МАЙДАН - За вільну людину у вільній країні

Архіви Форумів Майдану


01/18/2002 | Майдан-ІНФОРМ
Kyiv, January 17 (Interfax-Ukraine) – According to the results of the social poll held by the Ukrainian Razumkov Economic and Political Research Center on January 8-16 and released at a Thursday press conference, eight parties and political blocs would enter the Verkhovna Rada if elections were held today. 2,019 respondents under 18 from all Ukrainian regions took part in the poll.

Thus, under the poll, the 4% barrier would be overcome by Viktor Yuschenko's Our Ukraine bloc (19% of pollees), the Communist party (16.5%), the Women for Future Association (6.1%), the Social-Democratic party (United) (5.6%), the Greens (5%), For United Ukraine bloc (4.9%), Yulia Tymoshenko's bloc (4%), and the Socialist party (3.8% the party collected experts equate with 4% considering possible mistake during the poll).
At the same time 8.9% of pollees would not vote at all.
According to the estimations based on the CEC current scheme, the seats in the parliament would be arranged in the following way: Our Ukraine – 66 seats, Communist party – 57, Women for Future – 21, SDPU (U) – 19, Greens – 17, For United Ukraine – 17, Yulia Tymoshenko's bloc and Socialist party – 14. None of the parties would obtain controlling interest, Center President Hrytsenko said.
The Our Ukraine bloc is largely supported in Ukrainian western regions (51.9%), while in the east it has received only 7.9%. The Communist Party is mostly supported in the east – 22.1%, and least of all in the west – 3.7%. Other parties and blocs have a 7% support in all regions.

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