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Архіви Форумів Майдану

Казахам вкрай потрібна правозахисна допомога!!!

01/12/2003 | Олег Верник
Шановні майдановці! Хто з вас має зв*язки з правозахистними організаціями - прохання передати їм цей лист із закликом про допомогу!!!
З повагою, Олег Верник "Робітничий спротив"

Stop the repressions against Kazakhstan trade union activists and human rights defenders

Dear friends

15 August 2002 the leader of Independent Trade Union Association (ITUA) of Karaganda region Saken Zhunusov was arrested, and since summer 2002 Kazakhstan secret police (KNB), police (MVD) and Office of Public Prosecutor instituted a few proceedings under article 7 of Kazakhstan Criminal Code against 3 ITUA activists, the leaders of human rights organization ‘Blago’ Ramil Mingazov, Sergey Popov and Rustem Zhunusov. In the process of it these ‘justice organs’ didn’t’t hesitate to use open dirty provocations.

Police despotism and farce of ‘justice’ in the court of Kazaybek Bi district of Karaganda city is going under planned scenario. Power is almost sure that nobody is able to stop them. So, one of the accusations (article 45 of Kazakhstan Criminal Code – ‘infringement of the sanctity of the home’) was preferred to Ramil Mingazov after he, arriving to the office, which was used more then 6 years, found that door lock is broken down and inside the building the group of secrete service officers is waiting for. It’s expected that Ramil will be judged for it on 2 years on probation.

Prosecutor demanded 7 years of prison for Rustem Zhunusov and 6 ears of prison for his father Saken. In the court hall Rustem stood up for his father, which was attacked by high bailiff (article 341 of Kazakhstan Criminal Code – ‘threat or infliction of physical injuries to the judge or high bailiff during the process of justice’).

Sergey Popov is under the trial because during some press-conferences he made public the fact of non-payment the wages at the enterprises of Karaganda region (article 129 of Kazakhstan Criminal Code – ‘slander’).

The trial has being continued already 2 months and the decision should be adopted not later then 27 December 2002. Hearing are conducting with numerous violations both Kazakhstan Criminal Code and basic norms of international law. So, in accordance with article 9 of general human rights Declaration and article 9 of international pact for civil and political rights, nobody could be subjected to groundless arrest. However, trial changed the preventive punishment from written undertaking not to leave a place on taking into custody for Ramil Mingazov, who was not able to come to the court hearing 18 December 2002 because of his illness, about which he rendered medical reference. Now Ramil, despite his very hard state of health, is in the central city prison and is present in the court hall only behind the cell. It’s the violation of article 11 of general human rights Declaration, article 14 of international pact for civil and political rights – point 8 – ‘main principles of lawyer’s role’, which provides to defendant the right to have the lawyer in the court. Despite it, the lawyers of defendant were excluded from the trial because of formal reason (they were invited by leading organ of trade union, but not union conference, which was impossible to be held because of luck of time); other lawyers were not provided to defendants. Also, defendants are permanently removed from court hall during examinations of witnesses for the prosecution, theur questions to the witnesses are declined, and process as a whole is declared non-public.

The reason of so hard reaction of power is human rights and trade union activity of Independent Trade Union Association and ‘Blago’ organization, Karaganda activists of ITUA had prepared and conducted in April-August 2002 some events and hunger strikes of the workers of 7 housing-operational enterprises, which didn’t receive their wages already more then 3 years. Actions were successful, and after it the debts were covered. Also, only participating in the trials, the representatives of ITUA and ‘Blago’ succeeded to return to the workers of different enterprises more then 1 million US dollars of ‘frozen wages’. Last year they succeeded to establish the Council of the staff of the enterprises, which were subjected to bankruptcy, which unites the workers of 15 plants and mines. Power remembers very well multi-thousand march of workers and unemployed in August 2001 to the new capital Astana. Council succeeded to stop the privatization and face bankruptcy of a few enterprises. In the city of saran (near Karaganda) it was established the organ of local self-government of the residents for restoration of housing-communal service. Before this it was no cold water in the city. Also it was registered beneficent society of social and legal assistance ‘Blago’, which provided free legal assistance, including court participation for thousands workers. ITUA succeeded to organize the campaign against hard increasing of the prices for communal services from the side of US-Israel monopolist ‘Karaganda-Pauer’.

There are real reasons of arrest of Saken Zhunusov and his co-thinkers. The situation could be changed only via mass pressure from the side of human rights and trade union organizations of Kazakhstan as well as wide international campaign. Now the employees of 17 different enterprises are conducting hunger strike in support to Saken, Rustem, Ramil and Sergey. Karaganda aviators, workers activists of Aktas brick plant, workers of ‘Kolumb Kazakhstan’ LTD, staff of housing-operational enterprise # 19 expressed their solidarity with Saken, Rustem, Ramil and Sergey. But they also extremely need your support and assistance.

Therefore we ask everyone to send or fax protest letters to following addresses:

Kazakhstan Republic, court # 2, 30 Yerubaeva str., Karaganda. Tel./fax: ++ 7 3212 420 220

(judge Nadezhda Nikolayevna Malyshko, prosecutor Zhanna Galiyevna Tazhigulova)

Regional court: tel./fax: ++ 7 3212 742 783
Supreme Court: tel./fax: ++ 7 3172 324 959
Office of Public Prosecutor: tel./fax: ++ 7 3172 321 904
Regional accimat: tel./fax ++ 7 3212 421 093

“Ukrainian human rights group”

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