МАЙДАН - За вільну людину у вільній країні

Архіви Форумів Майдану


03/05/2004 | peter byrne
Committee on International Relations
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, D.C. 20515-0128

Europe Subcommittee Hearing
Opening Statement of Hon. Doug Bereuter
March 3, 2004


In the Caucasus, we observed a "rose revolution" in Georgia which seems to have made a significant, and positive, difference for the future of that country. Conversely, we were disappointed in the recent Presidential elections in Armenia and Azerbaijan which, as observed by the National Democratic Institute, "failed to meet minimum international standards". Additionally, the peace process in the Ngorno-Karabagh dispute seems to be at a standstill and points to the work which still must be done in that region.

There is growing concern with respect to the direction President Putin is taking Russia. Concern continues to mount regarding his handling of the pres, the opposition and oligarches who oppose his policies. Will elections in a few weeks turn Russia for the better or the worse?

Ukraine and its painfully slow development of democracy continues to be stalled by a few who cannot seem to let go of their authority. Although we are cautiously optimistic that President Kuchma will not seek reelection, we are concerned that his supporters will do whatever is necessary to bypass democratic processes to ensure a continuity of government under their control.

In Belarus there appears to be no significant progress on the part of the Lukaschenka government towards becoming a functional democracy. The recent unification of the opposition political parties raises some hopes for a good parliamentary election this fall. We met representatives of those parties two weeks ago. They deserve our support, but their journey to bring real democracy to Belarus will be daunting.

There are other areas of interest to this Subcommittee which I hope our hearing today will address. This will help us to better understand and more precisely define our foreign policy goals as they relate to Europe.

I look forward to the testimony of our witness.

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