МАЙДАН - За вільну людину у вільній країні

Архіви Форумів Майдану

посол України в Канаді за Ющенка!

11/26/2004 | Canadian
посол України в Канаді за Ющенка!

Журнал "La Presse", Канада, надрукувал заяву Посла України в Канаді (Mykola Maimeskul):

Посол України в Оттаві 25.11.2004 заявив що Віктор Янукович виграв президенські вибори 2004 не чесним шляхом. Він почувається обдуреним як і всі "громадяни України". Він повністю підтримує всі звинувачення проти Януковича. Далі на англійській....

"What Happened is Not Honest" Says the Ambassador of Ukraine in Ottawa
by Maxime Bergeron
La Presse (Canada), 25 November 2004
[translated by Dominique Arel for UKL]

The Ambassador of Ukraine in Ottawa denounced yesterday the dishonest
election which brought the pro-Russian Prime Minister Yanukovych to the
Presidency on Sunday.

"What happened during the elections is not honest," indicated the
The situation must be urgently clarified. I absolutely understand the
feelings of Ukrainians who are over there, as well those living abroad
in Canada."

It is as a "modest citizen of Ukraine," and not as an Ambassador, that
Mykola Maimeskul made this declaration in an interview to La Presse, as
wanted to specify. Tuesday, more than 150 Ukrainian diplomats from all
the world contested the result of the vote in a common declaration.
underlined the risk of international isolation that Ukraine is facing.
Maimeskul, who did not sign the document, nevertheless says that he
the spirit of the declaration.

And at a moment when the Central Electoral Commission of Ukraine has
official yesterday the victory of Viktor Yanukovych, the Ambassador
to remind his compatriots that "the law must absolutely prevail."

"Each case of violation, each case of irregularity and each abnormal
situation must be analyzed by the competent authorities: first, by the
Central Electoral Commission, and, if it is not sufficient, by the
Court of Ukraine, which should have the final word," emphasized Mr
Maimeskul. He his hopeful that the situation will remain peaceful.
"Ukrainians will do everything in order to find a civilized solution."

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