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Архіви Форумів Майдану

unian/internews kak raspostraniteli breda

09/11/2003 | peter byrne
prodolzhayu udivlyat'sya...

ochen' pechal'no chto za organizatsiyu godovshchini voz'mutsya petrenko i yurychko (i vasil'ev)

10.09.2003 17:27
Асоціація працівників ЗМІ України закликає провести 16 вересня День пам’яті журналістів, які загинули при виконанні професійних обов’язків

19.06.2003 08:48
The Silence of the Lambs
By Peter Byrne, Kyiv Post Staff Writer

"[...]The association is a non-governmental organization founded in 1999 by Viktor Petrenko, currently deputy head of the State Committee for Information, Radio and Television. Petrenko chaired the National Council for Television and Radio broadcasting from 1995 to June 1999.[...]"

"[...]Earlier this year, the association urged President Leonid Kuchma to veto a bill aimed at protecting media from censorship and setting limits for financial penalties imposed on journalists for defamation claims. The association claimed the bill was motivated by “a populist desire to please voters” rather than by a sincere urge to help journalists. The association’s protestations were fruitless, however, and Kuchma signed the bill into law on April 28.[...]"

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