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кучма охирел

10/16/2003 | roman
Kuchma meets Qadhafi, does business, gets medal
By Peter Byrne, Kyiv Post Staff Writer
Oct 16, 2003 06:50

Photo: Ukrinform
Libyan leader Muammar Quadhafi awards the Great al Fateh Medal to President Kuchma for his role in developing relations with Libya.

President Leonid Kuchma on Oct. 14 returned from an official visit to Libya hoping that cooperation with the North African country will further Ukraine’s strategic interests in the region.
"The future of Ukraine is here," pronounced Kuchma, who on Oct. 14 gave Libya’s revolutionary leader Muammar Qadhafi a gun and a sword symbolizing Ukraine’s intention to develop relations. He said that the trip to Libya far exceeded his expectations.
Joint ventures discussed include plans for Ukrainian firms to build ships, develop oil fields and modernize the country’s dilapidated water storage, power production and transportation systems.
Libya is a member of the Organization of Oil Exporting Countries (OPEC) with a production quota of 1.3 million barrels a day. Its proven reserves total some 30 billion barrels, equivalent to three percent of the world total.
The United Nations Security Council in April 1999 suspended sanctions it imposed on Libya for its involvement in the 1988 bomb attack on a Pan Am airliner over Lockerbie, Scotland that killed 270 people. The sanctions were lifted altogether on Sept. 12 after Libya ultimately accepted blame for the bombing, renounced terrorism and agreed to compensate the victims’ families.
Vitaly Haiduk, who heads the 12-member Ukraine-Libya cooperation council, said that Ukrainian companies would be encouraged to participate in large-scale infrastructure projects to keep Libya well watered and fed after its oil wells run dry.
"Orders for infrastructure work in Tripoli alone amount to about $200 million," Haiduk told the Jamahiriya news agency following meetings with the Libya’s central bankers and representatives of the Libyan Steel Company.
Haiduk emphasized that the deals would not be hampered by the refusal of some countries to lift sanctions imposed against Libya, which the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency’s Web site calls a military dictatorship.
"Our relationship with Libya is driven by Ukraine’s own interests," explained Haiduk, who on Oct. 13 announced Tripoli’s intention to construct two five-star hotels in Kyiv and Crimea. Haiduk said a delegation would travel to Ukraine in November in order to select plots of land where the hotels should be built.
The upbeat tone of the trip was set by Kuchma, who bestowed on Qadhafi the order of Yaroslav the Wise during a dinner banquet on Oct. 11.
"I am happy to congratulate Libya on the occasion of the final lifting of sanctions by the Security Council," said Kuchma, who expressed Ukraine’s willingness to help Libya build a railroad criss-crossing the country and exploit water potential underneath Libya’s desert floor.
Qadfafi, in turn, honored Kuchma, awarding him with the Great al Fateh Medal for his distinguished role in developing friendly relations with the Great Jamahiriya. The coup d’etat that brought Qadhafi to power in 1969 was known as the "Al-Fateh" Revolution.
Oleksandr Bohomolov, who directs the Kyiv-based Center for Middle East Studies, told the Post on Oct. 14 that only time can tell how Ukraine or Ukrainian companies will benefit from deals struck by Qadhafi and Kuchma.
"Selling airplanes and winning oil concessions is one thing," Boholomov said. "Building man-made rivers and railroads across the desert is another."
The volume of trade between Ukraine and Libya last year totaled $32 million, compared with $104 million in 2001. The slump was caused by a drop in Ukraine’s exports of ferrous metals to Tripoli.
Prospects for renewing cooperation with Libya improved in 2003, with Naftohaz Ukraina, the state-owned oil and gas monopoly, announcing in July that it planned to arrange a $300 million Eurobond issue to buy or lease Western equipment to develop oil deposits in Libya. In addition, Air Libya in June signed a $45-million contract with Ukraine for the delivery and maintenance of five An-140 planes.
Foreign Minister Konstantyn Hryshchenko, Transportation Minister Hrihory Kirpa and deputy prime minister Vitaly Haiduk took part in the talks, which resulted in the signing on Oct. 14 of 6 bilateral agreements and two memoranda, including a concession to drill for oil at four sites in Libya, and promises by Libya to buy more Ukrainian planes.
Kuchma’s eye-opening visit to Libya, the first ever by a Ukrainian president, followed his face-to-face meeting in Kyiv on Oct. 9 with Belarusian President Oleksandr Lukashenko to discuss plans to boost bilateral trade.
Lukashenko told Interfax-Ukraine after the 2-hour meeting that he and Kuchma agreed "to be together, and to support one another, no matter what."
Qadhafi and Lukashenko are among the world’s worst living dictators, according to international human rights groups. The usually celebrity-driven Parade magazine, which has a huge circulation of 35 million weekly, with 77 million readers, placed the leaders 8th and 10th on its list of despots in a feature article appearing in February.
The magazine’s criteria for selecting the "worst" included suppression of freedom of speech and religion, of freedom to choose elected representatives and to disagree with government, and of the right to a fair trial.


  • 2003.10.16 | Ru

    Якби це ще було зрозумілою мовою :) (-)

    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2003.10.16 | roman

      москали - однако - довольны

      Газета СНГ: Кучма захотел дружить с Каддафи

      Россия ГазетаСНГ.Ru
      16 Октября 2003, 12:27

      "В то время как президент России укрепляет связи с государствами Юго-Восточной Азии, украинский президент найти деловых партнеров в Северной Африке. На днях Кучма посетил с официальным визитом Ливию, страну, которую США относят к оси зла. Итоги визита весьма впечатляют", отмечает журналист российского интернет-издания Газета СНГ Алексей Матвеев.

      Между правительствами двух стран был заключен довольно обширный пакет соглашений и договоров, которые свидетельствуют о наметившихся активных экономических связях между странами. На фоне того, что Ливия должна около 10 млрд дол. бывшему СССР, правопреемницей которого выступает Россия, симпатии Триполи к Киеву выглядят рельефно и в явно в невыгодном свете для Москвы, которая по всей видимости в глазах Каддафи теряет свой авторитет.

      В чем здесь Украина опередила Россию? Во-первых, в ходе визита Кучмы в Триполи была достигнута договоренность, что Ливия предоставит возможность Украине из девяти месторождений нефти выбрать четыре для их разработки. НАК "Нафтогаз Украины" планирует до 20 октября определить в Ливии перспективные нефтегазоносные блоки и до начала 2004 г. осуществить юридическое оформление, бизнес-планирование и финансирование промышленной разработки этих блоков. В свою очередь Ливия берет на себя обязательства о помощи в переработке и транспортировке добываемой нефти, ведь нефтяная отрасль является основной в промышленности Ливии. В настоящее время объем экспорта ливийской нефти составляет 1,2 млн. баррелей в сутки.

      Во-вторых, украинская компания "Интербудмонтаж" и ливийская инвестиционная компания "Лафико" договорились о создании совместного предприятия по выращиванию зерновых на украинской территории. Предприятие будет зарегистрировано в ближайшее время с расчетом, что оно уже в следующем году должно иметь первые результаты по выращиванию зерна. Уставный фонд совместного предприятия составит 10 млн дол. Кроме того, ливийская сторона предоставит совместному предприятию оборотные деньги в размере еще 10 млн дол. Украинская сторона в свою очередь предоставит право на аренду земли под выращивание зерновых. На данный момент уже достигнута договоренность о выделении 20 тысяч гектаров земли совместному предприятию с перспективой увеличения до 50 тыс. га. Как говорится, чем богаты, тем и рады. Ливия Украине нефть, а та ей землю. Что ж, такой "бартер" приемлем для обоих государств, к тому же это лишь малая часть сотрудничества.

      В-третьих, весьма немаловажной сферой будущего сотрудничества Киева и Триполи является техническая. Украина и Ливия обсудили участие украинской стороны в строительстве ливийского грузового морского флота, а также реконструкцию местного парка самолетов и покупку украинских самолетов. Стороны договорились о том, что в скором времени Украину посетит ливийская делегация для ознакомления с возможностями сотрудничества в этой сфере. Ливия намеревается модернизировать свой парк самолетов, среди которых много ИЛ-76, а также она выразила заинтересованность в украинских самолетах АН-74ТК300 и АН-70.

      Заметим, что Россия уже модернизирует парк Ил-76, ставя на них новые экологически чистые и бесшумные двигатели ПС-90. Однако Ливия почему-то за помощью обратилась к Украине. Вряд ли у Триполи имеются принципиальные и неразрешимые претензии к Москве. Просто Кучма подсуетился. Сейчас пока не сняты с Ливии санкции как с государства-изгоя, дружить с нею воздерживаются многие страны. Только не Украина. В этом она опередила Россию. И в будущем, видимо на этом немало подзаработает. В соревновании между Москвой и Киевом такое случалось не раз. Украина обогнала в 1999-2000 гг. Россию по танковому контракту для Пакистана и Турции. Кроме того, Киев ждет первых нефтяных контрактов в Ираке. Пока украинский прагматизм намного опережает российский.
      згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
      • 2003.10.16 | Dworkin

        Тут я согласен с "москалями" :)

        Это действительно важный успех. Правда, думаю не столько Кучмы сколько МИДа, котрый готовил визит и соглашения.
        згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
        • 2003.10.16 | peter byrne

          Re: Тут я согласен с "москалями" :)

          tut ya s Vami ne soglasen.

          ehto prosto idiotizm.

          : - )


          The Leader receives the Ukranian President

          Tripoli / 14 al Tomour / Jana

          The Leader of the Revolution received last night Leonid Kuchma of Ukraine Republic the current president of CIS

          who is currently visiting Great Jamahiriya.

          President Kuchma presented to the Leader of the Revolution a number of gifts including a gun and a sword as a symbol of his country's intention to develop and conslidate the relations with the Great Jamahirya.

          The Leader also presented to President Kuchma a silver decorated saddle. The Leader of the Revolution also hosted a banquet in honor of President Leonid kuchma of Ukraine Republic.

          / Jamhiriya news agency/


          President Leonid Kuchma / Speech

          Tripoli /12 al Timour/Jana

          President, Leonid Kuchma of Ukrania delivered a speech at the dinner banquet held to his honour by the Leader of the Revolution. He said: Dear Leader, Muammar al Qathafi, honourable friends I salute you and I wish to express our sincere thanks to the Leader of the Great al Fateh Revolution, Colonel, Muammar al Qathafi for the warm welcome and generaous hospitality reserved to the Ukranian delegation in your hospitable country Libya. Since the early moments of the visit we appreciate the nice treatment and the solid determination to establish fruitful co-operation between us. We do appriciate this and we cherish co-operation with you. We re-affirm the joint desire to consolidate bilateral co-operation.

          We are very happy for these possibilities, throug which we were able to know the glorious history of your country, particularly the nature of the modern Libyan generation. As the famous Greek historian herodotus of the fifth century said, Libya is the source of anything that is new. We are clearly seeing this aspect, which characterizes the Libyan land and the Libyan people, through the modern achievement realised by the Jamahiriya in all areas of politicy, economy, society and humanitarian.

          Ukrania pays a great deal of attention for the establishment of mutually fruitful and benefitial relations with the Great Jamahiriya. I am pleased to note the remarkable activity and dynamism witnessed recently in bilateral relatons. This is confirmed by the exchanged visits by high level delegations, which included economic delegations aimed at promoting economic co-operation and trade gradually.

          The meetings and the negotiations conducted this year have identified promising prospects in the areas of oil and gas, the building of ships and aircraft, in addition to energy, electicity, mining, agriculture, scientific co-operation, techincal and educational. We are ready to accelerate the implementation of major economic prjects, such as the resumption of the Great Man-Made River, the railways, land reclamation for agriculture.

          The Great Jamahiriya is not only a promising partner, we also consider it as a pioneering state, the northern gateway of Africa. In this respect, I wish to praise the major role played by the Libyan Jamahiriya and its Leader, Muammar al Qathafi in achieving the integration of the African continent and ensuring the efficiency of the African Union, which Libya has and still is, doing a lot to build.

          Ukrania supports this tendency, as it is convinced that political and economic integraion amogst African nations would ensure the continued development of the continent. At the same time, we understand that the implementation of startegic missions requires big efforts, particularly in the area of fighting poverty and general development.

          Our county is ready to give advise and possible assistence for the actual implementation of such missions. I am certain that technology, experts, information and know how, available to the Ukranian side, combined with the investment capacities of Libya and the good standing of Libya in Africa, would contribute towards development and welfare in Africa.

          I avail of this opportunity to express appreciation for the Libyan international successes. I am happy to congratulate Libya on the occasion of the final lifting of sanctions by the Security Council. The lifting of those sanctions was great news and was welcomed in Ukrania. We always advocated the immediate and final lifting of those sanctions.

          We have a known dicta, give the green line, that means pave the way to go ahead without obstacles. The green is one of the symbols of the Libyan people. Therefor we want our way to be clear of any obstacles. We hope to have the grean light all the time.

          I re-iterate my thanks as well as the thanks of my delegation to your honourable person and the Libyan people. We hope to see you at your convience shortly in your second country Ukrania.

          I wish the firendly Libyan people continued peace, progress and prosperity.

          Thank you .

          / Jamahiriya News Agency /

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