МАЙДАН - За вільну людину у вільній країні

Архіви Форумів Майдану

Doneck situation

10/31/2003 | Майдан-ІНФОРМ
Delegations which arrived into Donetsk are now waiting for the end of meeting of "Our Ukraine" leaders. General spirit of deputies: none of reserve variants of further proceedings would pass, not when police is directing provocations. Such version wasn't anticipated, obviously. For security considerations, "OU" leaders are considering commanding delegations to go home. Yushchenko didn't arrive - deputies are concerned about safety of people and his personal safety.
Now those who had to "meet" Yushchenko at airport are being transported towards "Yunist'" palace. It's planned that there would be about 10,000 people. Among those brought by authorities many are already drunk. "Anti-OU" crowds have bonfires right in the center of the city to warm up. It's cold there.

One old man when asked about payments for participation in "protests" answered: "Yes, they paid me - whole 20 hryvnya (*)! It'd be enough for a bottle, some food, and some even would be left to spend on a woman!". This old man is from Proletarsky district.
(*) less than 4 USD.


  • 2003.10.31 | lysyj

    "ц" транслітерується як ts (-)

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