МАЙДАН - За вільну людину у вільній країні

Архіви Форумів Майдану

PIDER BYRN -- махльовщик і заангажований СБУ БРЕХУН!!!!

07/18/2003 | KAKTUZZ
Dear Colleagues,

Thank you for your copy of the report from the Kiev Post. The IFJ does not intend to retract its statement.

We view the contents of this law as strengthening the capacity of the state to penalise those who gather and disseminate confidential information belonging to the state.

The article says that we relied on one source of information. That is not true.

Journalists are rightly concerned that amendments to the law that hinder the work of journalists, inhibit the ability of sources to reveal information, and strengthen the powers of secret services are by their very nature a threat to press freedom.

We do not apologise for saying so.

Aidan White,
IFJ General Secretary

P.S. So, did you get how stupid You are."The article says that we relied on one source of information. That is not true." You just SBU's dog? Lier,Fibber!
"Bloody, You can smooch my ass! Good by!


  • 2003.07.18 | адмін

    vot ego fotografia zdes!

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  • 2003.07.18 | S@nya

    ne pravda.

    pid chas kasetnogo skandalu vin aktyvno pryjmav uchast' v demonstracijah proty Kuchmy. Krim togo, v svoemu ofisi rozpovsjudyv razom zi svoimy amerykans'kymy kolegamy zvernennja do ukrainskih spivrobitnykiv, v jakomu jih zaklykaly ne buty bajduzhymy do doli svoeji derzhavy (Ukraine) i pity na demonstraciju proty Kuchmy.

    Ce te, sho ja znaju tochno. Vse do cjogo napysane - zdogadky.
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    • 2003.07.18 | S@nya

      Kaktuzze, ne pyshit' taki zagolovky, koly ne znaete napevne (-)

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      • 2003.07.18 | KAKTUZZ

        Re:S@nia! OK.Нехай втручається у внутрішні справи України!

        Може також депортують. Купчинського ж вигнали з України, бо не хотів на ланцюгу СБУ йти.А з Пєтьом мені все все зрозуміло і я не відмовлюсь від того першого заголовку. Відробляє. І підробляє. Написав був, що наче в інтерв"ю з Купчинським довідався, що саме Купчинський зустрічав Мельниченка в Чехії на бензиновій станції. Купчинський каже, що цього Підара Бірна в очі не бачив, теж саме каже Ірина Халупа. Якщо згадані в його топіку про Мельниченка "Ідіот в Лондонє" і відповідають дійсності то навіщо виставляти неправдиві джерела інформації?

        Крім того Купчинський каже ,що Бірн порушує елементарні правила журналістики , Під час приватної переписки (Бірн послав і-мейлом запитання Купчинському в приватному порядку, а Купчинський відповів), а Бірн відповідь Купчинського без його згоди на це, засвітив ту відповідь на форумі "УК". Так що Саньок не ведись на тюльку.Я просто не можу все про кренделя Бірна тобі тут нра Майдані розповісти. Але, після появи топіку про Мельниченка "Ідіот в Лондонє" його просканували серйозні люди. Включаючи його походеньки в Білорусі. Так що він в мене як на долоні. Журналіст він під "кришою".
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        • 2003.07.18 | S@nya

          Pravda?.. Ot blin...

          Nu sho zh, Vyshi dovody zvuchat' bil'she nizh perekonlyvo. Zhal', bo ja pislja tyh podij, sho opysav v svoemu postingu, jogo povazhav.
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          • 2003.07.18 | SLAVKO

            Re: Pravda?.. Ot blin...Taky pravda!!!!


            Brussels, 18 July 2003
            From: International Federation of Journalists

            Letter to the Editor

            Peter Byrne's article "Tempest in a teacup Misinformation feeds secrecy law
            scare," published on July 17, displays an astonishing complacency about the
            problems facing journalists in the Ukraine. We do not agree with the tone or
            the conclusions of this piece.

            For the record:

            1. We have good journalistic sources for our expression of concern.

            2. We have plenty of experience of "technical" and "administrative"
            amendments to law that are used to put undue pressure on journalists.

            3. We do not have to rely on "scare stories." Real-life evidence of
            official incompetence, political negligence and legal obstacles in the
            affairs of journalists are frightening enough in the Ukraine. The failure of
            Ukraine authorities to protect journalists (the Gyorgy Gongadze case being
            the most devastating) has undermined professional confidence in the
            authorities when it comes to the rights of journalists and media.

            4. We do not accept that these so-called "technical" and "administrative"
            alterations to law are anything of the sort. The rights of the security
            services to act against journalists and their sources over the methods used
            to obtain information are strengthened by these changes. This is
            unacceptable and the full impact is not clear. It is entirely appropriate
            for journalists to express their legitimate fears about how they may hinder
            investigative reporting.

            As I say, it is wrong to suggest that Taras Shevchenko, the Kiev attorney,
            was the source for our protest. We had already obtained the relevant
            information on the bill from other sources and we were seeking additional
            clarification from him. He may think, now, that the IFJ statement
            exaggerates the impact the law will have on journalists, but the journalists
            we have talked to don't agree with him.

            Earlier this year the IFJ produced a report on the Ukraine after a visit to
            Kiev and meetings with many journalists and officials. That report, Unity
            For Justice - The Challenge of Change for Journalism in the Ukraine. Inquiry
            Into the Social and Professional Conditions of Journalists in the Ukraine
            reflects serious and well-founded anxiety about the situation of media and
            independent journalism in the Ukraine. Your readers will find the report on
            the IFJ website: http://www.ifj.org

            When the questions posed by this report and by many others within the
            international community have been answered we may move into a new phase of
            relations between the media and the authorities, which will bring the
            Ukraine into the media mainstream in Europe. We look forward to that
            eventuality. Meanwhile, we shall remain vigilant and work with journalists
            in the country to ensure that the rights of independent media and
            journalists are respected.

            Yours sincerely,

            AIDAN WHITE
            General Secretary
            International Federation of Journalists
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            • 2003.07.19 | KAKTUZZ

              Re: Меньше знаєш! Краще спиш! Більше знаєш -- спиш вічно!

              IFJ Raises Alert Over Death of Journalist in Ukraine
              The International Federation of Journalists today called on the Ukrainian government to explore the reasons behind the “suspicious” death of newspaper and television editor Vladimir Efremov, and to establish whether or not it was connected to his professional work.

              On 14 July, Efremov was killed in a car accident, when his car collided with a MAZ truck near Verkhnyodniprovsk town. Efremov was editor-in-chief of the Sobor Dnipropetrovsk newspaper and he also headed the 11th regional TV-channel, Sobor agency, as well as the Dnipropetrovsk newspaper.

              On 13 October 2001, in the government newspaper "Golos Ukrainy", Efremov had said he feared he would be killed because of his journalistic activities, probably in a staged road accident. Subsequently, Efremov had agreed to testify at former Prime Minister, Pavlo Lazarenko's 18 August trial in the United States, on charges of "embezzlement of public funds".

              Maryna Dovhopola, Lazarenko’s lawyer confirmed today that the American lawyers of Lazarenko had met with Efremov before the tragic car accident. “Conditions for press freedom and journalists’ safety have deteriorated rapidly in the Ukraine”, said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. Journalists must be able to criticize all levels of society freely, a basic right that has not been respected by Ukrainian authorities in recent years.

              Volodymyr Reshetilov, Deputy Prosecutor of Dnipropetrovsk region has said that the criminal investigation group has started its inquest and also added that Serhiy Zhydkov, chief of local Department on Traffic Accidents is in charge.

              The IFJ is supporting journalists in the Ukraine to create better social and professional condition. “There must be clear and verifiable explanations as to the death of our colleague. If not we can only fear the worst,” said White.

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