МАЙДАН - За вільну людину у вільній країні

Архіви Форумів Майдану

Progress in Ukraine

03/03/2002 | independent
Progress in Ukraine
From the Ambassador of Ukraine

Sir, Your report “New Curtain Rises in Eastern Europe” (February 28) (http://www.thetimes.co.uk/printFriendly/0,,1-3-221179,00.html) raises an issue of fundamental importance for the future of the Continent.

The appearance of new dividing lines in Europe, while probably aiming to resolve some problems, would create many new ones and undermine the stated EU policies of building Europe whole and free. It is in the strategic interests of both Ukraine and Europe to ensure that the process of enlargement is inclusive and will not disrupt, but rather foster, the growing ties after decades of Cold War divisions.

Meanwhile, the report’s labelling of Ukraine as “anarchic, unreconstructed, (and) poverty-striken” echoes old stereotypes and ignores the progress of democratic and economic reforms over ten years of independence. It also sends a wrong message about the potential of Ukraine-EU concerted efforts in tackling common problems of international crime, drug trafficking and illegal migration.

Yours respectfully,
Embassy of Ukraine,
60 Holland Park, W11 3SJ.
February 28.


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