МАЙДАН - За вільну людину у вільній країні

Архіви Форумів Майдану

Інститут прикладної автономії - роботи малюють графіті

08/20/2003 | Горицвіт
Institute for Applied Autonomy


Це фірма, яка виготовляє і продає різні цікаві штучки для організації протестів (машини-роботи для малювання по стінах і по дорогах і для роздачі листівок). Вони пишуть, що цими машинами хтось реально користувався:

Little Brother

Pamphleteer, aka "Little Brother," is a propaganda robot which distributes subersive literature. Pamphleteer is designed to bypass the social conditioning that inhibits activists' ability to distribute propaganda by capitalizing on the aesthetics of cuteness. The robot's form references a tradition of robot aesthetics developed in science fiction and popular media.


Graffiti Writer is a tele-operated robot which employs a custom built array of spray cans to write linear text messages on the ground at a rate of 10 miles per hour. These messages are similar in form to dot matrix printer output, and are not intended to imitate human graffiti. Rather the Writer's aesthetics are purely mechanical, prompting the viewer to wonder "what kind of machine wrote this?"


The StreetWriter project expands on the research gained from the successful Robotic GraffitiWriter project. The system consists of a custom built, computer controlled industrial spray painting unit that is built into an extended body cargo van. The vehicle prints text messages onto the pavement in a manner much like a dot-matrix printer. The expanded width of StreetWriter allows for messages and simple graphics that are legible from tall buildings and low flying aircraft and is capable of rendering message that are several hundreds of feet in length.

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