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09/09/2006 | Бё!
Компания Google добавила в свой новостной поисковик Google News возможность поиска новостей за последние 200 лет. Ранее Google хранил новостные сообщения только за последние 30 дней. Разработчики назвали новый сервис "новостным архивом" (News Archive). Новостной архив Google позволяет не только получить список упоминаний некоторой фразы в прессе прошлого, позапрошлого и нынешнего веков, но и расположить результаты поиска в хронологическом порядке (timeline), сгруппированные по сюжетам. Пока сервис доступен только на английском языке. В новостной архив добавлены сообщения из The Washingthon Post, The Time, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times и других крупных бумажных изданий, выходящих уже десятки лет. Система поиска предоставляет выжимки из статей, при этом лишь часть полных текстов материалов доступна бесплатно. Для того, чтобы прочесть остальные, надо зарегистрироваться на сайтах соответствующих изданий или оплатить доступ.

Вот что удалось найти, например, по запросу Crimean Tatars (к сожалению, уровень распознания текстов оставляет желать лучшего - мого ошибок):
The Sun Herald (Newspaper) - March 24, 1927, Lime Springs, Iowa
RUSSIAS'tlTTlE PARADISE' Russian Recruits In Crimea. {Prepared by the National Geographic Society. D. C WHILE the thermometer was 40 degrees below zero In Moscow recently, nlmond trees were flowering In the Crimea on tlie Russlun shore of the Black sea. This contrast Russia's vastaess us well us It brings to notice a delightful spot of the huse country little known In Its details to Americans. Tet at the same time, It Is a Inno with certain aspects known to school child It Is the land of the Cimmerians itbout whom Homer sting In the "Odjssej" and from whom the peninsula takes Its name; the land of the CRIMEAN war, the siege of Sevastopol, and the "The Churge of the Light the land In which Florence Nightingale first caused eill- clent, ordered mercy to n part In war. The Crimea Is known as "The Lit- tle Paradise" to the TATARS, last of the many races to overran the peninsula before the Innd fell under the swuy of the Muscovite. A traveler Journeying from the north Is likely to accept this appellation, If at all, with a strong mental reservation as he crosses the almost des.ert-llke plains of northern Crimea; but once over the mountains that rim the southern shore he approve the description with enthusi- asm. There nature h.ns mnde A won- derful garden spot, the Hlvlera of Russia, n combination of sea. moun- tains nnd riotous verdure that really vied Its famed Italian counter- part In the days when czarbood was In Though a parjLpf "what hasjxime to lookefl-uponcJrirEIie wh'ole "as the southern shore of the Crimea brought to the old empire a touch of the tropics. On the mountain slopes and In the sheltered vnlleys prow grapes, figs, olives and all the tender fruits; magnolias, hays, and myrtles; and n profusion of wild flow- ers and grosses. That the delights of Its mild climate were discovered early testified by the ruins of Greek, By- zantine, and Italian architecture which are to be found among the mosques of the later TATARS, the palaces of the Bnsslnn Imperial family and nobility, nnd the magnificent modevn hotels of the pleasure towns to which the pros- perous classes of Russia flocked before the World war. 1'nlta, In those care- free days, was Russia's Nice, Newport and Jllnml rolled Into one. Many Fascinating Features. TVlth ft climate that borrows fiOod features frora ano southern California and bad ones from many places, the Crimea is one of the most fascinating bits of territory between Portugal nnd Cocliln, China. Its popu- Ince a concress of races, Its Industries ranging from the crowing of subtrop- ical fruits and the housing of Russia's elite as they fled from the cold, to the herding of sheep nnd the growing of grain. It was a place of many sided activities. As the men of wealth of America have their winter homes In Florida and those_ of western Europe have theirs along the Rh lera, the people of position In Russia had their country seats In the Cdmea. And beautiful places they were, -for In Rus'sla the rich were very rich. The height of the social season was from the middle of August to the flrsf of November, but there wart also a winter nnd n spring season. The peninsula Is occupied by ap- proslmatefy people, mostly Ta- tars, with a scattering of Russians, Greeks, Germans and Jews. Cleanli- ness and morality are said to be pro- verbial traits of the CRIMEAN TATARS, who have been undergoing the Influ- ences of russlflcatlon for several gen- erations. They have taken up vine culture, fruit growing1, and kindred occupations with a zeal seldom equalled east of the Aegean. The Crimea Is a peninsula that bare- ly escaped being an Island. It hangs from- the mainland of South Russia down Into the Black sea, like a gigan- tic watch fob shaped like a flounder. It Is attached by the narrow ribbon of the Isthmus of Perekop, a strip of land only three-qufetters of a mile wide and only a few feet above sea level. On one side Is the Black sea and on the other the stagnant, shallow, melodor- ous waters of the Slvatch, or Putrid sea, a lagoon of the Sea of Azov. Tnls Is the only broken natural land con- nection, between the mainland and the Crimea, but a few miles to the east a narrow part of the Patrld sea has been bridged by the railroad which enters the peninsula. Still farther eastward a peculiar natural formation, a mere threadlike causeway or sand known as the Tongue of Arnbat, stretches for more than fifty miles from the mainland to the base of the "flounder's tall" that forms the easternmost extension of the Crimea A cannl has been cut through this spit of sand near Its northern end to connect the waters of the Sea of Azov nnd those of the Putrid sea. The Intrenching or min- ing of these three narrow land en- trances to the Crimea would be a rela- simple the point of %lew of military engineering. The greatest width of the Crimea north nnd south Is 113 miles, and Its greatest length from "head" to "tall" Is 223 miles. It contains about square miles, and Is thus approximate- ly the size of the state of Vermont or the Island of Sicily. Before the World war Its population was about The Cimmerians, Celts and close cousins of the Welsh, were the first people known to be In possession of the Crimea, nt the early dawn of Greek history. They were driven out by the Scythians. Coast communities were established by the Greeks at a later dnte. The Huns overran the Crimea when they surged Into Europe, It was colonized by Byzantine Greeks, Venetians and Genoese. The TATARS later took control and set up a Mo- hammedan state under a line of khnns. The Crlm TATARS, who give the peninsula Its name, by reason of their substantial ndmlxture of Greek and other bloods, have lost most of the Mongolian features, being slender -possessing-aqulUlne.- eyes that have lost the Oriental slant; and countenances not quite so Inscru- table as the Eastern type. Bakshl- Saral, capital of the TATARS, remains little changed today, a slice of Asia In Europe The dominant feature of the old Tntar city Is the palace of the khnns. The Crimea was conquered by Cath- arine the Great of Russia In 1771 and remained a part of the Rusian empire until that "Political entity's collapse In 1017. The bulk of tUe population remains Tatar, though there Is an ad- mixture of both Greek and Italian blood In the nominally Tatar people. In the CRIMEAN war fought by Eng- land, France and Turkey against Rus- sia the final test of strength came at Sevastopol, on the west coast of the Crimea. Here the factors of Delimited operated In the allies' favor. Through their command of the sea they could secure everything needed, while the Russians could brlnj; up their supplies only across the barren steppes, whose highways were marked at every step by the dead and the dying, both man and beast Sevastopol and .'ti Palaces. It Is estimated that British soldiers lie burled In the cemetery ont- sldc of Sevastopol. Before the World this vast City of the Dend wns watched over by a German who could speak no English, bnt who ivnc pronrt of his privilege of guarding the ushes of those who fell at Balaklava and Inkerman. Sevastopol remained until 1917 a great military post for the old Russian regime, and It was as well the .home port of the Russian Black sea fleet From there, according to cherished Im- perial dreams, was to go forth, on the Russian counterpart of "Der the that would wrest the Bosporus nnd Dardanelles from the Turk, and place the cross of St George over Con- stantinople and the Cross of Christ over Sancto Sophia. The Imperial Lnrge palace, to which It Was once decided to send the late czar. Is situated nt Llvadla, surround- ed by a magnificent park. It Is of re- cent construction, and was completeJ only about fifteen years ago Hard by Is the simply constructed Small, pnl- ace. In an upper room of which Alex- nnder HI died. In no other country In the world was the reljmlng ruler possessed of so many lends or such extensive properties as -was the case In Russia. Southern a garden land. Its fruits were famous In'the north- ern Rnsitan markets, and from Its grapes a lull-bodled, spicy wine was made. Vineyards covered more than acres of the Crimea, and from them about gallons of flne- quRllty wine was made each year. The around .the peninsula abound In delicate fish, as red and (fray mullet, herring, mackerel, tarbot, soles, plaice, whiting, bream, haddock, pilchard, a of pike, whitebait, eels, salmon and itnrgeon.


  • 2006.09.09 | Бё!

    А вот заметка о Джемилеве за 1976 год

    Kennebec Journal (Newspaper) - April 16, 1976, Augusta, Maine

    MOSCOW (AP) 35-year- old Russian human rights ac- tivist was sentenced Thursday to five years' exile from Moscow, another political re- bel got 2Vi years at hard labor and Nobel Peace Prize winner Andrei D. Sakharov and his wife got "retaliatory beatings by police, dissident sources re- ported. The exile sentence for An- drei Tverdokhlebov, the secretary of the Soviet branch1 of Amnesty amounts to two years because of time already spent in jail. His sentence and the labor term for Crimean Tatar na- tionalist MUSTAFA DJEMILEV, 32, were the second and third verdicts against Soviet dissi- dents in two days. On Wednesday in Lithuania, Valery Mareshin, who had re- fused to testify at the trial of another dissident last Decem- ber, was ordered to forfeit 20 per cent of his wages for six months. Sakharov has been in the Si- berian city of Omsk, miles east of Moscow, to attend DJEMILEV's trial. He and his wife, Yelena, were detained briefly Wednesday after, the Soviet news agency Tass said, they each struck two police- men. Yelena said in a telephone call to friends in Moscow that the two had been taken back to a police station Thursday morning after DJEMILEV's sen- tencing and were beaten. Court officials claimed they created a disturbance when the sen- tence was Yelena said.
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    • 2006.09.09 | Tatarchuk

      А про казаков-власовцев в Крыму там ничего не видать?

      Сейчас инициативная группа историков готовит нам документы о деятельности самых настоящих казаков в Крыму во времена того самого "массового предательства крымских татар". Обещают "невеличку сенсацию" :)
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