МАЙДАН - За вільну людину у вільній країні

Архіви Форумів Майдану

Address to Mr. John Herbst, the US Ambassador to the Ukraine

07/23/2004 | ЯковЛаут,Харків
To His Excellency

Mr. John Herbst,
The US Envoy Extraordinary and
Plenipotentiary to the Ukraine

Dear Sir:

On July 11, 2004, I heard your interview at the Radio Liberty Ukrainian Service. I think it to have been a usual speech of a diplomatist - passing-over and non-committal. But one of the questions listeners asked you was too serious to answer it in such a manner. A listener asked you whether a person having any criminal sentence could become a President of the United States of America or not. He asked it because such a cause may occur in some country… As the famous Russian poet Fedor Tyutchev said “…we have not given to foresee how a word having been said by us will echo to us…”
So I believe one before a criminal threat for a country mustn`t prevaricate.
I would also like to inform you that already several times I haven`t been accepted as a collocutor into “Talk to America in Russian” VOA program though I beforehand asked them of it by E-mail, and there were no reasons to refuse me to. The themes considered were quite serious, and I did have what to say. I can suppose some VOA employees want to pretend more clever than their listeners… And by such a way I haven`t got a possibility to express the American people my condolences in cases of President Reagan death and Paul Hlebnikov murder.

So sincerely yours
Yakov Laut.

Ukraine, 61045, Kharkov city-45, ul. Malo-Djankoyskaya #8, kv.4.
Tel. 38(0572) 925310 (evening) or 38(0572) 329123 (evening).


  • 2004.07.23 | Олесь Бережний

    Якове, не використовуйте артикль "the" перед Ukraine, бо це

    політично некоректно й образливо по відношенню до незалежної та суверенної дуржави України! Крім того, набагато краще було б написати цей лист рідною Вам мовою, а там би його вже переклали правильно й точно. Або, принаймні, долучіть обидва варіанти, щоб хоч якось можна було збагнути, який зміст Ви вклали в усі ті пишномовні слова з товстого словника...

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