Так що, 21-го травня до Пінча їде Буш старший?
05/20/2004 | Морон
21 травня буде Буш старший разом з конгресовою делегацією. Згідно релізу Київського універу Шевченка, він їде на запрошення Пінчука і Інтерпайпа.
http://www.s95451559.onlinehome.us/test2/ :
Brzezinski added in the interview that he is “very happy” that former U.S. President Bush Sr. is coming to Kyiv, calling the visit a “good symbolic step.”
Bush Sr. was expected to visit Kyiv beginning May 21, as was a delegation from the U.S. House Committee on International Relations, according to the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv. Bush Sr. was invited to Ukraine by parliamentary deputy Viktor Pinchuk and his company Interpipe, according to a statement released by Kyiv Shevchenko National University, where he was expected to speak.
http://www.s95451559.onlinehome.us/test2/ :
Brzezinski added in the interview that he is “very happy” that former U.S. President Bush Sr. is coming to Kyiv, calling the visit a “good symbolic step.”
Bush Sr. was expected to visit Kyiv beginning May 21, as was a delegation from the U.S. House Committee on International Relations, according to the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv. Bush Sr. was invited to Ukraine by parliamentary deputy Viktor Pinchuk and his company Interpipe, according to a statement released by Kyiv Shevchenko National University, where he was expected to speak.