Мітинг українців у Окленді, Нова Зеландія - 27 листопада 11:00
11/26/2004 | StarlessBlack
Auckland Town Hall, Queen Street side.
Контактний емайл: rodynak@ihug.co.nz
2004.11.26 | pifulya
Re: Мітинг українців у Окленді, Нова Зеландія - 27 листопада 11:00
Hey brothers!!
The University of Auckland is with you!!! I am coming tomorrow, please give me more details about that!!!
"Hay zhive vil'na Ukraina!!!
Nas bagato i nas ne podolati"
Kind regards
2004.11.26 | Ivanhoe
Re: Мітинг українців у Окленді, Нова Зеландія - 27 листопада 11:00
Весь Красчеч подумки з вами!
Я наділав всім ківі зі свого контакт-листа заклик. Дрібниця, може, але піщинка до піщинки...
Важливо сформувати месидж:
Весь світь слідкує дуже пильно!
Крапля крові - і цим ублюдкам не сховатись навіть в Зеландії!
Іще - ми тут дзвонили в газети, пояснювали про мирний спротив, про ситуацію. Дзвоніть і ви. Сходіть до свого МП, поговоріть про ситуацію, скажіть - нехай парламент висловиться!
Шануймося, Іван
Hi all!
You are probably aware that something fishy is happening in Ukraine - basically,
protest against the election which was rigged by the officials without any
respect to the principles of democracy. Hundreds of thousands of protesters on
the main square of Kiev are not armed, they have non-violent philosophy of civil
protest and they want what we have here - freedom and the right to elect their
leaders. They may die under tanks if we do not help them. Major democracies in
the world have issued their concern about the situation - USA, EU, Canada and
Australia among them.
But not New Zealand.
All right, one may say, it has nothing' to do with us, heh?
It could not be more wrong than that.
It's simple:
If NZ is aware that democracy is endangered somewhere and is not commenting on
it, it actually compromises its own integrity as a democracy.
And our Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade does not comment.
Should we wait for blood to be shed on the streets?
All local people are truly full of support and sympacy - let our Gouverment express
our concerns!
It may have a symbolic meaning too - the WHOLE WORLD IS WATCHING!
Please, contact the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade http://www.mfat.govt.nz/speech/menu.html
if you share my concern and ask them to make a statement - very simple and
politically correct one - that they (we) are concerned and closely watching the
situation - it will help people who are peacefully fighting for their freedom on
the freezing streets of my home city!
Let them know that the whole world is watching!
2004.11.26 | pifulya
Re: Мітинг українців у Окленді, Нова Зеландія - 27 листопада 11:00
Hey brothers!!The University of Auckland is with you!!! I am coming tomorrow, please give me more details about that!!!
"Hay zhive vil'na Ukraina!!!
Nas bagato i nas ne podolati"
Kind regards
2004.11.26 | Ivanhoe
Re: Мітинг українців у Окленді, Нова Зеландія - 27 листопада 11:00
Весь Красчеч подумки з вами!Я наділав всім ківі зі свого контакт-листа заклик. Дрібниця, може, але піщинка до піщинки...
Важливо сформувати месидж:
Весь світь слідкує дуже пильно!
Крапля крові - і цим ублюдкам не сховатись навіть в Зеландії!
Іще - ми тут дзвонили в газети, пояснювали про мирний спротив, про ситуацію. Дзвоніть і ви. Сходіть до свого МП, поговоріть про ситуацію, скажіть - нехай парламент висловиться!
Шануймося, Іван
Hi all!
You are probably aware that something fishy is happening in Ukraine - basically,
protest against the election which was rigged by the officials without any
respect to the principles of democracy. Hundreds of thousands of protesters on
the main square of Kiev are not armed, they have non-violent philosophy of civil
protest and they want what we have here - freedom and the right to elect their
leaders. They may die under tanks if we do not help them. Major democracies in
the world have issued their concern about the situation - USA, EU, Canada and
Australia among them.
But not New Zealand.
All right, one may say, it has nothing' to do with us, heh?
It could not be more wrong than that.
It's simple:
If NZ is aware that democracy is endangered somewhere and is not commenting on
it, it actually compromises its own integrity as a democracy.
And our Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade does not comment.
Should we wait for blood to be shed on the streets?
All local people are truly full of support and sympacy - let our Gouverment express
our concerns!
It may have a symbolic meaning too - the WHOLE WORLD IS WATCHING!
Please, contact the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade
if you share my concern and ask them to make a statement - very simple and
politically correct one - that they (we) are concerned and closely watching the
situation - it will help people who are peacefully fighting for their freedom on
the freezing streets of my home city!
Let them know that the whole world is watching!