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Баучер про Україну на прес-брифінгу 15-10-2002 (www.state.gov)

10/16/2002 | НеДохтор


Daily Press Briefing
Richard Boucher, Spokesman
Washington, DC
October 15, 2002

QUESTION: Moving on. Ukraine. Your and the British investigators are there. What have they uncovered, if anything, about President Kuchma's involvement in this alleged sale?

MR. BOUCHER: Well, that's interesting. I can't count. They’re still there. They are still in Kiev. They arrived on October 13th. They are looking to determine whether the Kolchuga system was transferred to Iraq. To contribute to the safety of US and UK pilots and to clarify questions on Ukraine's export controls, they'll also look into the chain of events and leadership decisions after President Kuchma approved the transfer of the Kolchuga system to Iraq in July, 2000.

The team is out there. They are working, but I don't have any specifics of their itinerary. Right now their focus is on the fact-finding portion of the trip.

QUESTION: What kind of cooperation have they gotten from the Ukrainians?

MR. BOUCHER: I think it's -- I don't want to give a general assessment there. One of the things they want to do is make sure that the atmosphere that was prefaced and promised of open and cooperative work together is maintained, and that's what they will expect.

QUESTION: Same subject.


QUESTION: There are the meetings in Warsaw today, as well, between Ukrainian politicians and the European Union and others. What is the US participation in that and it seems to be, if it exists at all, at a fairly low level and why is that?

MR. BOUCHER: We have representatives from our embassy in Warsaw who are attending the conference. This is a conference that the Polish Government is hosting between -- it's on Ukraine and Europe. European Union representatives are attending. As you know, we're not a member of the European Union, but we support Ukraine's goal of integration into Europe institutions and the growth of democratic processes in Ukraine.

QUESTION: Another subject.


QUESTION: Do you have any comment on the, I guess the National Court's investigation now into Kuchma?

MR. BOUCHER: The what?

QUESTION: Yeah. There was a -- they just launched an investigation into Kuchma internally. Do you have any comment on that?

MR. BOUCHER: I don't have any particular comment on that. Certainly there are a lot of issues here that need to be looked at and I'm sure we would hope that anything that they would find they would share with us.

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