Плоди "націоналізму" (читай "патріотизму")
07/26/2002 | Andrij
Цікава новина для всіх, хто бореться зі стародавньою європейською культурою власного народу та виправдовує ниґілізм бувшої окупаційної адміністрації --
ООН зараховує Латвію до розвинутих держав світу
The recently released annual UN Human Development Report for the first time listed Latvia among the world's developed countries, LETA reported on 24 July. Last year Latvia ranked 50th among 162 countries with a rating of 0.791 according to the Human Development Index (HDI) that measures average life expectancy, education, and per capita income. This year Latvia's rating rose to 0.80, the requirement to be considered a developed country, although its ranking dropped to 53rd overall out of 173 countries. Lithuania's rating increased from 0.803 to 0.808, but it dropped from 47th to 49th place while Estonia's rating increased from 0.812 to 0.826 and it rose from 44th to 42nd place. Norway was again the highest ranked country, followed by Sweden, Canada, Belgium, Australia, and the United States.
ООН зараховує Латвію до розвинутих держав світу
The recently released annual UN Human Development Report for the first time listed Latvia among the world's developed countries, LETA reported on 24 July. Last year Latvia ranked 50th among 162 countries with a rating of 0.791 according to the Human Development Index (HDI) that measures average life expectancy, education, and per capita income. This year Latvia's rating rose to 0.80, the requirement to be considered a developed country, although its ranking dropped to 53rd overall out of 173 countries. Lithuania's rating increased from 0.803 to 0.808, but it dropped from 47th to 49th place while Estonia's rating increased from 0.812 to 0.826 and it rose from 44th to 42nd place. Norway was again the highest ranked country, followed by Sweden, Canada, Belgium, Australia, and the United States.