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08/24/2004 | Гобблін
, з номером факсу пр. Кучми


Ukraine: actions against corruption in education
Posted on: 11th August 2004

After three months of unsuccessful attempts, students of Sumy higher educational establishments decided to proceed in attack. The Constitution Day of 2004 might be the most sated on record. On June 28 the hundreds of students, their parents, and professors of Sumy State University and Sumy State Pedagogical University as well as other universities of city gathered on the main street initiating 'a tent town'

This is was action against association of their universities under the direction of Sumy National Agrarian University (SNAU), headed by the MP Alexander TSARENKO. (SNAU be reputed as the most corruptive university in Sumy. Education is not general there, but clean lawns and apartments. Actually, in SNAU very possible to get diploma just for money).
'The chronicle of opposition', as students describe their work themselves, began in March with opening the Web site and distribution of information devoted to this problem. However firstly the idea of association was just a hearing, until on April 20 the President of Ukraine Leonid KUCHMA issued the Decree š 453/2004 "About creation of Sumy National University". The students reacted by spending petition to the President, the Premier Minister, the Minister of science and education. Except for all, the petition signed by 1473 students required consultation with students, their parents and public of city before the Order of Ministry is issued. Unfortunately, their petition was rejected.
The next step in the upholding of the rights was organizing "The action of students' protest" held by the students and active workers of local NGOs. A lot was done to prevent carrying out this event like extra classes on that day, etc. Nevertheless on May 12 the meeting took place and gathered about 2,000 people. As a result of the meeting, the new petition addressed to the Ukrainian Parliament was passed. Next day students went to Kyiv to take part in parliamentary hearings on high-school reformation in Ukraine. On this period students were loss.
June 20 were assignment of Alexander TSARENKO as head of new National University. Two days later some high persons from SNAU came to Sumy State University with orders to give 200 students every day for cleaning lawns. June 25 National symbols places on buildings of Sumy State University were break down, some persons from SNAU provide outrageous speech and menaces those were directed to people from personal of Sumy State University. People from SNAU promised to force them "to be serve". Pedagogical and working stuff of Sumy State University and Sumy State Pedagogical University were forced to vote for statutes of new National University (statutes not were demonstrated and discussed) and leave the service. By Ukrainian legislation it's forbidden as well as forbidden to be depute and work on other important place (with right to sign financial documents), but Alexander TSARENKO do it.
Pro governmental mass-media become provide lies. State regional TV "Vidikon" told that "students are looser, alcoholics and hooligans". All this time students in tent town were attacked by provocateurs. Inside the movement of resisting become tendency of separation and collaborationism. Authorities try to force students to take away tent town any way.
Most of students and pedagogical stuff just want to bring their voices to publicity and ask about democratic decision.
Today, June 2 in tent town were two deputes from National parliament who are solidary with them. Petitions and letter sent to president, prime-minister, local authorities, business structures and NGO's.
We're ask you to SUPPORT students and personal of Universities and to send letter of protest against violation of rights and freedom.

Web site of resistance movement: sumy-bespredel.narod.ru
There is hot news and chronicle (in Russian), photos of action

We have to ask you to strenghten the pressure on Ukrainian goverenment
Please note that all of you can send a fax direct to President Kuchma

postal address - for letters and telegramms:
President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma
11 Bankovskaya str., Kiev 01220, Ukraine

tel/fax - 8-10-380-44-255-61-61,
tel. of reception of president's administration
- 8-10-380-44-226-20-77
tel. of reference room of president's administration
- 8-10-380-44-255-73-33.

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