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Архіви Форумів Майдану

patriot govorit - novye idiotizmy ot patriota

02/24/2004 | peter byrne
osbenno interesen ehtot passage interv'yu.

(blin, on sam sozdal PR-kampaniyu vmesto togo chtob govorit' pravdu i obnarodovat' VSE ZAPISI v ego ryasporyazhenii.

nemendlenno. pust' stanet dostoyaniem glasnosti soderzhanie zapisej sept. 19, 20, 21, 22, 2000).


Q: Будет ли какое-то продолжение обнародования ваших новых записей накануне президентских выборов?

A: Зачем? Кому это нужно? К огромному сожалению, это превратилось в какую-то игру, в которой каждый думает, что он может обыграть другого партнера. Я не хочу превращать это в какой-то PR какой-то кампании. Я против этого.

Я с самого начала подчеркивал, что это нужно рассматривать в контексте конкретных преступлений и принимать относительно них юридические решения. Парламентская комиссия должна взвешено относиться к этим фактам и проводить расследования, а не так, как мы видим, это сейчас проводится в Украине.


  • 2004.02.24 | peter byrne

    a feldman?

    melnychenko umalchivaet delo feldman. pochemu?

    v takikh nazyvaemykh "zapisyakh melnychenko" (te, kotorye byli sdelany melnychenko skryvaya v czechii pozdno 2000 i peredany IPI dlya ekspertizy) est' chasovye besedy mezhdu kuchmoj i azarovym posadit' feldman za nichego.

    est' i eshche razgovory ob ehtom v zapisyakh obnarodovannykh zhyrom i lyutym na www.5element.net.

    dela feldmana i podislkogo samye sushchestvennye. to chto kasaetsya nosa yelyashkevicha, ehto ot lukavogo.


    [...] An interrogation of Feldman in 2001 by former State Tax Administration deputy head Syatoslav Pyskun became, arguably, Kafkaesque.

    “Why are you quibbling about the wording of our accusation against you?” Feldman recalls being told. “Just take out the words you don’t like in the indictment, and we’ll do the rest.”

    In correspondence from prison with the Kyiv Post, Feldman writes that the interview came months before Pyskun’s boss, then STA chief Mykola Azarov, blurted out to reporters that recordings made in 2000 in President Leonid Kuchma’s office are “fakes” - recordings on which Kuchma and his cronies allegedly discuss framing Feldman. Azarov also claimed they were deliberately falsified on Feldman’s instructions, to prove he had been unjustly accused.

    Transcripts of the alleged conversations and the recordings themselves are available to the public on www.5element.net, an Internet project launched by Oleksandr Zhyr, a retired colonel from Ukraine’s State Security Services and a former parliamentary deputy.

    “No one who has listened to the numerous recorded conversations about Feldman doubts their authenticity,” Zhyr told the Post on Feb. 18.

    Andrey Fedur said that Virginia-based Bek Tek, an audio forensics firm, has authenticated lengthy conversations between Kuchma and Azarov recorded in February, April, May and August of 2000.

    During a May 24, 2000 conversation, Kuchma suggests that Azarov have Feldman intimidated into confessing his guilt.

    “Put him in a cell with convicts,” Kuchma says. “Let them pound him.”

    In another conversation, recorded on Aug. 30, 2000, Azarov told Kuchma that he has arranged with Malyarenko to have Feldman convicted in Luhansk.

    “We agreed with the Luhansk court and have already acquainted a court chairman there with the case,” Azarov says. “Malyarenko and I have talked about adding a bribery charge. We have discussed this there with the judges, whom we can manipulate.”

    Before being liquidated in 2002, Sloviansky was Ukraine’s most profitable commercial bank, posting Hr 83.34 million in profits in 1999 on Hr 556.1 million in net assets, the highest result among 130 banks belonging to the Association of Ukrainian Banks.

    Kuchma promoted Pyskun in July 2002 to the post of Prosecutor General and appointed Azarov deputy prime minister and finance minister in November 2002, when he lobbied successfully for Malyarenko’s election as Supreme Court chairman. [...]

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