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Chto takoe Assotsiatsiya rabotnikov SMI?

06/19/2003 | Kарп
МИД Украины изучает обращение Ассоциации работников СМИ с требованием выслать из страны посла Германии
Киев. 19 июня. ИНТЕРФАКС-УКРАИНА - В МИД Украины подтверждают факт получения на имя министра иностранных дел Анатолия Зленко письменного обращения "Ассоциации работников СМИ Украины" с требованием выслать из Украины посла Германии Дитмара Штюдеманна "за грубое нарушение норм дипломатической этики в отношении граждан Украины".
Как сообщил агентству "Интерфакс-Украина" в четверг руководитель пресс службы МИД Маркиян Лубкивский, в данный момент это обращение "министерством изучается".
"В дальнейшем МИД намерен действовать в соответствии с установленной процедурой рассмотрения таких обращений", - отметил глава пресс-службы МИД.
Как сообщалось, 18 июня журналисты общественной организации "Ассоциация работников СМИ Украины" потребовали от украинского МИД выслать из страны Д.Штюдеманна.
Как пишут журналисты в обращении, в интервью газете "Зеркало недели" в 2003 году Д.Штюдеманн "фактически признал, что провокационная возня вокруг присуждения негосударственным немецким фондом премии "За свободу и будущее средств массовой информации" главному редактору газеты "Зеркало недели" Владимиру Мостовому была срежессирована не без участия немецкого посольства".
Кроме того, утверждают авторы документа, 13 июня на пресс-конференции в Хмельницком Д.Штюдеманн снова "передергивал факты" уже в отношении Ассоциации работников СМИ.
61-летний Д.Штюдеманн возглавляет немецкое диппредставительство в Украине с 20 сентября 2000 года. До этого, с 1997 года возглавлял отделы в экономическом и политическом департаментах Федерального министерства иностранных дел Германии. В 1991-1997 годах руководил политическим отделом посольства своей страны в Москве.


  • 2003.06.19 | peter byrne

    Re: Chto takoe Assotsiatsiya rabotnikov SMI?


    Bogus media association wages provocative campaign
    By Peter Byrne, Kyiv Post Staff Writer
    Jun 19, 2003 08:48

    Facsimile letters received from the Association of Ukrainian Media Workers should be disregarded.

    This is the advice of Vasyl Yurychko, the executive director of UNIAN, one of the country’s largest news agencies, and a co-author of the missives.

    About a dozen letters poking fun at the alleged double standards applied by Western politicians who criticize the media situation in Ukraine have been sent to mainstream Ukrainian media over the past several months.

    Yurychko told the Post on June 17 that the faxes are merely an instrument to attract attention and to generate some mischievous fun.

    “Don’t take them too seriously,” Yurychko urged.

    The association is a non-governmental organization founded in 1999 by Viktor Petrenko, currently deputy head of the State Committee for Information, Radio and Television. Petrenko chaired the National Council for Television and Radio broadcasting from 1995 to June 1999.

    The Post was unable to contact Petrenko.

    A member of the association’s board, Yurychko also holds unpaid posts in a number of media organizations, including the All-Ukrainian Press Club, the Association of Regional and Municipal Press and the Association of Satellite and Television Broadcasters.

    Yurychko said that the letters were generally the product of collaboration between the association’s board members.

    “We circulate drafts of the association’s letters before arriving at a final text,” said Yurychko, adding that he and Petrenko were inspired to start the letter campaign last year during a meeting with John Barsby, president of the London-based National Union of Journalists.

    “Barsby said it would be an inexpensive way for us to generate publicity,” said Yurychko, who said non-profit media organizations in Ukraine frequently were forced to resort to PR work in order to generate income.

    The association’s secretary, Oksana Nepomnyashaya, is one of three full-time employees. She told the Post that the office was expecting to receive the text for the next mass-mailing on June 18.

    The list of addressees includes 10 information agencies, 15-20 newspapers and the top television and radio companies, Nepomnyashaya said.

    The association’s director, Ihor Mychik, was unable to state how many members the association has.

    Mychik also said he was not aware of who wrote the association’s last letter. Released on June 3, the two-page diatribe was addressed to Britian’s Europe Minister Dennis MacShane.

    MacShane was criticized for harping about human rights and press problems in Ukraine instead of addressing problems at home, specifically the British government’s criticism of media it said were taking an “unpatriotic” view of the war on Iraq.

    “We Ukrainian journalists desire democracy and freedom of speech and hope that integration in European structures will facilitate this process,” the letter reads. “For us it is important to cooperate and be constructive with governments on the [European] continent, but we are not sure your approach matches these criteria. Is this the approach you want Ukraine’s young democracy to follow?”

    Earlier this year, the association urged President Leonid Kuchma to veto a bill aimed at protecting media from censorship and setting limits for financial penalties imposed on journalists for defamation claims. The association claimed the bill was motivated by “a populist desire to please voters” rather than by a sincere urge to help journalists. The association’s protestations were fruitless, however, and Kuchma signed the bill into law on April 28.
  • 2003.06.20 | peter byrne

    Re: Chto takoe Assotsiatsiya rabotnikov SMI?

    changing the story


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