МАЙДАН - За вільну людину у вільній країні

Архіви Форумів Майдану


10/10/2002 | Shooter

www.ПРАВДА.com.ua, 9.10.2002, 21:53

Колишній народний депутат Олександр Єльяшкевич отримав політичний притулок в США. Про це сам Єльяшкевич повідомив агентству Reuters у середу.

Єльшкевич отримав політичний притулок згідно з листом Міністерства юстиції США від 12 вересня 2002 року.

"Я отримав політичний притулок через серйозну загрозу моєму життю, яка існувала і все ще існує з боку Кучми та його оточення", - сказав Єльяшкевич у телефонному інтерв'ю Рейтер.

Напад на Олександра Єльяшкевича, який призвів до струсу головного мозку, стався у лютому 2000 року. Замовником вбивства народний депутат назвав президента Кучму. Пізніше були оприлюднені епізоди із записів Мельниченка, на яких глава держави обговорює з головою СБУ Леонідом Деркачем організацію замаху на нього.

Олександр Єльяшкевич неодноразово заявляв про намір подати позов проти президента Кучми за межами України.


Цікаво, цікаво... Кучму почнуть копати в сраку ще з одного боку. Чи встигне Мудведчук підставити свою?


  • 2002.10.10 | Дежавю

    Хто наступний? Що там на плівках? (-)

    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2002.10.10 | Йванко

      Reuters on Yelyashkevych

      Ukrainian Politician Granted Asylum in the United States

      Reuters WASHINGTON -- A Ukrainian politician critical of President Leonid Kuchma said Wednesday that he had won political asylum in the United States after a threat on his life from the government.

      Olexander Yelyashkevych, who was unable to run for re-election to parliament in March because his constituency was scrapped, won political asylum Sept. 12, according to a copy of a letter from the Department of Justice.

      "I was granted political asylum because of a serious threat to my life that existed and still exists from Kuchma and his entourage," Yelyashkevych said in a telephone interview.

      Yelyashkevych has said he believes hundreds of hours of recordings secretly made in Kuchma's office by a former Kuchma bodyguard, Mykola Melnychenko, who was also granted asylum by the United States, are genuine.

      The U.S. government said last month it had authenticated one section of the recordings and it suspected Kuchma had authorized a transfer to Iraq of a sophisticated aircraft detection system, in violation of UN sanctions.

      The recordings also contain a conversation in which a voice like Kuchma's tells an aide to "deal with" Georgy Gongadze, a reporter whose headless corpse was later found in the Ukrainian countryside.

      Kuchma strongly denies any connection to the Gongadze's disappearance and has invited experts to probe the alleged Iraqi deal, which he also denies.

      Yelyashkevych was involved in a task force that investigated Gongadze's death but has not published any conclusions about its work.

      Yelyashkevych, who has said that he recognizes his voice on Melnychenko's recordings, said at a news conference in Washington in August that he was physically attacked after an unofficial commission he headed found Kuchma "had not been elected by democratic means."

      He charged that Kuchma ordered the attack and that the recordings made in Kuchma's office showed this to be true.

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