Recordings have arrived
09/25/2002 | Peter Byrne
new recordings have arrived - not courtesy of major melnychenko - that shed a completely new light on gongadze's dissapearance and the case of investigative reporter oleh yeltsov.
download, unclog your ears, and listen closely.
then use your brain.
new recordings have arrived - not courtesy of major melnychenko - that shed a completely new light on gongadze's dissapearance and the case of investigative reporter oleh yeltsov.
download, unclog your ears, and listen closely.
then use your brain.
2002.09.25 | Мертві Бджоли Загудуть
not courtesy of major melnychenko? And WHOSE courtesy?
Was there someone else besides Major Melnychenko making recordings in the Kuchma's office? Or is it simply that those recordings were hoodwinked from the Major by the crafty KGB idiot-spook Shvets?Pete, tell the truth! Upload the truth, unzip your fly: honesty is the best policy.
Peter Byrne пише:
> new recordings have arrived - not courtesy of major melnychenko - that shed a completely new light on gongadze's dissapearance and the case of investigative reporter oleh yeltsov.
> download, unclog your ears, and listen closely.
> then use your brain.
2002.09.25 | Габелок (Habelok)
Re: Recordings have arrived
So what's your point, Peter?"...that shed a completely new light on gongadze's dissapearance and the case of investigative reporter oleh yeltsov. "
What new light? Can you talk straight?
2002.09.25 | Peter Byrne
Re: Recordings have arrived
don't ask me to think for youthe volkov-kuchma recording is significant because:
1. it illustrates (inconclusively) that kuchma did not know who was behind gongadze's dissappearance.
2. that kuchma/derkach & co. were anxious that nothing should happen to oleh - and that oleh should be watched by FSB/SBU. (upon his return bodyguards were assigned).
3. volkov was paying salary at 1+1 at the time (90K per month).
The Zinchenko recording is significant because, among other things, it explains why Jed Sunden, publisher of the kyiv post was declared persona non grata before albright's visit.
unclog your ears and think.
2002.09.25 | ilia25
Like you could think...
Peter Byrne пише:> 1. it illustrates (inconclusively) that kuchma did not know who was behind gongadze's dissappearance.
It only illustrates that Kuchma never told Volkov who was behind Gongadze's dissappearance. And why in the world would he?..
2002.09.25 | Peter Byrne
Re: Like you could think...
sounds like you already have your mind made up.i'm still listening...
2002.09.25 | Augusto
Пєтя, ето нє ракєта наука.
Не треба твоїх сержанських висновків, що ти хочеш почути вже ясно, будь-ласка залишайся на тому, що ти почув. Не треба, плз, твоїх високорозумних коментарів!Інакше я буду змушений знов почати 101 урок теоретичної інформатики!