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Архіви Форумів Майдану

BIG EARS Kupchinsky

11/01/2002 | Peter Byrne


To: "Peter Byrne"
Subject: Re: request for comment
Date: 1 ноября 2002 г. 11:38

Dear Mr. Byrne,

I have not seen the discussion about the tapegate affair, but the only thing I can add to it is that I consider the FBI examination and appraisal of the Kuchma-Malev conversation to be genuine, as does every reasonable person whom I have met. I have also met with Mr. Bruce Koenig from Bek Tek and found his authentication of the tape segments he did to be correct.

This tells me that nobody from Mr. Melnychenko's surroundings did anything to tamper with the tapes. I do think, however, that the SBU did tamper with the tapes, they produced numerous phoney CD's and pushed them onto the market.

I think that you and Mr. Stepura both were recepients of these doctored tapes (unwittingly) and drew your conclusions from them. You might consider the coverage given by RFE/RL's Ukrainian service of the Kuchmagate affair inept or lopsided, but that it, off course, is your right.

I know that the apologists for Kuchma have carried on their cover-up of the affair for a few years now and are themselves begining to believe it. I do not want to engage in polemics anymore with anybody. The US administration has enough proof that Kuchma acted with criminal intent in the Kolchuga affair. His role in the Gongadze affair was just as crooked if not worse. This is enough for me at this time and place.

Sincerely, Roman Kupchinsky

"Peter Byrne"

30.10.2002 05:41


dear mr. kupchinsky,

we have just concluded a lively exchange on the forum of the site
ukrainskaya kriminal'naya about the gongadze tapegate affair.


your role and the that of rferl in propogating mistake-filled transcripts of conversations allegedly made by melnychenko was discussed, as was the lopsided manner in which the story has been covered by inept western correspondents.

do you have anything to add?

best regards,

peter byrne

Date: 24 октября 2002 г. 04:47

This is because Vitya Med. Is behind the whole thing, and the idiot
has been working for him. The tapes were never meant to be made
public. They were to be used to hold “guarantor” by short hair
behind closed doors. The things went out of control, however – we
opened our site, and it made clear who is who.



  • 2002.11.01 | Peter Byrne

    Re: BIG EARS Kupchinsky

    From: "Peter Byrne"
    To: KupchinskyR@rferl.org
    Subject: Fw: request for comment
    Date: 1 ноября 2002 г. 11:59

    thanks for your reply.

    i didn't realize that ipi sent out sbu manufactured recordings, or that
    harvard had put them on their site.

    my question to you - that you did not answer - was why your transcripts of
    the same (or similar recordings) are willfully incompetent.

    or did the sbu ask zhyr to splice in sbu fabricated exchanges and use
    different words?

    best regards,

    peter byrne
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2002.11.01 | Peter Byrne

      Re: BIG EARS Kupchinsky

      From: "Peter Byrne"
      Subject: Re: Fw: request for comment
      Date: 1 ноября 2002 г. 13:36

      dear mr. kupchinsky,

      you still have not answered the question.

      the following conversation (transcribed by Melnychenko, according to RFERL) of a conversation dated 24 May 2000 was released by RFERL in April 2001 and republished by Ukrainska Pravda.

      УП, 14.04.2001, 15:11
      На нових плівках Мельниченка, оприлюднених на українській "Свободі", головний податківець Азаров доповідає Кучмі про фінансові зловживання тогочасного керівництва НАК "Нафтогаз України": "Значіт, нахімічіл Бакай нємало і Діденко…" Також співрозмовники вирішують, що "Юлю надо унічтожить".

      Розмова Леоніда Кучми з керівником Державної податкової адміністрації Миколою Азаровим (24 травня 2000 року)

      Епізод 19

      (Цей епізод розшифровано самим Миколою Мельниченком)

      key segments of this conversation were omitted from the transcript, the recording for which is now available.

      cf. http://www.byrne.bigmir.net/yp1.htm

      am i to believe that the sbu falsfied a new recording, or should i think melnychenko deliberately screwed up the transcript and omitted key passages to preserve ukraine's state secrets.

      this is the question i would like an answer to.

      best regards,

      peter byrne

      ----- Original Message -----
      To: "Peter Byrne"
      Sent: Friday, November 01, 2002 1:20 PM
      Subject: Re: Fw: request for comment

      > Mr. Byrne, at the time, we put on the air on the Ukrainian service not a
      > transcript but played the tapes which were given to us by Mr. Moroz and
      > eventually by Melnychenko. This is on the record and anyone wanting to
      > check ouyt what we played at the time is welcome to do so. There is no
      > point in trying to present anything else. We played that which noone else
      > would put on the air in Ukraine. We also conducted a number of interviews
      > with Mr. Melnychenko which seemed to have upset the Ukrainian authorities.
      > For that reason, I was told I could not visit Ukraine, and the following
      > day, they lied again and denied ever banning me from returning. It seems
      > that what we have, is a n organized criminal gang in power which denies
      > any wrongdoings - be it the Kolchuga, the killing of Gongaadze, massive
      > fraud etc. Sincerely, Roman Kupchinsky
  • 2002.11.01 | Горицвіт

    BIG LIPS Peter (+hint for your kompashka)

    Позиція Купчинського виглядає переконливішою. Бо: (1) чому б справді не довіряти експертизі FBI і Bek Tek. (2) чому б справді SBU не випустити фальшивих записів. А ви не наводите взагалі ніяких аргументів. Тому -- увага -- HINT.

    Будьте скромнішими, висловлюйтесь чітко і прямо, формулюйте свої позиції так, щоб їх можна було перевірити.

    Ваш друг Аст недавно розказував про "вставлене" слово "Ірак", що начебто видно на сонограмі. За дві-три репліки з'ясувалося, що він не знає взагалі, що таке сонограма.
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2002.11.01 | Peter Byrne

      Re: BIG LIPS Peter (+hint for your kompashka)

      pochemu lyudi molchat vmesto togo chtob govorit' i pisat' pravdu?

      chto skryvaetsya - to chto melnychenko prodaet ehti zapisi?

      poka idioty i patsany polzuyutsya skandalom dlya dostizhenij svoikh lichnykh ili professional'nykh tselej, lyudi sidyat v tyurme.

      guby u ZHURNALISTOV tem vremenen ne dvigayutsya, no stachkomy formiruyutsya.

      From: "Peter Byrne"
      Subject: Re: Fw: request for comment
      Date: 1 ноября 2002 г. 14:18

      i have

      he has refused to answer.

      said the question was "incorrect."

      i have asked through his lawyer, horton, for comment.

      no response.

      borys feldman, for one, wants an anwer as well.

      best regards,

      peter byrne

      ps maybe you can ask for us

      ----- Original Message -----
      To: "Peter Byrne"
      Sent: Friday, November 01, 2002 1:53 PM
      Subject: Re: Fw: request for comment

      > Dear Mr. Byrnes, I am not in a position to answer that question since I
      > was at the time only responsible for the broadcast end of the Ukr. program
      > for RFE/RL. You should direct your question to Mr. Melnychenko if he
      > wanted to keep out passages which in his view might have divulged Ukr.
      > state secrets.. We broadcast the excerpts of the tapes as we got them, did
      > not edit out anything. As you well know, at that time only CD's of the
      > conversations were available, not the original. Who did what to the CD's
      > is anyone's guess and knowing the SBU, you might agree with me that they
      > in fact were in a position to edit out words not convenient for the
      > administration. Rk
    • 2002.11.01 | Peter Byrne

      Re: BIG LIPS Peter (+hint for your kompashka)

      don't believe the hype and start listening.

      na tebe eshche.

      From: "Peter Byrne"
      Subject: Re: Fw: request for comment
      Date: 1 ноября 2002 г. 14:49

      i find it an outrage that melnychenko omitted key passages in his transcript
      of the conversation dated 24 may 2000 that could have assisted feldman and
      his lawyers in win release.

      the u.s. embassy's handling of the case has also been a disgrace - from the
      incorrect information inserted in state's human rights report on ukraine for
      2001 to their failure to speak up about what is obviously a human rights

      local media, including up, are hush hush about melnychenko willful
      incompetence, as is rferl, bbc, the ft and other promoters of the idiot
      patriot, who obviously playing some kind of weird game.

      stepura and i do not have doctored tapes. we just transcribe a lot better
      than the nimrods who stuck wax in their ears instead of checking the major's
      integrity, which is nul, void, and zip.

      ----- Original Message -----
      To: "Peter Byrne"
      Sent: Friday, November 01, 2002 2:36 PM
      Subject: Re: Fw: request for comment

      > I will certainly ask Mytkola and let you know. I have written about the
      > Feldman case in the past and find it to be an outrage. Roman
      згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
      • 2002.11.01 | Yo Momma

        Re: BIG LIPS Peter (+hint for your kompashka)

        Where do you get off telling Mr. Kupchinsky that he doesn't know what he is doing?

        You sound like another penny ante Kuchma apologist, no different than Gore and the numb skulls who used to work on the Ukraine desk before the scandal broke.

        This forum is for Ukrainians. Mr. Kupchinsky has done a lot for this country, unlike you.

        Melnychenko is ok in my book.

        Ciao to you Smooch!
        згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
        • 2002.11.01 | Peter Byrne

          W I L L F U L - I N C O M P E T E N C E

          To: "Peter Byrne"
          Subject: Re: Fw: request for comment
          Date: 1 ноября 2002 г. 15:24

          As I said, I think there are a number of problems - I was most involved in
          the Kolchuga affair, I researched it, wrote about it, listened to the
          original recording and believe that there was willful intent by Kuchma to
          committ a crime. As to Melnychenko whom I know rather well, I think there
          are many problems, more then you mention in your e-mail. Be that as it
          may, he did not committ any crimes, he is what is called a whistleblower
          and deserves protection. That the State Department makes terrible
          mistakes, I know, in their last human rightsa report they wrote that I
          claimed that I had been kicked out of Ukraine, but subsequently returned
          there. Nonsense. I told them this and they promised to change it on the
          website - this was in March. I do not know if you and Stepura have
          doctored or undoctored recordings, but you do not have the original ones.
          I think that Ukraine deserves better then Kuchma and he should leave.
          Melnychenko has played out his role - for better or worse, but I also know
          that most of the facts about corruprion (Bakaj, Volkov etc) were known way
          before the tapes appeared. The tapes only served to confirm our worst
          fears. We can have our opinions about Mykola, but we cannot ignore the
          facts of massive government fraud in Ukraine, many of which are not on the
          tapes, but for some reason point in the same direction - to Kuchma. This
          is undeniable. Roman
        • 2002.11.01 | Roman

          Re: BIG LIPS Peter (+hint for your kompashka)


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