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pohliad z Kanady na mental'nist' providnytstva

12/01/2004 | ladalesia
The sovok mentality is brutalizing the actions of these "leaders". They talk about law, legitimacy, and are hugely concerned about acting within the bounds thereof, but they don't seem to think that the powers that be should be held accountable to the same values... That is the attitude of the slave who continues to kowtow before the "master". As mentioned, the bandits are breaking the law every day, repeatedly. But to the Yushchenkos (sorry!) this is fine. Oh they'll express verbal dissatisfaction. Any number of times. But they'll do nothing. And they'll continue to shake hands that are dripping with blood, and talk normally to thugs, as if everything was OK. Sick in the head... Increasingly disgusting. There are so many examples of this that one does not know where to begin. Take the falsified elections. Argue till you're hoarse before the High Court and then... happily consider a permission to vote again a "victory". Hey what about the criminals who did the falsification? You're OK wirth running against these people again? How in hell can there be a second round with criminals? Complete and utter lunacy... What kind of a state can such sovoks build anyway?


  • 2004.12.01 | Сергій Вакуленко

    Re: pohliad z Kanady na mental'nist' providnytstva

    Nobody is happy and contented with their lingering. Still, I would welcome not just criticism but constructive suggestions. What exactly do you think the leaders should do? Neither the police nor the army have backed the revolution, as of now. There is much talk about acting immediately. Do you think the demonstrants should assault the President's Office and kill or arrest Kuchma? And how? They are not armed, are they?
  • 2004.12.01 | kolia

    Re: pohliad z Kanady na mental'nist' providnytstva

    Hey, Ladalesia! Are you really from Canada? If you are, you should know that in a civilized society, people act in civilized ways (even if it involves shaking “hands that are dripping with blood”). And don’t forget about those millions who honestly, without any falsifications, gave their votes to Yanukovich. I think they deserve to be taken into account too.
  • 2004.12.01 | ladalesia

    Re: pohliad z Kanady na mental'nist' providnytstva

    I was passing on someone's comments. Of course, a civilized society! But some are more civilized than others, eh? And the civilized are letting the uncivilized get away with murder, theft on a grand scale, fraud, and every other crime imaginable. And how does a guy like that still pretend to the Presidency? In a civilized country?
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.12.01 | kolia

      Re: pohliad z Kanady na mental'nist' providnytstva

      I’ve already said it before at this forum, and I can say it again. More and more this election looks like the ultimate fight between good (Yushenko, Timoshenko & Co) and evil (Yanukovich, Kuchma, Putin & Co). The fact that people are fighting for their right for fair elections is a very positive thing. But you have to clearly understand that both Yanukovich and Yushenko represent greedy and corrupt millionaires (and pretty much all of them are murderers, thieves, fraudsters etc).

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