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Re: Hajdy Do Bajdy fight against TRUTH

07/10/2003 | Гайди До Байди
Tak, tak, pravda najiznyka (okupanta). Dosi nitschoho ne potschuv vid
ukrajins'koho najiznyka u Warschawi. Ale potschuv vid ukrajintziv, schtscho
oboronyly Warschawu vid tschervonoji navaly.

Hm, until today I do not have anything belonged from a Ukrainian
Agressor in Warsaw. However of Ukrainians that defended Warsaw before the
red invasion.
Why should the Ukrainians defend only Poland and slaughter Poland then?

The Ukrainian Patriarch Scheptytz'kyj arose publicly against Jew
pursuit. It sent even a complaint letter at Hitler. Scheptytz'kyj was
religious the head of most members of the UPA. In the UPA fought units
out differently to peoples by the Russians were suppressed. In the UPA
fought even Jewish units. However the members in the Krayova Armiya
and other Polish Pilsudski-Nazis fought with the Hitlerists
and killed many nationalities including Poles.
The Polish catholic church is jointly guilty these Nazis supported and
today Poles and polnishised Ukrainians further against the Ukrainian
people instigates. Regardless of their public asseverations.

You do not continue to be anything as a little Nazi, who must be
brought sooner or later for yours slandering to court.


"cdn" schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Tovarystvo:
> Dmytro Doncow - Stepan Bandera - Dmytro Klaczkiwsky ("Klym Sawur")
> ... - "Hajdy Do Bajdy" & Co.
> specialization: "Hajze na Lachiw, budem ich rizaty"
> * * *
> "Lachiw wyrizem,
> Zydiw wydusym,
> A Ukrainu stworyty musym".
> "Smert Lacham - slawa Ukraini".
> "...Drzewiecki Antoni poprosil slowami "Chlopcy zastrzelcie mnie",
> otrzymal odpowiedz taka:
> Zabut to poczotnaju smert, my tobi pokarzem, jaka ukrajinska smert.
> I wtym momencie nadzial na bagnet jego wnuczka, a syna 2-letniego
> Sawickiej Zofii, podniosl do gory krecac w kolko, powiedzial
> Dywys lasze, jak Ukrajina plasze..."
> "Smert', smert' Lacham, smert', smert' moskowsko-zydiwskij komuni.."
> ...nu, "Hajdy", vspomnij, kak eto szlo dalsze ?

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