Кучма поїде але не доїде до Праги?
11/16/2002 | читатель
Globe and Mail, "NATO pares Prague guest list", http://www.globeandmail.com/servlet/ArticleNews/PEstory/TGAM/20021116/UNATON/International/international/international_temp/4/4/27/
Mr. Havel, with the full backing of the 18 other NATO countries, is not backing down. He is refusing to issue visas for Mr. Kuchma and Mr. Lukashenko even though Ukraine and Belarus are among the former Soviet republics that are part of a NATO Partnership Council.
Mr. Havel, with the full backing of the 18 other NATO countries, is not backing down. He is refusing to issue visas for Mr. Kuchma and Mr. Lukashenko even though Ukraine and Belarus are among the former Soviet republics that are part of a NATO Partnership Council.