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Архіви Форумів Майдану

Врун Мельниченко

11/20/2002 | Peter Byrne

"До мене ніхто не звертався, так само як і не зверталися до моїх адвокатів з проханням надати оригінали записуючих пристроїв, мої пояснення. Тому це чергова спроба людей, які хочуть відбілити Кучму, так само як і з "Кролом". Але це спроба маніпуляції суспільною думкою для того, щоб відбілитися перед українським народом. Бо іншим правовим шляхом вони цього зробити не зможуть".

From: "Horton, Scott (x2820)"
To: "'Peter Byrne'"
Subject: RE: Melnychenko Story
Date: 3 января 2002 г. 17:39

Dear Mr. Byrne,
Thanks you for your communication. I am forwarding it to Maj. Melnychenko.

Some of the queries you raise relate to matters which are pending in the courts.

It would not be our practice or advice to the major to respond to
such inquiries until the legal proceedings have concluded.

With best regards,
Scott Horton

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Byrne [mailto:belorus@kppublications.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2002 6:21 AM
To: shorton@pbwt.com
Cc: diana@thepost.kiev.ua
Subject: Melnychenko Story

Dear Mr. Horton,

I am a journalist with the Kyiv Post in Ukraine working on a story.

Maybe you can help me.

You were quoted an article appearing on Oct. 25 in The Recorder, titled "Former Ukrainian Leader Fights Attempt at U.S. Trial."

An exchange referred to in the article between Kuchma and Potebenko about a U.S money laundering investigation, which Melnychenko purportedly recorded with his Toshiba, was in a DMR file on two disks I received in Feb. from IPI in Vienna.

So was a gist of what I reported months ago about a conversation about
agents in Ukraine investigating Lazarenko - based partially on my interview in December 1999 with the deputy prosecutor general about the feds trip to to Dnipropetrovsk .

The 45 hours on the CDs contain lots of info about citizens (Feldman,
Podilsky, etc.) beaten and/or still incarcerated as a result of instructions given by top government officials, including Kuchma.

This is why I am intested in the authenticity of the tapes - and the
credibility of Melnychenko.

Many of the excerpts are NOT found in the "original" DMR files. And... the analog version of the wave band band file (Gong01.wav) released by Moroz (and Volkskrant) contains numerous hidden, i.e. unmarked, edits. Words are indeed taken out of the speakers' mouths.

An obvious example can be found in the last fragment of Gong01.wav.

(17:37 - 20:29) - (G1206p2.dmr 1:34:30 - 1:39:10).

17:53 (Edit)
18:36 (Edit)
20:09 (Edit)
1:34:48 - 1:35:10 (Cut)
1:35:56 - 1:37:10 (Cut)
1:38:38 - 1:38:58 (Cut)

Melnychenko, whom I have unsuccessfully attempted to contact, has offered no
explanation, but President Kuchma has.

Can you tell me what your role, the role of IIHR and/or your law firm, was in securing refugee status for Melnychenko?

Do you represent him in the United States?

Can you explain why Melnychenko refuses to answer questions about the
recordings and his role in their release?

Can I ask you to ask Melnychenko these questions for me?

Has Melnychenko complied with the request of the Justice Department to turn over the recordings?

Answers to these questions would help me write a better story.

Best Regards,

Peter Byrne


  • 2002.11.20 | Petro


    B тому стані, де зараз він знаходиться обережність
    незавадить нікому. Це може бути незрозумілим лише
    не нашим журналістам. Наші в цьому питання нажаль розуміюься.
  • 2002.11.20 | Augusto

    Ніхто дійсно не звертався.

    Вже давно ясно, що ніякої "сторі" ти не пишеш, а тупо за гроші зайнятий зовсім іншими справами, які не мають ніякого відношення до журналістики.
  • 2002.11.20 | Yeast Infection

    Re: Врун Мельниченко

    Dear Mr. Byrne,

    I would be happy to learn your opinion on the following subject. Do you think the voices in the (let's call them so) Melnichenko tapes belong to the persons indicated in the transcripts? Regardless of whether the files were edited or not.

    Thanks a lot in advance!
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2002.11.20 | Peter Byrne

      Re: Врун Мельниченко

      the tapes are authentic. the tapes are real.

      voices belong to the speakers (often incorrectly) identified and transcribed. edits are obvious, but most conversations appear unredacted.

      listen yourself and tell me what you think.


      згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
      • 2002.11.20 | Motherwell

        Re: Врун Мельниченко

        They aren't "tapes", they are recordings. I would expect a 'great expert-journalist' to write with precision. Sloppiness is an unforgivable habit in your profession.
      • 2002.11.21 | Yeast Infection

        Re: Врун Мельниченко

        Dear Mr. Byrnes,

        Thanks so much for your reply. I appreciate your opinion.

        > the tapes are authentic. the tapes are real.

        That statement sounds pretty reasonable. The feeling of authenticity is pretty robust.

        > voices belong to the speakers (often incorrectly) identified and transcribed.

        In your opinion, is Kuchma identified correctly in most cases? If not, what is the % of error, in your opinion? (And in this case, do you have any typical examples?)

        > edits are obvious, but most conversations appear unredacted.

        As far as Kuchma's voice is concerned, do any of the possible edits change critically the essence of the things said?

        > listen yourself and tell me what you think.

        Personally, I don't care too much (so far), who and how made the records. I am neither a journalist, nor a politician. I am just a curious listener of the 'Melnychenko tapes'. I think those recordings, if proven to be authentic, will comprise a very serious heritage for the future generations.

        Yours truly,


        P.S. I am confused, about a heated debate between you and other true beleivers in the authenticity of those 'tapes'
        згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
        • 2002.11.21 | Yeast Infection

          Re: Врун Мельниченко

          Sorry for the misprint in your name!
  • 2002.11.21 | Peter Byrne

    my postings at maidan are being appreciated by higherups

    here's just one of the testimonials

    you idiots should be jealous, 'cause i'm the man!
    read for yousselves and then think of it -


    < To: "'Peter Byrne'"
    Subject: RE: Payment for Discrediting Melnychenko
    Date: 4 ноября 2002 г. 10:34

    Dear Mr. Byrne,
    As always, we are very grateful to you for your invaluable service. Mr. Kuchma and I do highly appreciate what you are doing for Ukraine by making postings at the Maidan website. I have already forwarded your invoice to our accountants so you may expect the payment to your overseas account in full promptly, as ususal .

    In the light of most recent developments regarding the NATO Prague Summit your activities online become of great importance to the Ukraine’s prestige in Europe. We value your expertise, knowledge, and help Ukraine whilst it finds itself in the dire straits because of the treachery of the idiot-patriot Melnychenko.

    We hope that with your help and with the help of Zhyr, Shvets and other friends we will be able to shut up the idiot patriot once and for all very soon. Once again thank you very much for your great postings at the Maidan!

    With best regards,
    Victor Medvechuk
  • 2002.11.21 | Yeast Infection

    My questions again

    Dear Mr. Byrne,

    I would dare to repeat the message I posted yesterday. I would be happy to get the answers to my questions?

    Here is the previous post:

    "Dear Mr. Byrne,

    Thanks so much for your reply. I appreciate your opinion.

    > the tapes are authentic. the tapes are real.

    That statement sounds pretty reasonable. The feeling of authenticity is pretty robust.

    > voices belong to the speakers (often incorrectly) identified and transcribed.

    In your opinion, is Kuchma identified correctly in most cases? If not, what is the % of error, in your opinion? (And in this case, do you have any typical examples?)

    > edits are obvious, but most conversations appear unredacted.

    As far as Kuchma's voice is concerned, do any of the possible edits change critically the essence of the things said?

    > listen yourself and tell me what you think.

    Personally, I don't care too much (so far), who and how made the records. I am neither a journalist, nor a politician. I am just a curious listener of the 'Melnychenko tapes'. I think those recordings, if proven to be authentic, will comprise a very serious heritage for the future generations.

    Yours truly,


    P.S. I am confused, about a heated debate between you and other true beleivers in the authenticity of those 'tapes'"
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2002.11.22 | Peter Byrne

      there's nothing to your questions, again and again

      my recommendation to you whoever you are out there:
      got years? take them in your hands and apply them very thoroughly to the recordings!

      and remeber ignorance is a bliss for many idiots like yourself

      listen for yourself, make your own conclusions and don't listen to the pathological liars like the idiot-patriot major, or ukrayinska nepravda.

      you'd better listen to ast
      or mr medvechuk, mr pickun, and esteemed mr french
      they did convince me


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