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Архіви Форумів Майдану

Афганістан: таліби втратили Мазарі-Шариф

11/09/2001 | НеДохтор

Anti-Taliban Forces Enter Mazar-i-Charif

Posted by Afgha.com - Laurent on Friday, November 09 2001 @ 19:55:00 MET
(201 reads)

NOVEMBER 09, 12:54 EST
Associated Press Writer
KABUL, Afghanistan (AP)
Opposition forces entered Mazar-e-Sharif in heavy fighting Friday, claiming to have captured the key northern city from the ruling Taliban militia in what would give a major boost to the U.S.-campaign in Afghanistan. An American official said Taliban fighters were on the run.
Wresting Mazar-e-Sharif from Taliban control could give U.S.-led forces their first in-country staging ground for the fight to capture Osama bin Laden and topple the Taliban. It would also open a vital supply route to deliver ammunition and weapons from neighboring Uzbekistan and Tajikistan to the opposition alliance.

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