MOD:ЦРУ слухало Кучму(Путіна,Хусейна і навіть остапа/дежавю ) ?
10/13/2002 | Дежавю
CIA Kremlin bug 'saved Gorbachev'
The newly revealed exploits of spies who operated in underground tunnels
Nick Paton Walsh in Moscow
Sunday October 13, 2002
The Observer
The CIA dug a tunnel under the Kremlin and installed a hi-tech bugging system to eavesdrop on the Soviet Union's most senior figures, according to the former US intelligence officer who executed the plan.
The device was put in by a US agent who had to wear a protective suit and was guided by satellite and sonar images of Moscow's underground. The bugging formed part of audacious operations to rescue a key defector, a KGB officer with responsibility for eavesdropping, and to alert Boris Yeltsin to the attempted coup against Mikhail Gorbachev.
This wasn't part of the Cold War - the intrusion into the seat of Soviet power occurred in 1989, when Washington and Moscow were trying to smooth relations.
'The stories about a five-level city beneath Moscow are true,' said Tony Mendes, a former Moscow-based CIA technical officer, now retired. 'These are tunnels from ancient times - Ivan the Terrible did a lot of digging and torturing. But some of the tunnels were recently made.'
------далі - фантастична історія !!!!
An agent, whom Mendes refuses to say worked for the US government, entered the tunnel system one night equipped with computer guidance systems, air filters and maps. He negotiated the sewer and metro system to reach tunnels running under the Kremlin. One of these passed directly beneath the nerve centre of the 16th Directorate, the KGB's electronic ears, which also dealt with state communications.
That night Mendes was in the Kremlin theatre attending a performance of the ballet Koppelia. The audience also included a US mole in the 16th Directorate, 'Major Peter Leonov', and his wife. Two of the ushers were CIA agents in disguise.
-------- Майор Лєонов нікого вам не нагадує?
When the Russian couple went to the toilet during the interval, they were joined by the two agents, who donned disguises to make them look like Leonov and his wife and returned to the couple's seats. The Leonovs, now dressed as the ushers went to the service lifts.
They went to a tunnel entrance to meet the subterranean agent. Leonov then reportedly showed the agent where to plant the listening device in the communication system.
The Leonovs left the Soviet Union days later on a ferry from one of the Baltic states.
Mendes claims the eavesdropping device was instrumental in thwarting the coup in August 1991, when Gorbachev was detained at his dacha by the military. President George Bush Senior and Prime Minister John Major called Yeltsin to urge him to stand up to the army.,6903,810935,00.html
The newly revealed exploits of spies who operated in underground tunnels
Nick Paton Walsh in Moscow
Sunday October 13, 2002
The Observer
The CIA dug a tunnel under the Kremlin and installed a hi-tech bugging system to eavesdrop on the Soviet Union's most senior figures, according to the former US intelligence officer who executed the plan.
The device was put in by a US agent who had to wear a protective suit and was guided by satellite and sonar images of Moscow's underground. The bugging formed part of audacious operations to rescue a key defector, a KGB officer with responsibility for eavesdropping, and to alert Boris Yeltsin to the attempted coup against Mikhail Gorbachev.
This wasn't part of the Cold War - the intrusion into the seat of Soviet power occurred in 1989, when Washington and Moscow were trying to smooth relations.
'The stories about a five-level city beneath Moscow are true,' said Tony Mendes, a former Moscow-based CIA technical officer, now retired. 'These are tunnels from ancient times - Ivan the Terrible did a lot of digging and torturing. But some of the tunnels were recently made.'
------далі - фантастична історія !!!!
An agent, whom Mendes refuses to say worked for the US government, entered the tunnel system one night equipped with computer guidance systems, air filters and maps. He negotiated the sewer and metro system to reach tunnels running under the Kremlin. One of these passed directly beneath the nerve centre of the 16th Directorate, the KGB's electronic ears, which also dealt with state communications.
That night Mendes was in the Kremlin theatre attending a performance of the ballet Koppelia. The audience also included a US mole in the 16th Directorate, 'Major Peter Leonov', and his wife. Two of the ushers were CIA agents in disguise.
-------- Майор Лєонов нікого вам не нагадує?
When the Russian couple went to the toilet during the interval, they were joined by the two agents, who donned disguises to make them look like Leonov and his wife and returned to the couple's seats. The Leonovs, now dressed as the ushers went to the service lifts.
They went to a tunnel entrance to meet the subterranean agent. Leonov then reportedly showed the agent where to plant the listening device in the communication system.
The Leonovs left the Soviet Union days later on a ferry from one of the Baltic states.
Mendes claims the eavesdropping device was instrumental in thwarting the coup in August 1991, when Gorbachev was detained at his dacha by the military. President George Bush Senior and Prime Minister John Major called Yeltsin to urge him to stand up to the army.,6903,810935,00.html
2002.10.13 | не витираєте - це переклад
Агент ЦРУ через метрополітен підключився до урядового дроту
Що ви витираєте?Це переклад!
Агент ЦРУ через метрополітен підключився до урядового дроту.
При цьому він користувався космічною системою навігації!!!
Майор Лєонтьєв допоміг знайти йому потрібний дріт, смустившись в метро під час балету....
2002.10.14 | занепокоєний
Київське метро проходить під АП...КМ, ВР (-)
2002.10.14 | брат
Депутат Стретович заявил, что «большой брат» слушает всех.
Стретович про "прослушку"
Во вторник в Харьков прибыл депутат Стретович и заявил, что «большой брат» слушает всех.
Владимир Стретович, председатель Комитета ВР по вопросам борьбы с организованной преступностью и коррупцией: Слухають всіх, слухають на всякий випадок, слухають із-за інтересу, слухають про кримінальній справі, а там появляються факти, коториє до кримінальної справи не відносяться, але вони прослухали, іноформацію зняли і в нужну папку поклали.
Вам интересно, кто такой «большой брат»? А какая вам разница, кто именно прослушивает ваш телефон или ваш кабинет? Это может быть СБУ, это может быть МВД, это может быть УБОП, а также это могут быть все три названные службы вместе, плюс микрофончик налоговой. Далее, развивает мысль депутат Стретович, который не просто депутат, а председатель комитета Верховной Рады по вопросам борьбы с организованной преступностью и коррупцией. Когда бурундучок складывает орешки про запас, это значит, что рано или поздно он эти орешки съест. А когда информацию про запас складывает офицер спецслужбы?
Вариантов реализации этих сведений – великое множество: от продать вашему конкуренту по бизнесу, или не дай бог политике, до банального шантажа с насаживанием на крючок и дальнейшим использованием жертвы в агентурной работе.
Вот и используют, утверждает Стретович, харьковских силовиков, в политических и бизнесовых разборках. Не Америку, прямо скажем, открыл депутат Стретович; вопрос, правда, спорный, кто кого – харьковские силовики и сами кого хочешь пользуют в полный рост. Ну да это уже частности, жертвам совсем не интересные. Проверять будем, говорит депутат, спецподразделения местного Управления МВД; УБОП, к примеру, на предмет этой самой коррупции. Кстати, проверять намерены с помощью той же самой «прослушки». «Чума на оба ваших дома».