МАЙДАН - За вільну людину у вільній країні

Архіви Форумів Майдану

Petro Jacyk Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Ukrainian Studies

02/04/2008 | Хома Брут

Extended Deadline: March 1, 2008

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: Petro Jacyk Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Ukrainian Politics, Culture, and Society, 2008-2009

The Centre for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies (CERES) at the University of Toronto is accepting applications for the Petro Jacyk Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Ukrainian Politics, Culture, and Society for the year 2008-2009. The objective of the Post-Doctoral Fellowship is to support on an annual basis one of the most promising junior scholars studying contemporary Ukraine and thereby to advance academic understanding of Ukrainian politics, culture, and society. The Fellowship is made possible by generous support of the Petro Jacyk Education Foundation.


Larysa Iarovenko
Centre for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies
Ukrainian Programs Manager
Munk Centre for International Studies
University of Toronto
1 Devonshire Place
Toronto, Ontario M5S 3K7
Tel: (416) 946-8113
Fax: (416) 946-8939

Application form can be downloaded at


  • 2008.02.04 | Ineffectual applicant

    Re: Petro Jacyk Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Ukrainian Studies

    Dear Хома Брут! Could you predict an answer to the application that includes the following message:
    “To the best of my knowledge, all over the world (in UK, USA, Canada, Italy, etc.) departments and journals on Ukrainian studies have shared the narrow understanding of Ukrainian studies. According to it, the main subjects of these studies are and should be Ukrainian language, folk literature, history, church, economics, politics and ethnography.
    It is not my intention to cast any doubt on the importance of such a kind of Ukrainian studies. However, I strongly believe that, at least, the same importance has broad Ukrainian studies with a view of science as a rational and necessary component of culture. By the way, scientific publications in Ukrainian constitute an essential and, unfortunately, totally neglected part of Ukrainian literature in its broad sense.
    Is your Department interested in Ukrainian studies in the broad sense? I mean particularly studies of history, current state and perspectives of Ukrainian science with a critical scrutiny of its human, organizational, institutional, scientometric, and legal aspects. Of particular interest is a comparative analysis of history, organization and trends of Ukrainian science and other national (British, Russian, etc.) sciences”.

    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2008.02.04 | Хома Брут

      предмет українознавства

      Я не спеціаліст з українознавства та відповідної факультетської політики. Якщо ж говорити ширше, - про вибір предмета досліджень, - то я би навів гіпотетичний приклад: якби Ю. Н. Ранюк з якоїсь причини поставив подібне питання, він не формулював би його як відповідь самому собі.

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