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Архіви Форумів Майдану

Нова доктрина- Буш-Шарон

03/01/2003 | невтральний
Теперішня політика Америки диктується Ізраїлем.
newspaper " The Washington Times" Feb. 14,2003 has this to say-

Israil is asking U.S. for $4 billion in additional military asistance- in addition, that is, to the just under $3billion a year it is receiving now, plus $ 8 billion in commercial loan guarantees.
The strategic objectives of the U.S. and Israel in the Middle East have gradually merged into a now cohesive Bush-Sharon Doctrine.
But this gets lost in the deafening cacophony of talking heads playing armchair generals in the coming war to change regimes in Bagdad to suit the Israil.
Arial Sharon powerful backers in the Bush administration -HAVE BEEN IN CHARGE OF U.S. policy in the Middle East since President Bush was swarn into office.
Sharon convinced Bush that Palestinian terrorism was identical to the global war on terror.
Sharon has flawn to Washington seven times in two years to meet with Bush, more frequently than any other head of state or goverment.
Sharon quickly convinced a receptive and deeply religious Mr. Bush that Palestinian terrorism, al Qaeda and Saddam Husseins weapons of mess destruction were part of a three-pronget offencive against the Judeo-Christian civilization.

Це лише короткий витяг зі статті, але думаю цілком вистачає, щоб зрозуміти куди котиться Америка.


  • 2003.03.01 | Смогитель Вадим\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

    Re:не "котиться", а СКОТИЛАСЯ ВЖЕ ...

  • 2003.03.01 | Englishman

    Re: Нова доктрина- Буш-Шарон

    Цікаво, а чому в тексті так багато граматичних помилок?
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2003.03.01 | невтральний

      Re: Нова доктрина- Буш-Шарон

      Через не уважність в перепису з газети і висилка без перевірки. От і весь "секрет."

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