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Hearing on Ukraine at US Congress

05/04/2001 | Free Spirit
Hearing: Ukraine at the Crossroads: Ten Years
After Independence (May 2, 2001)

Povny tekst vystupiv angliiskoju na http://www.csce.gov/briefings.cfm?briefing_id=182

Osoblyvo radzhy prochytaty vystupy Ariel Cohen, Heritate Foundation (http://www.csce.gov/witness.cfm?briefing_id=182&testimony_id=179), Adrian Karatnytsky, Freedom House (http://www.csce.gov/witness.cfm?briefing_id=182&testimony_id=178), and nash pan Marchuk (http://www.csce.gov/witness.cfm?briefing_id=182&testimony_id=177).

Cohen take pyshe... "Moscow is taking
advantage of Kuchma’s vulnerability to subjugate Ukrainian security policy making. In January
2001, Moscow and Kyiv reportedly signed a 52-clause classified military agreement giving
Russia control over Ukrainian military planning; and plans to establish a joint Black Sea naval
force are underway. These agreements may place Ukraine’s cooperation with NATO in the
Partnership for Peace framework in doubt and jeopardize the joint naval exercises which
Ukraine and NATO have held for the last three years. While the Ukrainian Embassy in
Washington, D.C. denies that far-reaching changes have taken place, senior Ukrainian policy
makers have confirmed to me that Ukraine has indeed signed some of the documents
proposed by the Kremlin, and is under pressure to re-orient itself closer to Moscow." Odne slovo, WOW!

A pan Marchuk kazhe: "Ukraine does not support the concept of institutionalizing multilateral-regional-interstate
cooperation aimed at creating supranational structures of federal or confederate nature on the
post-Soviet Union space. Ukraine does not participate in the activity within the Treaty on
Collective Security of the CIS-member states and did not adhere to the Union State of

At the same time we take into consideration that the Russian Federation continues
systematically to develop a new foreign policy toward the post-Soviet Union and European
region. This policy demands careful analysis and shaping a position on this matter on the part
of both Ukraine and the United States of America. "

A 11-12 travnia u Krymu budut zustrichatysia nas i Rosiisky ministry oborony, hodiat chytky schob floty pbjednaty. Po rezultatam zustrichi i diznajemosa, hto maje ratsiju - Cohen chy Marchuk.

A vzagali, nepogano bulo b tsi vystupy pereklasty i rozpovsiudyty.

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