NEW webservice for Ukrainian students abroad!
10/01/2002 | Andriy
Dear partcipants of this Free Forum,
I would like to inoform you about a new website for and by Ukrainian students in the U.S., Europe, and other countries, WWW.NASHADOBA.ORG . We hope the website can become a primiry means of communications of young Ukrainian citizens who live abroad.
Please visit and refer your Ukrainian colleages abroad to this resource.
I would like to inoform you about a new website for and by Ukrainian students in the U.S., Europe, and other countries, WWW.NASHADOBA.ORG . We hope the website can become a primiry means of communications of young Ukrainian citizens who live abroad.
Please visit and refer your Ukrainian colleages abroad to this resource.
2002.10.01 | Мертві Бджоли Загудуть
Що у перекладі по-людськи означає -
Дорогі дівчата й хлопці, будь ласка завітайте на новий веб-сайт - на пироги із сиром і сало з чоколядом:WWW.NASHADOBA.ORG
Завітайте самі й розкажіть своїм друзям, подругам і ворогам!