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Командир, що віддав наказ стріляти по готелю в Багдаді

04/22/2003 | Chubynsky

The Los Angeles Times , benefiting from a later deadline than East Coast papers, presents a more nuanced treatment of the hotel tragedy. John Daniszewski's brilliant dispatch identifies the tank company commander who ordered the tankers to fire and offers a more complete description of the circumstances behind the incident.

According to Daniszewski, a tank gunner scanning the horizon observed himself being observed from the hotel by someone with what he assumed were binoculars. Indeed, both of the journalists killed at the Palestine were cameramen, and both were believed to have been photographing the action. Daniszewski writes:

The decision to fire was made by the company's commander, Capt. Philip Wolford, after a gunner from one of his tanks scanned the hotel and saw someone observing with binoculars. At the time, the company was receiving mortar fire from several unknown points on the hotel's side of the river and had received intelligence that Iraqi spotters were using tall buildings to track American movements, military sources said.

Wolford said his troops "were hit by four or five points along the river." He also said he had received reports of teams of fighters with rocket-propelled grenades clustered at the foot of the hotel.

Wolford дає інтерв'ю Nouvel Observateur:


Переказ англійською Reuters:


Переказ англійською Guardian:



Хтось із його роти побачив, що на балконі готелю щось блиснуло, схоже на бінокль. Оскільки вони були під постійним обстрілом, він подумав, що там сидить спостерігач із біноклем, що спрямовує вогонь проти них, і наказав стріляти. Він не знав, що це готель із журналістами, дізнався лише через 20 хвилин, хоча був у постійному контакті із безпосереднім командиром, підполковником. Nouvel Observateur доходить висновку, що хтось навмисно не довів інформацію про готель до нижньої ланки.

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