Не "Кольчугою" єдиною
06/18/2004 | Майдан-ІНФОРМ
Як повідомляє "Файненшл Таймс" (не Чарльз Кловер :) ), Україна уклала перший контракт у відбудові Іраку. Спільне штатівсько-саудівське-йорданське підприємство "Анхам" отримає перші поставки обладання для іракської армії з України вже 15 липня. Кінець терміну контаркту - вересень 2006 року.
За словами керівника "Анхаму" Гуди Фарукі, вартість перших поставок складає 259 мільонів убитих оленів. Україна постачала товари в Ірак як за часів УРСР, так і після отримання незалежності від Москви - згідно з ООНівською програмою "нафта в обмін на продукти".
Серед обладнання і техніки, яку планується поставити, особливе місце займають вантажівки КрАЗ і джипи "Хантер" - модифікований варіант російського УАЗу, який збирається в Україні за ліцензією.
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MIDDLE EAST & AFRICA: Ukraine will be main equipment supplier to army
By Tom Warner in Kiev
Financial Times; Jun 18, 2004
The soldiers of the new Iraqi army may get a feeling of déjà vu when they see the equipment selected for them by the US Army.
The main items will be troop carriers and other off-road vehicles from Ukraine, looking very much like the Soviet machines used by the old Iraqi army.
Anham Joint Venture, a US company formed by A. Huda Farouki, an Iraqi expatriate businessman, with Saudi and Jordanian partners, said it would make its first deliveries by July 15 on a $259m (€215m, £141m) Pentagon contract to equip 28,000 Iraqi soldiers.
The deliveries - from dust goggles to kitchen trailers - are to continue through September 2006.
Mr Farouki is a former business partner of Ahmad Chalabi, the controversial politician and former exile who served on Iraq's interim governing council.
The contract is a boon for Ukraine, which had a long history of supplying Iraq in Soviet times and more recently under the UN's "oil- for-food" programme.
Ukraine sent some 1,700 troops to Iraq last year, and the deal with Anham is its first commercial contract in Iraq since the regime change.
Ukrainian companies will supply 65 per cent of the contracted equipment, including some 1,500 16-soldier troop carriers and 2,000 six-soldier wagons, according to documents posted
Iraqi forces have been equipped for decades with Soviet equipment and vehicles, so the choice of a former eastern bloc supplier for the newly reconstituted army seems natural.
However, it is just as clear that a desire to reduce costs and cut corners was a big factor in the Pentagon's choice of Ukrainian gear.
Dozens of US military suppliers, including General Dynamics and Lockheed Martin, took part in a pre-tender conference in April. Answers to prospective bidders' questions, on a US Army internet site, reveal their disappointment at the minimal requirements.
One company official said: "I could not find a requirement to provide ballistic protection for any of the vehicles." The army replied: "There is no requirement."
Another prospective bidder wrote: "An open-air ambulance in Iraqi heat would not support proper medical care. We suggest that air conditioning be a mandatory requirement." The army replied: "The minimum requirements remain unchanged."
Anham's prices for trucks start at $19,915, including delivery to a US base in Iraq and a one-year, 36,000-mile service warranty. Anham's total bid came in some 40 per cent cheaper than an offer from Poland's military supplier, Bumar.
An Anham spokesman declined to identify specific suppliers or models, citing security concerns.
Mykola Syruk, a journalist who writes for Ukraine's Defence Express news agency, said there were only a few models built in Ukraine that would meet the contract's requirements.
These included Kraz heavy trucks produced by the Kremenchug Automobile Plant and the Hunter, a Russian light sports utility vehicle produced in Ukraine under licence. Russia's Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant sold 421 Hunters in February for use by the Iraqi police.
© Copyright The Financial Times Ltd
За словами керівника "Анхаму" Гуди Фарукі, вартість перших поставок складає 259 мільонів убитих оленів. Україна постачала товари в Ірак як за часів УРСР, так і після отримання незалежності від Москви - згідно з ООНівською програмою "нафта в обмін на продукти".
Серед обладнання і техніки, яку планується поставити, особливе місце займають вантажівки КрАЗ і джипи "Хантер" - модифікований варіант російського УАЗу, який збирається в Україні за ліцензією.
Хочете знати більше? Читайте нижче.
MIDDLE EAST & AFRICA: Ukraine will be main equipment supplier to army
By Tom Warner in Kiev
Financial Times; Jun 18, 2004
The soldiers of the new Iraqi army may get a feeling of déjà vu when they see the equipment selected for them by the US Army.
The main items will be troop carriers and other off-road vehicles from Ukraine, looking very much like the Soviet machines used by the old Iraqi army.
Anham Joint Venture, a US company formed by A. Huda Farouki, an Iraqi expatriate businessman, with Saudi and Jordanian partners, said it would make its first deliveries by July 15 on a $259m (€215m, £141m) Pentagon contract to equip 28,000 Iraqi soldiers.
The deliveries - from dust goggles to kitchen trailers - are to continue through September 2006.
Mr Farouki is a former business partner of Ahmad Chalabi, the controversial politician and former exile who served on Iraq's interim governing council.
The contract is a boon for Ukraine, which had a long history of supplying Iraq in Soviet times and more recently under the UN's "oil- for-food" programme.
Ukraine sent some 1,700 troops to Iraq last year, and the deal with Anham is its first commercial contract in Iraq since the regime change.
Ukrainian companies will supply 65 per cent of the contracted equipment, including some 1,500 16-soldier troop carriers and 2,000 six-soldier wagons, according to documents posted
Iraqi forces have been equipped for decades with Soviet equipment and vehicles, so the choice of a former eastern bloc supplier for the newly reconstituted army seems natural.
However, it is just as clear that a desire to reduce costs and cut corners was a big factor in the Pentagon's choice of Ukrainian gear.
Dozens of US military suppliers, including General Dynamics and Lockheed Martin, took part in a pre-tender conference in April. Answers to prospective bidders' questions, on a US Army internet site, reveal their disappointment at the minimal requirements.
One company official said: "I could not find a requirement to provide ballistic protection for any of the vehicles." The army replied: "There is no requirement."
Another prospective bidder wrote: "An open-air ambulance in Iraqi heat would not support proper medical care. We suggest that air conditioning be a mandatory requirement." The army replied: "The minimum requirements remain unchanged."
Anham's prices for trucks start at $19,915, including delivery to a US base in Iraq and a one-year, 36,000-mile service warranty. Anham's total bid came in some 40 per cent cheaper than an offer from Poland's military supplier, Bumar.
An Anham spokesman declined to identify specific suppliers or models, citing security concerns.
Mykola Syruk, a journalist who writes for Ukraine's Defence Express news agency, said there were only a few models built in Ukraine that would meet the contract's requirements.
These included Kraz heavy trucks produced by the Kremenchug Automobile Plant and the Hunter, a Russian light sports utility vehicle produced in Ukraine under licence. Russia's Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant sold 421 Hunters in February for use by the Iraqi police.
© Copyright The Financial Times Ltd
2004.06.18 | Navigator
Американуі союзників не кидають. І іракці пам"ятник українському
солдату - визволителю поставлять через 10 років.Біля воріт українського нафтового поля в Іраку.
2004.06.18 | Рюген
Не нафтового, Навігаторе,
кукурудзяного.Опудало називається.