Хто (організатори)
09/14/2001 | Спостережливий Shooter
Law enforcement sources told CNN that they are checking the names against lists of people associated with known terrorist groups -- and believe the lead group in Tuesday's attacks may have been Egyptian Islamic Jihad.
The chief of that group, the sources said, is a top lieutenant of suspected terrorist Osama bin Laden. Bin Laden's group, Al Qaeda, is an umbrella group that reportedly coordinates the actions of smaller organizations.
U.S. officials said evidence indicates there are terrorists in the United States who may be planning further attacks.
Кого ж мочіть в сортірах то будуть (крім Афгану)?
The chief of that group, the sources said, is a top lieutenant of suspected terrorist Osama bin Laden. Bin Laden's group, Al Qaeda, is an umbrella group that reportedly coordinates the actions of smaller organizations.
U.S. officials said evidence indicates there are terrorists in the United States who may be planning further attacks.
Кого ж мочіть в сортірах то будуть (крім Афгану)?
2001.09.15 | Augusto
На Єгипет і не думайте!
Там таких джіхадовців в свої сортири сують, єгипетські. Як ото і в Кувейті - палестинці рипнулись потанцювати від щастя, так їм швидко роз'яснили, що Пророк думав про таку виходку, двадцять ще досі сидять, Куран вивчають, мабуть!