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Архіви Форумів Майдану

Kievan Ukraine - the cradle of the >>>

08/21/2002 | Gera Tot
Is that true that the Ancient Kievan Ukraine was the cradle of the Great Ukrainians (composed of the Khokhol, Creol and other tribes and tribe unions), White Ukrainians (Zahidniak, Benderivci and Eastern Galician tribes) and Donbassians (Shidniak, Shakhtar and Krivorozhci tribes)and that is why the Donbassians are right claiming that the White Ukrainians should be incorporated into their State Union with the Great Ukrainians, as the White Ukrainians are not a separate nation, but they are only a branch of the Ancient Kievan Ukraine Nation?

21 August 3002

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