремий сайт. Вони виживуть, їх дійсно ніхто не збирається знищувати. Зате ми - ПЕРЕМОЖЕМО!
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.11.21 | Хвізик


      згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
      • 2004.11.21 | Хвізик

        Breaking-in into anti-Yanukovych web-cites

        Breaking-in into anti-Yanukovych web-cites

        Unknown hackers after breaking web-cite of the 5-th channel, started to work on ham.com.ua, a very popular information source about Yanukovych
        On the main page of the cite there is a message: “The cite was defaced by the command Anti-Share. It is not a crime – it is just a way to survive”

        It looks like, the famous headquarters of one very known person has asked a team of professionals that can be located anywhere, and it is unlikely to track them. However, their message is a very symbolic one – someone is trying to survive, while ruining others.

        However, Ukrainian People – is not a web cite. They will survive, nobody is going to ruin them.
        And, we will WIN.
      • 2004.11.21 | Хвізик

        Breaking-in into anti-Yanukovych web-cites

        Breaking-in into anti-Yanukovych web-cites

        Unknown hackers after breaking web-cite of the 5-th channel, started to work on ham.com.ua, a very popular information source about Yanukovych
        On the main page of the cite there is a message: “The cite was defaced by the command Anti-Share. It is not a crime – it is just a way to survive”

        It looks like, the famous headquarters of one very known person has asked a team of professionals that can be located anywhere, and it is unlikely to track them. However, their message is a very symbolic one – someone is trying to survive, while ruining others.

        However, Ukrainian People – is not a web cite. They will survive, nobody is going to ruin them.
        And, we will WIN.
  • 2004.11.21 | Хвізик

    Famous district #100 (Kirovograd) turns into a battlefield again

    Famous district #100 (Kirovograd) turns into a battlefield again

    A citizen from Kirovograd reports:

    10.04 pm
    The electricity shut down is being prepared. Yuschenko is leading 2:1. The electricity is alreadu shut down on the stations 38, 79, 115. Police does nothing.

    9.45 pm
    I am in the Kirovograd City Council (district 100). Looks like committee members already know the results and received the order to falsificate them. People’s Deputy Yavorivsky is here. Police is also present. There are going to take voting boxes to another room. Perhaps, they will try to do something to them.
  • 2004.11.21 | Хвізик

    Letters to Maidan: Thanks to Yanukovych headquarters

    Letters to Maidan: Thanks to Yanukovych headquarters

    I would like to say many thanks to Yanukovych headquarters that they were able to find money and opportunity to send to the Western Ukraine observers, simple citizens from Donetsk Region. Only thanks to this, hundreds and thousands of simple Ukrainians from the East were able to discover for themselves the Western Ukraine. They saw with their own eyes that the “angry bandera’s” are, in fact, the same Ukrainians, and no one is going to beat anybody fro speaking Russian.

    All talks about contradictions between the West and the East are nothing but a myth, distributed by those who are afraid of the people. I can make this conclusion thanks to communications with observers from the East and with committee members.

    Chervonograd, the city of coal-miners.
  • 2004.11.21 | Mykyta

    До перекладу

    Новий спосіб псування бюлетенів

    Версія до друку // Редагувати // Стерти // URL: http://maidan.org.ua/static/news/1101071706.html

    Округ 217, дільниця 72, Київ: невідомі вкинули до урни з бюлетенями хімічну речовину. В результаті 126 бюлетенів зіпсовано, 30 з них - остаточно, по решті можна визначити результат голосування
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.11.22 | Хвізик

      A new way to spoil ballets

      A new way to spoil ballets

      District 217, station #72, Kyiv. Unknown people throw a chemical into the box. In the result, 126 ballets are spoiled; 30 of them – completely; from others, one can still determine the voting results.
  • 2004.11.21 | Mykyta

    Я всі переклади ставлю, але не встигаю сповіщати після кожног(-)

  • 2004.11.21 | Mykyta

    Треба перекласти

    Рівне. Білим порошком палять скриньки з бюлетенями

    Версія до друку // Редагувати // Стерти // URL: http://maidan.org.ua/static/news/1101073391.html

    21 листопада близько 20 години на виборчій дільниці №101 ТВО №155 у м. Рівне Андрій КАЛІНЧУК та Олег АФАНАСЬЄВ, що проживають у м. Харків здійснили підпал виборчих скриньок.

    Андрій КАЛІНЧУК вкинув у скриньку бюлетень із білим порошком, який згодом спалахнув. Внаслідок підпалу була ушкоджена скринька та кілька бюлетенів. Особи, які здійснили підпал були затримані співробітниками МВ УМВС Рівненської області та направлені до чергової частини.

    Аналогічний випадок стався на виборчій дільниці № 78 ТВО № 155 м. Рівного, де підпал білим порошком вчинили троє невідомих осіб.
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.11.21 | Хвізик


      згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
      • 2004.11.22 | Хвізик

        Rivne. The voting boxes are burned with white powder

        Rivne. The voting boxes are burned with white powder

        November 21, 8 pm, polling station #101 (district 155), Rivne-city. Andriy Kalynchuk and Oleh Afanasiev, who are from Kharkiv, set a fire on the voting boxes.

        Kalynchuk throw a ballet into the box with white powder in it, which later flared up. In the result the box and several ballets were damaged. The incendiaries were arrested by police.

        A similar case has happened on the station #78 (district 155), where the fire was set up by a group of three unknown people.
  • 2004.11.22 | Mykyta

    До перекладу

    Окончательные данные Национального экзит-пола не претерпели изменений!

    Версія до друку // Редагувати // Стерти // URL: http://maidan.org.ua/static/news/1101073812.html

    По окончательным данным "Национального экзит-пола", во втором туре выборов президента Украины лидирует Виктор Ющенко с 54% голосов избирателей, Виктор Янукович на втором месте с 43% голосов. Против всех проголосовали 3% избирателей.

    Об этом сообщили агентству "Интерфакс-Украина" в Украинском центре экономических и политических исследований (УЦЭПИ) имени Разумкова, который проводил опрос наряду с другими организациями.

    Исследование проводил также КМИС на выходе с избирательных участков. Фонд "Деминициативы" является координатором и организатором "Национального экзит-пола-2004"

    Опрошено 30 тыс. человек на 460 избирательных участках. Результаты каждой из организаций не отличались больше чем на 1%. Опрос проводился методом тайного голосования

    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.11.22 | Хвізик

      The final results of the national exit poll remain unchanged

      The final results of the national exit poll remain unchanged

      According to them, in the second round of the elections, the leadership belongs to Victor Yoschenko with 54% of votes. Victor Yanukovych is on the second place with 43% of votes. 3% of voters voted against both of them.
      This information was given to Interfax-Ukraine by the Razumkov Center, which was doing research in collaboration with other institutions.

      The research was also done by KMIS. The Dem.Initiative foundation is the organizer and coordinator of the National Exit Poll.

      In total, 30,000 people at 460 stations were questioned. The results of different institutions did not differ mote then 1%. Questioning was done by the method of secret ballot.

  • 2004.11.22 | Tizia

    Я візьму дайджести 20-22 і 22-24, але

    Майдан в мене дуже погано вантажиться, і взагалі інтернет препоганий. Тому може бути затримка.
  • 2004.11.22 | Хвізик

    police major was fired

    After the interview on the 5-th channel, the police major was fired

    The major of the special police detachment Berkut Gennady Abramchuk was fired by colonel Silyakov after he gave an interview to the 5-th channel, Yuschenko Central headquarters report.

    At that time, Abramchuk was on duty. When he arrived to the commandment, his gun, police ID and police uniform were taken away. Colonel Silyakov motivated his decision that the major started to serve the opposition, and, therefore, he is not supposed to serve in the police.

    Free forum
  • 2004.11.22 | Хвізик

    Maidan Nezalezhnosty (Independence square):People are living ti

    Maidan Nezalezhnosty (Independence square): People are living till morning

    Olexandr Turcynov has asked to go home, relax and come back at 9 am next morning. People, unwillingly, going home. Now, there are only several thousands people left on the square. There are guarding tents where the parallel counting is done.

    The big screen that usually shows commercials, now is showing a map of Ukraine, on which separately by regions is shown the number of people who already voted (by 8 pm).

    In conclusion, Turchinov said that aircrafts are waiting for Kuchma, Yanukovych and Medvedchuk. We are telling them: “Go away, before it is too late”. These words caused a big ovation among present.

    In the crowd, there are Belorussian and Georgian flags and slogans “Falsifications – no pasaran”. Neighboring buildings are decorated with Yuschenko symbolic.
  • 2004.11.22 | Хвізик

    Attention, Dnipropetrovsk!

    Attention, Dnipropetrovsk!

    Dnipropetrovsk, city center, polling station in the school #33, cross the street from police department. Two buses with unknown people have come. They occupied the school building and break windows. Police has not arrived yet.
    Ratio of votes Yushenko to Yanukovych is 1:1, despite the pack of ballets for Yanukovych was thrown into the box. Committee members are blocked in the school.
  • 2004.11.22 | Mykyta

    Перекладачі! Вибирайте, будь-ласка, важливіші новини

    і перекладайте самі, як це Хвізик робить (за що йому величезна подяка).
  • 2004.11.22 | Хвізик

    President Yuschenko meets with Kyvalov

    With big difficulty Yuschenko was able to meet with Kyvalov (CEC chair). So far, the details of the meeting are not known.
    Whereabouts of Tymoshenko are not known
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.11.22 | Адвокат ...

      Дякую, поставив. ( - )

  • 2004.11.22 | Хвізик

    Falsifications in Kharkiv

    Letter to Maidan
    I just came back from the polling station #56 (district 171). After the votes were counted, the committee chair T.O.Distanova went out with the report. She refused to our request to announce results, saying that at first she should deliver repirt to the District committee and only upon her return, the results will be posted for everybody. She also ignored our warnings about crimnial prosecution.
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.11.22 | Адвокат ...

      Дякую, поставив. ( - )

  • 2004.11.22 | Хвізик

    News from Sumy and Poltava

    News from Sumy and Poltava

    SUMY. Yuschenko is winning. FM radio Vsesvit has announced results on 15 stations. According to these data, Yuschenko received 82%, Yanukovych 14% of votes

    Two committee members were poured with acid. There are hospitalized. Into the window of the station #73 located in the school #28, unknown people throw acid, after that two committee members were taken away by ambulance, two others – run away. Syla Narodu informs

    Voters committee accuses a member of the station #94 (district 163, Konotop) elections committee Olexandr Andruscheko in throwing a bunch of ballets into the voting box during the electricity shut down. The voters committee representative Olesya Yakymenko said that the observers were able to notice the moment of cheating and reported it.

    Agricultural University students vote for Yuschenko despite the pressure
    As in the first round they were supposed to show they ballets to administration. However, one of the students put in front of their eyes a ballet where she voted for Yuschenko!

    In the elections night, three Yuschenko activists became members of the Ukrainian Peoples Party – the strongest one in the block. Their names are: Stanislav Tsys, Olena Yaremenko, and Olexandr Synyak, editor of the local newspaper
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.11.22 | Адвокат ...

      Дякую, поставив. ( - )

  • 2004.11.22 | Хвізик

    President Yuschenko:CEC is going to falsificate results

    President Yuschenko:CEC is going to falsificate results. He is asking everybody to come tomorrow at 9 am to Khrescahtyk
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.11.22 | Адвокат ...

      Дякую, поставив. ( - )

  • 2004.11.22 | Хвізик

    Help is needed

    Kherson region, Bilosirsky District, Tomyna Balka

    From the very morning, there were 6 unknown buses near the village. Observers did not allow them to vote. In the evening, votes were counted and showed Yuschenko leadership

    After that police and unknown people have come and started to demand another counting. In the result, the count was significantly different. At the moment, there are trying to invalidate elections. Help is needed.
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.11.22 | Адвокат ...

      Дякую, поставив. ( - )

  • 2004.11.22 | Хвізик

    Kushnarev is stealing votes from Yuschenko

    Letter to Maidan: Kushnarev is stealing votes from Yuschenko

    We have official results on two polling stations #56, 57 in Kharkiv (district 171), according to which Yanukovych got 55.9% of votes, Yuschenko 38.5% of votes.
    However the CEC shows 22% for Yuschenko. As in the first round, 15% were stolen. Kushnerev is afraid that yanukovych will beat his face, but he is not afraid to go to prison for up to 12 years!
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.11.22 | Адвокат ...

      Дякую, поставив. ( - )

  • 2004.11.22 | Хвізик

    How to restore ink on the ballet

    How to restore ink on the ballet (unchecked information)

    We have got a phone call from Kherson - smart guys in some village have discovered how to return disappearing ink to the ballet. They claim, that it is enough to hold the paper on the fire for a while.

    Experimentalists! Be careful! Do not burn the ballets along with boxes and stations!
  • 2004.11.22 | М.Н.

    Re: Координація перекладачів,-- тепер тут!

    Переклад статті "Новини з Донецьку"
    (перевірено і редаговано носіями мови)

    News from Donetsk

    According to official information, in Poll Station #41, Donetsk, 95% of voters have cast the votes. Approximately 25-30% of all voters have voted at home. (Video record is available).

    Upon coming to the poll stations some people found out that the voting ballot record shows that they had already voted. After complaining to the election commission, the members of the election commission offered to let them to vote in place of other people.

    There is a video record confirming alleged advertising by Yanukovich’s supporters. The bus, belonging to Ukrtelecom Company, was driving around the city and calling people to vote. The speakers played an audio recording of Yanukovich’s TV ad.

    In some cases the voting ballot had a mark in front of “Yanukovich” so that the voters new where to put “correct” mark. Many member of the election commission did not have necessary certification or any id whatsoever.
    At the ballot stations, the work of the members of “Our Ukraine” party was very unsatisfactory. They were not prepared properly, did not know the law, and sometimes acted inadequately. Many ballot stations did not have any “Our Ukraine” representatives at all.
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.11.22 | Mary

      Додаю (-)

  • 2004.11.22 | Tizia

    Роблю дайджести 22-24 і 24-02 (-)

  • 2004.11.22 | Хвізик

    Yuschenko explained what to do

    Yuschenko explained what to do

    Yuschenko had a press-conference in the Mohyla Academy
    He said (briefly)
    We went to the CEC with the only purpose - to know how many people voted. If the number of people that participated in the voting still not announced, it means the CEC is going by the road of falsifications.
    We have no doubt that we won the elections

    Now, step by step:
    1. I don't trust CEC calculations. In Donetsk for over 900 committees we have only 19 committee members!
    2. There is a coup going on. It starts from Donetsk by Yanukovych headquarters.
    3. In order to defend our choice, we ALL should go out on Maidan at 9 am. Exclusively with pieceful methods, corresponding to the actions of establishment.
    4. We initiate emergency session of the Parlament to discuss the current events.
    5. By the morning we will prepare a report for OSCE and European governments about violations of the main human rights.

    We are together. God with us. We are going to win
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.11.22 | Адвокат ...

      Дякую, поставив. ( - )

  • 2004.11.22 | М.Н.

    Переклад: "Знаю" оприлюднила план голосування

    "Знаю" оприлюднила план голосування від Харківської ОДА

    Citizens’ Initiative Group “Znayu” has information about voting conspiracy at Kharkov Regional Administration

    The web-site of Citizens’ Initiative Group “Znayu” published a document: “Voting Data as of 17:00, 11.21.2004”. The document was issued by the Regional Department for Coordination of Work With People, Kharkov, headed by L. M. Demidova.
    According to this document, Kharkov Regional Administration had a task to ensure that 1,565.945 persons voted for Yanukovich. According to this document, 68% of voters had cast their votes. This task was supposed to be fulfilled by using voting methods of so called “detachable ballots”, “voting at home” and “voting in the hospitals” that are easily forged.
    Voting results are as follows:
    Detachable ballots — 13 500
    Voting at home — 78 102
    Voting in the hospitals — 18 561.
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.11.22 | nataliya

      rezultaty z paryzhu

      babay,advokat chomu vy ne dayete dani z Paryzhu???
      Vasylko Guley prosyt povtorno:
      progolosuvalo 928
      yushenko 836
      yanukovych 77
      nediysnyh 1
      proty vsih 14
      she paralelno vidbuvalas myrna manifestaziya pid gaslom: "ne damo zlochynzyam vkrasty peremogu" navproty prymishennya vynborchoyi dilnyzi
      Dyakuyu, babaychyk ta advokat
  • 2004.11.22 | lesia

    In Uzhorod unidentified persons with face masks raided station №

    In Uzhorod unidentified persons with face masks raided station № 86

    Almost twenty people wearing black masks broke into the station premises and began tearing up documentation and beating people in the area. However the people banded together and were able to rebuff the attackers. By the time the militia arrived, the attackers had fled in their cars. Onlookers maintain that the the attackers were led by the criminal nicknamed Chaly.
    Polling station № 86 is an area where the business elite of the city are located, and it is here that the majority of voters are for Viktor Yuschenko.
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.11.22 | Tizia

      Додано (-)

  • 2004.11.22 | Ґастон

    Заступив. Беру дайджест 2:00-4:00

    Заступаю пізніше, ніж за графіком, з незалежних від мене обставин. Вибачайте.

    Пропонує в англ. перекладах лінки на українські історії не ставити - немає смисла. Як є заперечення - давайте знати, буду ставити.

    Початок дайджесту (щоправда) дещо конфузить - і стилістично, і за змістом. Про Бельгію, напр.: починається з "У нього..." і далі. У кого? І далі є таке саме.

    Кинути на новинарню питання?

    Зможу бути на зміні до 10:30 за Києвом.
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.11.22 | Tizia

      Зачекайте хвильку +

      я зараз тут вивішу вже готовий дайджест - подивитеся, що там є.
      згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
      • 2004.11.22 | Ґастон

        Я тоді буду те, що лишилося, брати частинами?

        Скажімо, Бельгія, Барселона і Чехія - одна частина.

        Порушення і ґвалт на Сумщині й Полтавщині - друга.

        Заяви політиків - третя.

        Це - перше, що спадає на думку. Може, так і легше для сприйняття - бо краще структуроване. Що скажете?
        згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
        • 2004.11.22 | Tizia

          Re: Я тоді буду те, що лишилося, брати частинами?

          Він дійсно дуже довгий і сумбурний, з повторами. Може дивіться, що вже було в окремих новинах і того взагалі не треба давати. А якщо все одно лишиться багато, то згідна з вами, варто поділити, відповідно назвавши кожен кусок.

          Я тим часом беру наступний дайджест 04:00 - 06:00.
          згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
          • 2004.11.22 | Ґастон

            Поставив частину про Бельгію, Барселону, Прагу.

            Беруся за київські результати, і тоді - інформашку соскінську по інету. Інше важливе з цього дайджеста здебільшого вже було повідомлене.
          • 2004.11.22 | Ґастон

            Поставив частину про київські новини (-)

          • 2004.11.22 | Ґастон

            Поставив Соскіна про Інтернет окремо

            Дайджест до 6тої - well done! :-))
  • 2004.11.22 | lesia

    Events: 100/92, Kirovohrad

    Events: 100/92, Kirovohrad

    Our correspondent Tetyana Chornovil came across a polling station where a cavalcade of buses with Donetsk license plates were pulling out. The militia was disappearing as quickly as it had appeared.

    Voters and journalists who came to protect their votes, found out about the attempted assault from youths. Bandits tore through the human chain formed by the defenders, broke down the doors, then through another set of glass doors, and were stopped only by the an armed security guard on patrolling duty. A similar story occurred during the first round of the election, when an armed guard on watch was able to stop bandits using his weapons. After the attack, everyone became witness to the attempt to protect the secretatary of the district election commission’s tabulation of votes. However the militia stole the vote tabulations, immersed in “Gazelle” and took it to the district government office instead of the Territorial Election Commission (TEC), where it was to be collected.

    The results for this district are as follows:

    1124 Yuschenko
    689 Yanukovich

    At this time at polling station №93 Vitaliy Bielov stole ballots and voting protocols, and placed them in his Nissan car. He did not take them to the TEC.

    From the 98th polling station 312 empty ballots were stolen, which the commission would like to mark for this station as invalid. This is not surprising, since Yuschenko gained 970 votes against 378 votes for Yanukovich.
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.11.22 | Tizia

      Додано (-)

  • 2004.11.22 | lesia

    Status of 399 divisional election commission members must be ren

    Status of 399 divisional election commission members must be renewed

    The appeals court of Kirovohrad oblast ordered the territorial election commission of district №100 to renew the status of 399 former members of divisional election commissions in Kirovohrad.
    According to UNIAN information agency, the court was in such a way able to satisfy a complaint made by Ihor Bondarenko, an official election observer from Viktor Yuschenko’s party, and decided to repeal the decision made by the territorial election commission district №100 on November 21, “On the insertion of partial changes to the structure of divisional election commissions.”
    In accordance with the commission’s decision, this morning 469 people were removed as members of the divisional election commissions.
    Of these, 70 people wrote an affirmation that they were let go according to their own personal wishes, 11 were removed in agreeance with article 8 paragraphy 8 of the Ukrainian law, “On the Presidential Elections of Ukraine,” and 388 people were removed in accordance with article 30, paragraph 5 of the same law.
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.11.22 | Tizia

      Додано (-)

  • 2004.11.22 | lesia

    Parallel count with 11% lead margin is holding

    Parallel count with 11% lead margin is holding

    In the central headquarters of Viktor Yuschenko the parallel counting of votes continues.

    As of 6:30am, 57.2% of votes have been processed. Of these Viktor Yuschenko received 52.84% of votes (9,054,060 people), and Viktor Yanukovich – 42.31% (7,249,873 people). 4.85% voted against both candidates.

    As confirmed by national deputy Yuri Yekhanurov, Yuschenko is leading by a wide margin in 17 oblasts (general total of voters in these oblasts is 19,568,949), while Yanukovich has the advantage in 10 oblasts (general number of voters is 18,144,074 people).
    Yuri Yekhanurov stated that three oblasts have “deviated from average statistical indicators – beginning in 1998.” These are Luhansk, Kharkiv, and Donetsk oblasts, where there occur the most faslifications. “In Donetsk oblast, which is usually an outsider regarding election appearances, EVERYONE voted yesterday,” said the deputy.

    The next parallel count results will be announced after a meeting at 9:00. At the meeting will be shown vote tabulation protocols from territorial election commissions that show “wet” seals (originals that do not have photocopied seals).
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.11.22 | Tizia

      Стоїть (-)

  • 2004.11.22 | Ґастон

    Беру остаточні результати по Чехії (-)

  • 2004.11.22 | Ґастон

    Беру Дайджест 6:00-8:00 (-)

  • 2004.11.22 | lesia

    Censorship of TV channel, censorship of web site

    Censorship of TV channel, censorship of web site

    At close to 7:00am the webcam broadcasting of Maidan Nezalezhnosti square was turned off, which had been available through the web site of channel 1+1. For people outside of Kyiv, this was a great opportunity to follow events that are occurring in the main square of Ukraine.

    “Live” images of Maidan Nezalezhnosti can be found at
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.11.22 | Ґастон

      Дякую, поставив (-)

  • 2004.11.22 | lesia

    Yuschenko appeals to European organizations

    Yuschenko appeals to European organizations

    Presidential candidate Viktor Yuschenko stated that his party intends to immediately appeal to European organizations and nations and bring their attention to the massive falsifications of the Ukrainian election. Yuschenko stated this the evening of the election at his press center.

    “Until morning we will make an appeal to the European Parliament, to the OSCE, to the European Union, to most of European nations, their governments and parliaments, with one single aim. In this country the freedom of choice was violated – a fundamental civic right.”

    Yuschenko pointed out that today international attention is “focused on the Ukrainian elections and especially the falsifications, which the government resorted to.”
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.11.22 | Ґастон

      Дякую, стоїть. До нової гілки? (-)

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